Bachmann fights to protect military against bestiality


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Bachmann Is Concerned About Bestiality In The Military | ThinkProgress

Michele Bachmann condemned Congress on Glenn Beck’s web show last night for moving to repeal Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which outlaws both sodomy and sex with animals. The repeal measure is part of the Senate’s National Defense Authorization Act, which passed last week.
Beck played a clip of WorldNetDaily’s Les Kinsolving asking White House Press Secretary Jay Carney about the provision yesterday and Bachmann suggested that the policy change could encourage children to try bestiality:
BACHMANN: It’s absolutely abhorrent, reprehensible and you think, this is the kind of thing parents try to keep from their children because parents want to have their children enjoy innocence. Children need that latency period, they need innocence and your own government legalizes this? … Are we really going to say ho hum and laugh and go back to sleep? There’s got to be something we stand for. [...]
So the big question is, is there anything that’s wrong? That’s my question. If that’s not wrong, Glenn what’s wrong? Is there anything that’s wrong? Then you have a very serious problem on your hands.
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Who do you support for President?


bless her heart :rolleyes: What would we do w/o her :lol:

So you think she is wrong to fight against this insane act?:eek:

The cultural trend in this country is to accept and normalize perversions. Even if she's not wrong, it is useless to try to stop the movement toward degneracy. The whole country is moving in that direction, driven by liberals and their rejection of any kind of morality.
bless her heart :rolleyes: What would we do w/o her :lol:

So you think she is wrong to fight against this insane act?:eek:

The cultural trend in this country is to accept and normalize perversions. Even if she's not wrong, it is useless to try to stop the movement toward degneracy. The whole country is moving in that direction, driven by liberals and their rejection of any kind of morality.

no kidding, take this thread. shows a lot.
Well as everybody knows... our servicemen are nothing but goat fuckers if left to their own devices.
Now seriously... do you guys on the right REALLY believe that an otherwise normal person can be "swayed" into giving fucking a goat a try? C'mon...I thought you guys were smarter than that.
Naaa, our service members are fine. It's thinkprogess who I think are the goat humpers.
then why the concern about article 125?

I would bet she's referring to the sodomy part, but thinkprogress has to skip over that part and make their dramatic headline with Bestiality. that's how they operate.

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