Bank Robbery: Capitalism Deuteronomy [Alternative Comics]


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Sep 22, 2013
How has 9/11 altered our terrorism/governance folklore/storytelling?

How, for example, would you consider 'evaluating' the following terrorism/bank-robbery vignette BEFORE 9/11 and AFTER 9/11, and how would the contrast affect your perspective on shifts in rhetoric?

I'd rather not hear unresponsive responses like, "Actually 9/11 has not changed my perspective at all, and I enjoy terrorism-inquiry films such as The Devil's Own with no contemplation of the psycho-sociological impact of 9/11 on global etiquette."

This is a comics-oriented vignette, so it's really not that heavy.

Thanks for reading (and Merry Christmas!),

The Lord your God hath multiplied you, and, behold, ye are this day as the stars of heaven for multitude (Deuteronomy 1:10, KJV)


"Ajay Satan was an Internet-blogging self-proclaimed 'democracy-vigilante' writing about pornography/censorship in the modern age of media/Internet. Storm-Shadow as a rogue terrorist who worked for groups as varied as ISIS and Cobra. How, the two formed an unlikely 'association' to dissect a special bank-robbery assignment in Europe, involving a major financial institution possibly linked to the IRA [Irish Republican Army]. Ajay and Storm-Shadow scoped out the bank and took notes and photos."


"The bank was very large and impressive and featured multiple guards and a computerized security system. Ajay and Storm-Shadow decided to rob the bank before the IRA did. Storm-Shadow found out about the IRA's intention to rob the bank even though the bank held assets for their own organization (since inside-patrons were allied to the IRA secretly) so they could claim that there were internal feuds within the IRA (for purposes of media-spotlights to frustrate/annoy the British government!). Storm-Shadow found Ajay Satan on the Internet and realized he'd share his belief that the IRA should not exacerbate their own problems, and he managed to convince Ajay to travel to Europe and scope out the bank and help him prevent what could be a politically devastating IRA 'calamity'."


"Ajay and Storm-Shadow used their joint computer skills to hack into the bank's electronic systems and reprogram it so that any alarm set off would send a signal to the police about a different bank in a very far away city, giving them just enough time to rob the bank themselves. They put on ski masks and carried pistols and money-bags on a cold Saturday morning in December and stole $10 million, all from the coffer linked to IRA-allied patrons(!). They stood in front of the bank security-cameras and stated, 'We're taking this money, since this bank has patrons financing the IRA!'."


"When the IRA discovered this robbery in the news, and the wild statements of Ajay and Storm-Shadow which perplexed journalists/authorities, they were furious. The IRA issued a counter-statement, 'We have no knowledge of any 'allied-patrons working in that bank' and have no idea why those two mysterious masked men robbed funds from the coffer of patrons in the amount of $10 million.' Ajay and Storm-Shadow then logged onto the Internet and blogged, 'Whoever those two masked bandits who stole IRA-assets from that European bank were, they surely sent the media-message that anti-traffic turbulence in modern globalization-relevant politics stirs the paranoia of every modern anti-journalism terrorist known to man."


"Now, the IRA felt foolish trying to rob the bank to create even more 'media confetti/spotlight' about added inner-group 'intrigue' linked to anti-UK frustrations. The IRA instead decided to blow up three new taxi-transport vehicles in London and Paris and claimed to the press, 'The IRA is interested in serious anti-federalism, not merely candy-man bank robberies.' Ajay Satan and Storm-Shadow were truly relieved that the IRA was not able to use bank-robbery as a 'platform' for heightened pedestrian terrorism complications. Storm-Shadow returned to his station with Cobra, working on a new mission to threaten the Australian government to cease its seal-killing operations. Ajay returned to his democracy-blogs about censorship in TrumpUSA."


"Years later, a mysterious beautiful woman named Felicia met both Ajay Satan and Storm-Shadow and courted both of them. She then told the two once-partners that she was dating another 'mysterious man.' When Storm-Shadow wondered if this 'other man' in Felicia's life just might ironically be Ajay Satan himself, he decided to email Ajay and ask him if he was dating anyone named Felicia. Ajay was shocked and replied, 'I was going to ask you the same, since Felicia told me the same!' Felicia met with Ajay and Storm-Shadow on the roof of the Empire State Building and told them, 'I want you two to work together on a new special mission involving the stealing of the Crown Jewels from England."


AJAY: Why the Crown Jewels?
FELICIA: We need to expand our federalism-critique thinking!
STORM-SHADOW: Why did you exploit us to bring us together?

AJAY: Yeah, you could've just 'recruited' us.
FELICIA: I wanted you two to be 'extra-motivated' envy!
STORM-SHADOW: Oh, so you want us to feel like this is a 'moral adventure.'

AJAY: Well, what's so important about the Crown Jewels.
FELICIA: I want you two to stage a heist and frame the IRA.
STORM-SHADOW: Why, are you anti-IRA?

AJAY: Do you think if the IRA is furious, they might be 'manipulatable'?
FELICIA: Precisely; I want them to think about the profit of working with Cobra.
STORM-SHADOW: You're right; the IRA is too proud to be convinced to work with Cobra.

AJAY: Right, but if they feel very pressured in media, then they'll have extra gumption!
FELICIA: So then the IRA and Cobra will work together on a chemical-weapons theft.
STORM-SHADOW: You want the IRA/Cobra to steal chemical weapons from ISIS?

AJAY: Is it so that chemical-weapons become less 'chic' in the 'terrorism-market'?
FELICIA: Exactly; I know you won't fail me, since you appreciate why robbery is 'spiritual.'
STORM-SHADOW: Alright, we'll do it; but we want to return to our 'respected offices.'

AJAY: Hail to journalism...
FELICIA: Hail, Cobra!
STORM-SHADOW: Hail to evangelism.




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