Bad News: Obama | Romney :Deep Philosophical Differences

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Bad News: Obama | Romney :Deep Philosophical Differences

More bad news for USMB Right Wingers and Republican voters in general...

As Mr. Romney seeks to emphasize the moderate elements of his record, the poll found that voters across the country see deep philosophical differences between the two candidates, with 67 percent saying that Mr. Romney would very closely or somewhat closely follow the policies of former President George W. Bush.

and then there is this...

October 30, 2012
Romney Has a Christie Problem and a FEMA Problem
Posted by John Cassidy

Read more Rational Irrationality : The New Yorker

I know some of the right wingers were hoping Sandy would help weaken support for the President, nothing is beneath many on the far right...but it looks like Romney's run of good luck has run out of Mormon piss

I know some of the left wingers were hoping Sandy would help strengthen support for the President, nothing is beneath many on the far left. Neat huh?

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