Baltimore Is A Democrat Mess They're Trying To Blame On The Cops

Baltimore, 88% for Obama, is yet another inevitable liberal failure. When you hate success, hate prosperity, destroy the educational system, encourage lawlessness, you get Baltimore. As sure as the sun rising in the East, democrat control leads to misery, poverty and despair. The end of the progressive rainbow is a ruling white political class and everyone else is either slaves or fertilizer

The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

The police killed Freddie Gray all on their own.

The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

The police killed Freddie Gray all on their own.

The 3 black officers killed him too? Yeah?

The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

The police killed Freddie Gray all on their own.

and we support the cops. FIRE !!!

The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

The police killed Freddie Gray all on their own.

The 3 black officers killed him too? Yeah?

Black leaders want us to forget about that.....

The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

The police killed Freddie Gray all on their own.

and we support the cops. FIRE !!!

You support a police state where the cops are above the law.

The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

Political philosophies don't enter into managing a local level government. There's nothing "right" or "left" about whether the trash gets picked up on Tuesday versus Wednesday.

It's stupefying that you partisan hacknoids just keep running the same play thinking it will work this time.

Urban issues are sociocultural -- not political. You clowns continually running this noise generator in this juvenile political football game scoreboard are just prolonging the problems and feeding division.

Urban issues aren't political? Are you serious? Have you ever heard of a place called Detroit?

Sure. Been there too.
What's your point?

The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

Political philosophies don't enter into managing a local level government. There's nothing "right" or "left" about whether the trash gets picked up on Tuesday versus Wednesday.

It's stupefying that you partisan hacknoids just keep running the same play thinking it will work this time.

Urban issues are sociocultural -- not political. You clowns continually running this noise generator in this juvenile political football game scoreboard are just prolonging the problems and feeding division.

If local governments kept themselves to trash pickups you would be right. However our large urban centers for the past few decades have been proving grounds for progressive statist concepts such as consequence free welfare, nanny state laws, civil service rules that create a class of american Kulaks, and top heavy failing public education systems.

No, Progressive statists owns these policies, and trying to give them an out by saying local government are immune to political philosophies is fail.

Those are national or at the worst state issues -- not city government ones.

And the noun is failure -- not "fail".
It's a vicious cycle that never ends and it's because of Democrat public assistance programs.
They get them on Government assistance, then public housing and when that collapsed, they moved out to the suburbs. Then that lead to those that can afford it to move out. Why? Because of crime and low performance schools and there goes your tax base. Crime also makes businesses move out.
Then there are the poor performance schools based on the structure of Teacher Unions. Instead of firing bad teaches they get moved to the poorer school districts.
When they do get off of welfare they get a low paying job.
Being on welfare or low paying jobs, they don't pay much taxes and that drops the tax base in the areas and cops then have to raise revenue through misdemeanor tickets like jay walking, broken tail lights and so on..
The blacks who do have jobs travel though several different cop districts and they can get 2 or 3 or more fines from each area and that adds up to 300.00 or 400.00 or five hundred dollars of which they can't pay because of one broken tail light, or other misdemeanor bullshit tickets, so they go to jail and lose their jobs and then they have to go on public assistance again.
It's a horrible cycle that takes all of their hopes and futures away from them.

The welfare system needs to be reformed.
The School system needs to be reformed and they need to get training for jobs.
They also need to reform the child support system.
None of the Dem's are addressing these issues, all they want is more money and use the blame game of it's the cops fault.
It's a vicious cycle that never ends and it's because of Democrat public assistance programs.
They get them on Government assistance, then public housing and when that collapsed, they moved out to the suburbs. Then that lead to those that can afford it to move out. Why? Because of crime and low performance schools and there goes your tax base. Crime also makes businesses move out.
Then there are the poor performance schools based on the structure of Teacher Unions. Instead of firing bad teaches they get moved to the poorer school districts.
When they do get off of welfare they get a low paying job.
Being on welfare or low paying jobs, they don't pay much taxes and that drops the tax base in the areas and cops then have to raise revenue through misdemeanor tickets like jay walking, broken tail lights and so on..
The blacks who do have jobs travel though several different cop districts and they can get 2 or 3 or more fines from each area and that adds up to 300.00 or 400.00 or five hundred dollars of which they can't pay because of one broken tail light, or other misdemeanor bullshit tickets, so they go to jail and lose their jobs and then they have to go on public assistance again.
It's a horrible cycle that takes all of their hopes and futures away from them.

The welfare system needs to be reformed.
The School system needs to be reformed and they need to get training for jobs.
They also need to reform the child support system.
None of the Dem's are addressing these issues, all they want is more money and use the blame game of it's the cops fault.

Have you ever seen a city where the poor get little or no assistance?

Pick any in the world you want. Then show us how much better off those poor people are than here in the US.
None of the Dem's are addressing these issues, all they want is more money and use the blame game of it's the cops fault.

Are you claiming the cops who killed Freddie Gray are blameless?

lol, are you that mental?

Where do you get that idea?
Stop saying things that was not said.
I'm getting tired of ones like you, who think they see things that have not been said, just because you refuse to see the actual facts and problems.
None of the Dem's are addressing these issues, all they want is more money and use the blame game of it's the cops fault.

Are you claiming the cops who killed Freddie Gray are blameless?

lol, are you that mental?

Where do you get that idea?
Stop saying things that was not said.
I'm getting tired of ones like you, who think they see things that have not been said, just because you refuse to see the actual facts and problems.

I got that from what you said. You said saying it was the cop's fault was the 'blame game', which means you believe the cops have been wrongly blamed.
It's a vicious cycle that never ends and it's because of Democrat public assistance programs.
They get them on Government assistance, then public housing and when that collapsed, they moved out to the suburbs. Then that lead to those that can afford it to move out. Why? Because of crime and low performance schools and there goes your tax base. Crime also makes businesses move out.
Then there are the poor performance schools based on the structure of Teacher Unions. Instead of firing bad teaches they get moved to the poorer school districts.
When they do get off of welfare they get a low paying job.
Being on welfare or low paying jobs, they don't pay much taxes and that drops the tax base in the areas and cops then have to raise revenue through misdemeanor tickets like jay walking, broken tail lights and so on..
The blacks who do have jobs travel though several different cop districts and they can get 2 or 3 or more fines from each area and that adds up to 300.00 or 400.00 or five hundred dollars of which they can't pay because of one broken tail light, or other misdemeanor bullshit tickets, so they go to jail and lose their jobs and then they have to go on public assistance again.
It's a horrible cycle that takes all of their hopes and futures away from them.

The welfare system needs to be reformed.
The School system needs to be reformed and they need to get training for jobs.
They also need to reform the child support system.
None of the Dem's are addressing these issues, all they want is more money and use the blame game of it's the cops fault.

Have you ever seen a city where the poor get little or no assistance?

Pick any in the world you want. Then show us how much better off those poor people are than here in the US.

You are ignoring where I said welfare reform, not little or no assistance.
None of the Dem's are addressing these issues, all they want is more money and use the blame game of it's the cops fault.

Are you claiming the cops who killed Freddie Gray are blameless?

lol, are you that mental?

Where do you get that idea?
Stop saying things that was not said.
I'm getting tired of ones like you, who think they see things that have not been said, just because you refuse to see the actual facts and problems.

I got that from what you said. You said saying it was the cop's fault was the 'blame game', which means you believe the cops have been wrongly blamed.

No I said the Dems are not addressing the actual problems and are saying it's the cops fault.
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The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

The police killed Freddie Gray all on their own.

and we support the cops. FIRE !!!

You support a police state where the cops are above the law.

you support looting and murder??

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