Battle for the Border Wall


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I love this opening paragraph!

Walls work. The Democrats wouldn't have walls around their homes if they didn't. In truth, the Democrats are not against the border wall because they truly believe it won't work, but because they fear it will.

Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, all have walls around their homes. Why is that if their claim that wall don’t work is valid?

As America moves in the right direction, the people opposed to Trump and his GOP allies are becoming more and more bitter, angry, hateful and negative toward our president. Is it because they are jealous? Do they fear he is hurting them politically?


They are angry because Trump's policies, including a border wall, hurts them in the pocketbook.

If government is running right, and transparency is reigning supreme, the Democrats can't do their backroom deals, and they can't perform their underhanded, behind the scenes (and often illegal) dealings which probably includes foreign money, drug money, and hidden servers in high ranking political bathrooms.

And let's not just blame the Democrats. There are an awful lot of Republicans doing similar things.

Why did we go into Afghanistan, and stay forever? Why not go in, blast the bad guys, and leave? Could it have been so that we could keep an eye on the poppy fields?

Much more @ Political Pistachio: Battle for the Border Wall
Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, all have walls around their homes. Why is that if their claim that wall don’t work is valid?
True or false: a ladder could get anybody over their walls
By the time they drag a ladder to the wall and climb over....then fall down the other side....they'll have no chance of limping away before the Border Patrol catches them.
Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, all have walls around their homes. Why is that if their claim that wall don’t work is valid?
True or false: a ladder could get anybody over their walls
By the time they drag a ladder to the wall and climb over....then fall down the other side....they'll have no chance of limping away before the Border Patrol catches them.
Pull the ladder over and climb down while setting up the second ladder for the rest to climb up. You'd be a terrible coyote.
Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, all have walls around their homes. Why is that if their claim that wall don’t work is valid?
True or false: a ladder could get anybody over their walls
By the time they drag a ladder to the wall and climb over....then fall down the other side....they'll have no chance of limping away before the Border Patrol catches them.
Pull the ladder over and climb down while setting up the second ladder for the rest to climb up. You'd be a terrible coyote.
Good luck trying to stand on top of a wall with spikes on it while trying to pull a 30 ft ladder over the top. They'll end up looking like Vlad the Impaler had a go with them.


I love this opening paragraph!

Walls work. The Democrats wouldn't have walls around their homes if they didn't. In truth, the Democrats are not against the border wall because they truly believe it won't work, but because they fear it will.

Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, all have walls around their homes. Why is that if their claim that wall don’t work is valid?

As America moves in the right direction, the people opposed to Trump and his GOP allies are becoming more and more bitter, angry, hateful and negative toward our president. Is it because they are jealous? Do they fear he is hurting them politically?


They are angry because Trump's policies, including a border wall, hurts them in the pocketbook.

If government is running right, and transparency is reigning supreme, the Democrats can't do their backroom deals, and they can't perform their underhanded, behind the scenes (and often illegal) dealings which probably includes foreign money, drug money, and hidden servers in high ranking political bathrooms.

And let's not just blame the Democrats. There are an awful lot of Republicans doing similar things.

Why did we go into Afghanistan, and stay forever? Why not go in, blast the bad guys, and leave? Could it have been so that we could keep an eye on the poppy fields?

Much more @ Political Pistachio: Battle for the Border Wall

It will keep their potential voters out. So, they don't care how many violent criminals and terrorists come in, as long as the illegals who will vote for them can get here. Priorities, ya know. The left isn't for the people, they are for their own power. Period.

Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, all have walls around their homes. Why is that if their claim that wall don’t work is valid?
True or false: a ladder could get anybody over their walls
And that is where we need adequate border agents to catch them. Then they will claim asylum because their husbands beat them and their affiliation with gangs has turned against them. Not the true face of asylum seekers.
They are finding that the vast majority of asylum seekers, 70%, do not qualify for asylum. And a high number of illegal aliens are assaulted, raped and sometimes killed by gangs en route to the U.S. Children are often 'recycled' to help people get over the border.

This is happening because of our lack of security. People all over the world are being told that it's easy to get in and that it's unlikely you'll get caught if you sneak in.

Truth is that the worst scum on earth are in control of the flow of illegals. These would be human traffickers who believe they should be allowed to pick and choose who lives, dies or gets sold into the sex trade.

If we caught them coming illegally, we can only hold them for a short time and then must release them onto U.S. soil. Not surprisingly, the majority never show up for their court date. The left has deliberately set it up so that they will stay whether they get caught or not. And they will head directly to a blue sanctuary state where they can vote and live without fear of ever being deported, no matter how many crimes they commit. Murderers and rapists have been released on our streets after serving time.

The left has destroyed California, many major cities and yet they still try to claim they know what the hell they're doing. Actually, they do know exactly what they are doing- destroying America one city at a time.

The endgame is a socialist one world government.

Liberals used to care about people and freedom. They used to be against Big Brother government. Now, as the radical leftists have taken over the party, the liberals have followed like little sheep and are willing to let Big Brother run their lives. I wouldn't care what they did except that they are taking the rest of us down with them. Anyone who supports the Dems right now is the problem with this country.

How about we allow California to turn socialist and all the leftist supporters can move there and experience the joys of socialism firsthand. Maybe check it out before helping the left take the entire country past the point of no return.


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