Bachmann vs Obama

Bachmann vs Obama

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Sep 15, 2008
If the election were held today, and these were the only two choices, who would you vote for?
This is going to be a meaningless poll. Conservatives outnumber Progressives 10-1 on this board.

But hell... I'll play along. Obama
Only choices? Obama loses. It won't be what's to come.
Not too sure that bachman is up to the job.
know for sure that barry cant handle it.
since we would be screwed with either one, I would vote for the one that does not make me ill just by looking at him.
Sorry my little mixed race president, you have to go. and put a bag on your and your wifes face as you ride out of town.. its for the children.
Not too sure that bachman is up to the job.
know for sure that barry cant handle it.
since we would be screwed with either one, I would vote for the one that does not make me ill just by looking at him.
Sorry my little mixed race president, you have to go. and put a bag on your and your wifes face as you ride out of town.. its for the children.

You do not want children to see beautiful people of other races?What a hateful person!!!
Anything would be better than Peanut Boy II.

I would vote for a goddamn chimpanzee before I would vote for Obamafuck. At least a chimp won't further damage our society and or financial position as a nation.
Not too sure that bachman is up to the job.
know for sure that barry cant handle it.
since we would be screwed with either one, I would vote for the one that does not make me ill just by looking at him.
Sorry my little mixed race president, you have to go. and put a bag on your and your wifes face as you ride out of town.. its for the children.

You do not want children to see beautiful people of other races?What a hateful person!!!

Sure, ones of viable intellect...
ANYONE would be better than obama. Pick a man on the street at random.
....As-long-as he's White.....Right?

Not too sure that bachman is up to the job.
know for sure that barry cant handle it.
That's what they said about Bill Clinton.....​

"Here’s what conservative politicians said about the 1993 deficit reduction legislation.....that raised taxes on the top 1.2% of our wealthiest citizens:

"Clearly, this is a job-killer in the short-run. The impact on job creation is going to be devastating." - Rep. Dick Armey, (Republican, Texas)

Yeah.....even the Granddaddy O' The Teabaggers got it WRONG!!!!

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