Baltimore riots worked. City agrees to give TWO free meals a day to all students.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Why are we giving these brats free breakfast.? Why can't their parents feed them a breakfast.? Parents should also pack a lunch for the kids.

In Baltimore schools free meals for all - Baltimore Sun

june 2 2015
For the first time in the history of the school lunch program, all children in Baltimore are created equal.

Beginning this week, every student in the city, regardless of income level, is being offered free breakfast and lunch under a federal program that allows school districts to eliminate a decades-old meal-subsidy structure for students in high-poverty schools.

Baltimore is among a handful of districts in Maryland taking advantage of the opportunity that was opened to schools nationwide last year. Maryland schools are able to adopt the program under state legislation passed this year in the General Assembly.
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There are very few whites in baltimore and the ones there will continue to feed their own kids. This is another freebie for blacks.
Maryland is overwhelmed by democrat politics which is why we have the worst government in the country. These democrat idiots still don't understand that nothing is free. It has to be created somehow. Morons!
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Maryland is overwhelmed by democrat politics which is why we have the worst government in the country. These democrat idiots still don't understand that nothing is free. It has to be created somehow. Morons!

They know that. They are transferring money from working white people to deadbeat blacks. And they love it.
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Foods stamps and two meals a day so they can raise thugs?!

And the amount of food stamps is based on how many kids they have. They are supposed to use the stamps to feed their family. But the welfare queens would rather spend the kid's food money on drugs and lotto.
Yep. Im ok with feeding the kids. I mean...look at their parents. These kids have shitty parent (yes singular. We know Dad aint there).

But the welfare checks should be reduced. Guarantees kids get fed. So take it out of welfare.
Why are we giving these brats free breakfast.? Why can't their parents feed them a breakfast.? Parents should also pack a lunch for the kids.

In Baltimore schools free meals for all - Baltimore Sun

june 2 2015
For the first time in the history of the school lunch program, all children in Baltimore are created equal.

Beginning this week, every student in the city, regardless of income level, is being offered free breakfast and lunch under a federal program that allows school districts to eliminate a decades-old meal-subsidy structure for students in high-poverty schools.

Baltimore is among a handful of districts in Maryland taking advantage of the opportunity that was opened to schools nationwide last year. Maryland schools are able to adopt the program under state legislation passed this year in the General Assembly.
Well, I'd rather see all kids get a free meal than to see a select few. I really don't see anything wrong with it. And, for those that would complain about how their hard earned tax dollars are spent, think about other fraud, abuse , and waste of tax dollars that doesn't benefit anyone in this country. When we spend tax dollars here in the U.S., we can see where the dollars are going. But, when we send tax dollars out of this country, we have no way of knowing where it'll end up, and how it'll be spent. Yes, many parents can afford to feed their children. But, those same parents pay taxes also, and should receive equal consideration when tax dollars are spent on other kids in school.

Besides, tax dollars should benefit the whole and not just a select group or class. Spending tax dollars in our school systems, to directly benefit students, is never a waste of our hard earned tax dollars. I don't see how anyone could complain about helping students. And, I fail to see how helping parents with expenses is harming anyone. In my opinion, the only ones that would complain about free meals in our schools, are those that have never seen hard times, and those that think they'll never see hard times.

For those that attempt to make this free meals program a racial issue, think about the racial mix in our school systems all across this country. School segregation was abolished years ago. We have many nationalities, races, and other classifications of people living in this country, and many of them are in our school systems. In addition, we have the poor and needy represented by all races and classifications. And, no doubt that this will help families with other living expenses.
Why are we giving these brats free breakfast.? Why can't their parents feed them a breakfast.? Parents should also pack a lunch for the kids.

In Baltimore schools free meals for all - Baltimore Sun

june 2 2015
For the first time in the history of the school lunch program, all children in Baltimore are created equal.

Beginning this week, every student in the city, regardless of income level, is being offered free breakfast and lunch under a federal program that allows school districts to eliminate a decades-old meal-subsidy structure for students in high-poverty schools.

Baltimore is among a handful of districts in Maryland taking advantage of the opportunity that was opened to schools nationwide last year. Maryland schools are able to adopt the program under state legislation passed this year in the General Assembly.
Well, I'd rather see all kids get a free meal than to see a select few. I really don't see anything wrong with it. And, for those that would complain about how their hard earned tax dollars are spent, think about other fraud, abuse , and waste of tax dollars that doesn't benefit anyone in this country. When we spend tax dollars here in the U.S., we can see where the dollars are going. But, when we send tax dollars out of this country, we have no way of knowing where it'll end up, and how it'll be spent. Yes, many parents can afford to feed their children. But, those same parents pay taxes also, and should receive equal consideration when tax dollars are spent on other kids in school.

Besides, tax dollars should benefit the whole and not just a select group or class. Spending tax dollars in our school systems, to directly benefit students, is never a waste of our hard earned tax dollars. I don't see how anyone could complain about helping students. And, I fail to see how helping parents with expenses is harming anyone. In my opinion, the only ones that would complain about free meals in our schools, are those that have never seen hard times, and those that think they'll never see hard times.

For those that attempt to make this free meals program a racial issue, think about the racial mix in our school systems all across this country. School segregation was abolished years ago. We have many nationalities, races, and other classifications of people living in this country, and many of them are in our school systems. In addition, we have the poor and needy represented by all races and classifications. And, no doubt that this will help families with other living expenses.
De jure segregation was abolished years ago, but de facto segregation is still alive and well. Those who can afford it, whether liberal or conservative, make sure of it.
how are they going to fund this project? I am all in favor of
FOOD FOR ALL-------in fact I would be delighted if every citizen
got a food stamp card. ------a person can live easily on that
allotment and the RICH will----no doubt continue to spend money on GOURMET items ----so food would just be the RIGHT of every citizen-------I believe that food stamps for all would make
people calm and loosen racial tensions and resentments
How do you figure it'll calm and loosen racial tensions and resentments? Don't most of those resenting already get food stamps, welfare, medical, and/or housing assistance?
Maryland is overwhelmed by democrat politics which is why we have the worst government in the country. These democrat idiots still don't understand that nothing is free. It has to be created somehow. Morons!

They know that. They are transferring money from working white people to deadbeat blacks. And they love it.
What's more is that many Marylanders work for the federal gov in DC. So Maryland is essentially getting the money from the taxpayers across the country. You are subsidizing Maryland's 'free' lunches.
How do you figure it'll calm and loosen racial tensions and resentments? Don't most of those resenting already get food stamps, welfare, medical, and/or housing assistance?

no. you are not entirely clear on "welfare"-----it is not all that easy -------as you imagine-----THE GOOD LIFE. Being on welfare is very stressful-------it actually HOLDS PEOPLE BACK.
People on welfare are required by law to report any and all income and not have anything close to a substantial bank account-----they live on the edge of LOSING BENEFITS-----so they lie.
Lying is no fun. It actually causes physiological changes in people associated
with stress. My plan is to take the FOOD issue off the stress table-------I assure you-----people want more than basic food----it will not
cause people to lie on the beach all day----but knowing one's kids will not starve is a good thing
Maryland is overwhelmed by democrat politics which is why we have the worst government in the country. These democrat idiots still don't understand that nothing is free. It has to be created somehow. Morons!

They know that. They are transferring money from working white people to deadbeat blacks. And they love it.
What's more is that many Marylanders work for the federal gov in DC. So Maryland is essentially getting the money from the taxpayers across the country. You are subsidizing Maryland's 'free' lunches.

almost like a PONZI SCHEME------robbing peter to bribe paul
Maryland is overwhelmed by democrat politics which is why we have the worst government in the country. These democrat idiots still don't understand that nothing is free. It has to be created somehow. Morons!

They know that. They are transferring money from working white people to deadbeat blacks. And they love it.
What's more is that many Marylanders work for the federal gov in DC. So Maryland is essentially getting the money from the taxpayers across the country. You are subsidizing Maryland's 'free' lunches.
We're also subsidizing senseless deadly costly wars, the care and support of illegal immigrants, rich farmers, big oil, the perks and benefits given to members of Congress, campaigns, bailouts, Brazilian corn crops, the building of mosques on foreign soil, no-bid government contracts ( Halliburton ), GE, the worthless stupid fence along our southern border, weapons to drug lords and terrorists, lavish White House vacations and parties, unnecessary government travel, exploring the far reaches of the universe, and foreign governments.

So, the problem with giving students free meals is?
Maryland is overwhelmed by democrat politics which is why we have the worst government in the country. These democrat idiots still don't understand that nothing is free. It has to be created somehow. Morons!

They know that. They are transferring money from working white people to deadbeat blacks. And they love it.
What's more is that many Marylanders work for the federal gov in DC. So Maryland is essentially getting the money from the taxpayers across the country. You are subsidizing Maryland's 'free' lunches.

almost like a PONZI SCHEME------robbing peter to bribe paul
We're robbed every single day. Where do you think most of your hard earned tax dollars go? Do we not subsidize foreign governments, the care and support of illegal immigrants, rich farmers and big oil, and others?
Maryland is overwhelmed by democrat politics which is why we have the worst government in the country. These democrat idiots still don't understand that nothing is free. It has to be created somehow. Morons!

They know that. They are transferring money from working white people to deadbeat blacks. And they love it.
What's more is that many Marylanders work for the federal gov in DC. So Maryland is essentially getting the money from the taxpayers across the country. You are subsidizing Maryland's 'free' lunches.

almost like a PONZI SCHEME------robbing peter to bribe paul
We're robbed every single day. Where do you think most of your hard earned tax dollars go? Do we not subsidize foreign governments, the care and support of illegal immigrants, rich farmers and big oil, and others?

ok----I did ask how this two meals per day for every kid in school is going to be funded.
In the town in which I grew up-----the school budget was funded by property taxes ---it was
a residential town-------very few people on "home relief" and people generally lived in a private house (back then) and the town also attracted some light industry that provided more tax money. The Maryland two meals per day is not going to be FEDERALLY funded ----is it? I believe if it is federally funded ----then it will have to go national ????
Maryland is overwhelmed by democrat politics which is why we have the worst government in the country. These democrat idiots still don't understand that nothing is free. It has to be created somehow. Morons!

They know that. They are transferring money from working white people to deadbeat blacks. And they love it.
What's more is that many Marylanders work for the federal gov in DC. So Maryland is essentially getting the money from the taxpayers across the country. You are subsidizing Maryland's 'free' lunches.
We're also subsidizing senseless deadly costly wars, the care and support of illegal immigrants, rich farmers, big oil, the perks and benefits given to members of Congress, campaigns, bailouts, Brazilian corn crops, the building of mosques on foreign soil, no-bid government contracts ( Halliburton ), GE, the worthless stupid fence along our southern border, weapons to drug lords and terrorists, lavish White House vacations and parties, unnecessary government travel, exploring the far reaches of the universe, and foreign governments.

So, the problem with giving students free meals is?
You'd be adding to the things you complain about. How does making things worse make them better?

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