Back door amnesty


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Obama Changes Immigration Rule
Families With Citizens Can Stay Together, Get Undocumented Relatives Waivers
By Dan Moffett,

Because the administration is changing an administrative rule and not U.S. law, the move does not require the approval of Congress.

The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) applauded the change and said it “will give countless American families a chance to stay together safely and legally.”
Pelta said she knows of applicants who have been killed while waiting for approval in dangerous Mexican border cities that are riddled with violence. “The adjustment to the rule is important because it literally saves lives,” she said.
The National Council of La Raza, the nation’s most prominent Latino civil rights group, praised the change, calling it “sensible and compassionate.”
Republicans criticized the rule change as politically motivated and further weakening of U.S. law. Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, said the president had “granted back-door amnesty” to potentially millions of illegal immigrants.
Latino and Hispanic groups have criticized the Obama administration for aggressively pursuing deportations during its first three years.

Obama had campaigned on implementing a comprehensive immigration reform plan during his first term. But he said problems with the worsening U.S. economy and stormy relations with Congress forced him to postpone plans for immigration reform.
In 2011, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the administration would use more discretion before deporting undocumented immigrants. The aim is to concentrate on immigrants will criminal records rather than those who have violated only immigration laws.

Obama Makes Immigration Rule Change

Damn obama, sly as a fox.

Does this mean parents of anchor babies are home free?
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Immigration courts gonna backup even more...
Immigration Courtrooms Fall Silent As Obama Administration Reviews Deportation Cases
January 16, 2012 — In a trial of a politically divisive program, U.S. prosecutors in Denver and Baltimore are reviewing thousands of deportation cases to determine which illegal immigrants might stay in the country — perhaps indefinitely — so officials can reduce an overwhelming backlog by focusing mainly on detainees with criminal backgrounds or who are deemed threats to national security.
Federal deportation hearings for non-criminal defendants released from custody were suspended Dec. 5 for the review and resume this week. Similar reviews are planned across the country to allow U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to target deportations of illegal immigrants with criminal records or those who have been deported previously. While the immigration courtrooms in Denver have fallen silent, prosecutors had time to examine case files, check residency history — such as whether someone was brought to the country as a child — as well as criminal history.

In Denver, 25 ICE prosecutors and three managers spent their work days during most of December and early this month poring over as many files in their case load as possible, ICE spokeswoman Barbara Gonzalez said. "They come in on weekends," Gonzalez said. "They're looking at every case." Officials have not released information on how many cases will be placed on low priority based on the review. When they're finished, cases of those here illegally but deemed not a threat to public safety or national security will be placed on administrative hold and the numbers will be released.

Citing tight budgets, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced this summer that nearly 300,000 deportation cases would be reviewed to determine which could be closed through "prosecutorial discretion." Republicans have decried the policy as a back-door way of granting amnesty to people who are living in the U.S. illegally. "We simply cannot adjudicate all these cases that are pending," said spokeswoman Gonzalez. Some cases in Denver date to 1996, she said. "It's a holiday for anybody in the country illegally," said Ira Mehlman, spokesman for the Washington-based Federation for American Immigration Reform, which opposes the initiative. "They're doing this with the intention of dismissing as many of them as they possibly can."

Several attempts at immigration reform have failed in recent years, including the so-called DREAM Act, which would have allowed some young illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children to earn legal status if they went to college or joined the military. In June, ICE director John Morton announced that prosecutors and immigration agents would consider a defendant's length of time in the country, ties to the community, lack of criminal history and opportunity to qualify for some form of legal status in deciding whether to press for deportation.


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