Barack Obama's dumb 'Daily Show' Jon Stewart appearance and the President's diminishi


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2008
on a one way cul-de-sac
Barack Obama's dumb 'Daily Show' Jon Stewart appearance and the President's diminishing brand

President Obama should make the most of his "Daily Show" appearance on Wednesday night - charming the pants off Jon Stewart and the crowd, as he did when he showed up there two years ago. It's a terrific show, Stewart is a great interviewer and Obama makes good television.

Then, the President should cancel all future trivial media appearances. While they may have kept him personally popular, in broad terms they've degraded the Obama brand.

Obama's handlers were supposed to be smarter than this. They were supposed to use his celebrity strategically to advance his agenda. Instead, they've been indiscriminate, carpet-bombing Americans with the man they elected rather than launching communications smart weapons

Read more: Barack Obama's dumb 'Daily Show' Jon Stewart appearance and the President's diminishing brand
Sorry, Del you got Punked.

There's no way that Obama went on the Daily Show, it had to be a lookalike.

You know I believe Obama is a bad President and has no executive skills but not even Obama is dumb enough to turn up on the Daily Show for real.

Watch for Ashton Kutcher to announce the Punking tomorrow
I guess this is what happens when President Obama decides to get out of campaign mode, now that he's won. He falls flat on his face using the same outlets. He knows his base, though. They will continue to support his every move and make excuses when he throws them under the bus. He just underestimated the size of his base, and he possibly thought that this policies would actually work. They haven't.
Now I'm not so sure, whoever it was they do a great Obama impression because I don't believe that even Obama is that FUCKING STUPID and desperate for attention.

I predicted he would melt down in the "Lame Duck" Thread, but, if that was really him, wow! That's frightening!
Just when you thought the prestige of the Office of the President of the United States couldn't be dragged any lower.....

now that's CHANGE you can believe in!
" But Obama said his administration has also stabilized the economy, noting it has grown for nine months in a row. He also signed major health care and financial legislation. Obama suggested that his administration did so much that "we have done things that some folks don't even know about."

The comment seemed to catch Stewart by surprise.

"What have you done that we don't know about?" he asked. "Are you planning a surprise party for us, filled with jobs and health care?"

Obama cited legislation extending health care to more children and broadening a national service program as examples.

"Over and over again, we have moved forward an agenda that is making a difference in people's lives each and every day," Obama replied. "Is it enough? No. And so I expect, and I think most Democrats out there expect, that people want to see more progress."
What's next, Springer?

After all? Obama is urging Latinos to "punish their enemies"...what a perfect place as Springer....

Uh, no he's not.

His actual quote about "enemies" is him, quoting latinos, and telling them not to say, "let's punish our enemies."

Shreds of honesty.

say what? :eusa_eh: You are either lying or stupid.

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You are talking about Jon Stewart as if he has no importance in politics. I would say that of someone like Sarah Palin who only appears on Hannity but the president has been putting himself out there even going to great lengths to appear on shows not as friendly to him. It's the American way high tech and all that..

Fox is one example.

He was very good on The Daily Show, it is important to get his "Brand" on the more popular air waves.

I can't wait to see how The Daily Show and Stephen Colbert fare with their rally on Saturday. It could help Democrats somewhat.
What we know:

10% unemployment
Record debt, biggest in human history
Record Deficts, biggest in human history

What we Didn't know:

Joe Biden likes to dress as Dr. Frankenfurter from Rocky Horror, but during Thanksgiving not Halloween
I still think that was Tina Fey doing an Obama imitation. As stupid and clueless as he is I can't believe he would fumble his way through something as meaningless as "The Daily Show".

The lack of participation from Obama Hallelujah Choir tells me that it probably really was him being his own stained blue dress.

Maybe after the drubbing in November he'll lose all interest "this Presidential" thingy and ask Biden to take over.

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