AZ Welfare Drug Testing Cost/Benefit Ratio Is...

I don't know what "welfare" means, but presumably, it includes food stamps, the primary purpose, of which, it to insure that no child goes to bed hungry. Now, I am sure that any parent that uses illegal drugs is a piss poor parent, but I fail to see why the state should penalize the children because they have piss poor parents. I already know that the parent is at fault over this, but the child is still hungry, and the state does not care.
I don't know what "welfare" means, but presumably, it includes food stamps, the primary purpose, of which, it to insure that no child goes to bed hungry. Now, I am sure that any parent that uses illegal drugs is a piss poor parent, but I fail to see why the state should penalize the children because they have piss poor parents. I already know that the parent is at fault over this, but the child is still hungry, and the state does not care.

The problem is that the parents still use it for drugs, they simply go to food pantries and where people feed the poor to get food for their kids. I see it every week
I don't know what "welfare" means, but presumably, it includes food stamps, the primary purpose, of which, it to insure that no child goes to bed hungry. Now, I am sure that any parent that uses illegal drugs is a piss poor parent, but I fail to see why the state should penalize the children because they have piss poor parents. I already know that the parent is at fault over this, but the child is still hungry, and the state does not care.


DO YOU EVER say anything that makes sense?

do you have some proof that the children of people kicked off the SNAP program for doing drugs are allowed to starve?
Drug testing people who receive assistance is no more about saving money than trying to kill social programs altogether, it's about punishing the poor for being poor, a totally sadistic impulse. They get a charge out of treating people like dirt and, to them, it's money well spent. They would spend a hundred times more to feel the thrill of walking on the faces of "worthless" people. Hell is going to be hot for you unchristian motherfuckers.

Look...a MSNBC parrot
Eat shit. Tired of treating the assholes of the world as if they have valid arguments. It's a hard world out there and sub-human primates such as yourself think the solution is to make it much harder. Your sadistic streak shows clearly in your nasty remarks and it is high time you were told to fuck off back to the underside of whatever shit covered rock you crawled out from under.

Look, all you ever do is parrot the left wing talking points. Perhaps if you had an original thought you'd be taken serious. Too many people are making a career out of welfare and I as a taxpayer am fed up with it. They can start working to earn it, test for drug use like most employees are and put a cap of five years on it.
Hey retard, this is not the first time I have spoken to you so quit trying act as if you are a reasonable person all the sudden. You can be fed up with people not starving to death in our country all you want but it still makes you a colossal piece of shit excuse for a human being. You would happily throw the vast majority of people who need help to the wolves just to spite the relative few "welfare queens" and you cannot dress that up in any way that does not make you a horrible uncaring lump.
Drug testing people who receive assistance is no more about saving money than trying to kill social programs altogether, it's about punishing the poor for being poor, a totally sadistic impulse. They get a charge out of treating people like dirt and, to them, it's money well spent. They would spend a hundred times more to feel the thrill of walking on the faces of "worthless" people. Hell is going to be hot for you unchristian motherfuckers.

Look...a MSNBC parrot
Eat shit. Tired of treating the assholes of the world as if they have valid arguments. It's a hard world out there and sub-human primates such as yourself think the solution is to make it much harder. Your sadistic streak shows clearly in your nasty remarks and it is high time you were told to fuck off back to the underside of whatever shit covered rock you crawled out from under.

Look, all you ever do is parrot the left wing talking points. Perhaps if you had an original thought you'd be taken serious. Too many people are making a career out of welfare and I as a taxpayer am fed up with it. They can start working to earn it, test for drug use like most employees are and put a cap of five years on it.
Hey retard, this is not the first time I have spoken to you so quit trying act as if you are a reasonable person all the sudden. You can be fed up with people not starving to death in our country all you want but it still makes you a colossal piece of shit excuse for a human being. You would happily throw the vast majority of people who need help to the wolves just to spite the relative few "welfare queens" and you cannot dress that up in any way that does not make you a horrible uncaring lump.

GFY you babbling twit. How's that? You're a nothing, learn that and then work on bettering yourself.
you mean Government Sachs as they were known in the business??

chock full of well-connected DEMOCRATS as they were?
Drug testing people who receive assistance is no more about saving money than trying to kill social programs altogether, it's about punishing the poor for being poor, a totally sadistic impulse. They get a charge out of treating people like dirt and, to them, it's money well spent. They would spend a hundred times more to feel the thrill of walking on the faces of "worthless" people. Hell is going to be hot for you unchristian motherfuckers.

Look...a MSNBC parrot
Eat shit. Tired of treating the assholes of the world as if they have valid arguments. It's a hard world out there and sub-human primates such as yourself think the solution is to make it much harder. Your sadistic streak shows clearly in your nasty remarks and it is high time you were told to fuck off back to the underside of whatever shit covered rock you crawled out from under.

Look, all you ever do is parrot the left wing talking points. Perhaps if you had an original thought you'd be taken serious. Too many people are making a career out of welfare and I as a taxpayer am fed up with it. They can start working to earn it, test for drug use like most employees are and put a cap of five years on it.
Hey retard, this is not the first time I have spoken to you so quit trying act as if you are a reasonable person all the sudden. You can be fed up with people not starving to death in our country all you want but it still makes you a colossal piece of shit excuse for a human being. You would happily throw the vast majority of people who need help to the wolves just to spite the relative few "welfare queens" and you cannot dress that up in any way that does not make you a horrible uncaring lump.

GFY you babbling twit. How's that? You're a nothing, learn that and then work on bettering yourself.
You seem to operate entirely from stereotypes, what a dumbass you are thinking you have everyone all figured out.
It's amazing how Republicans come up with bullshit ways to waste taxpayer money. Drug testing 87,000 welfare recipients in AZ has netted a grand total of $560 bucks - more proof Republicans are piss-poor managers of public money...

Arizona drug-tested 87,000 welfare recipients and found they are flushing taxpayer dollars
Jen HaydenFollow
Jul 22, 2015

From Gregory Krieg

The results are thin: According to USA Today, three years after the program began Arizona had tested more than 87,000 welfare recipients. The total number of drug cheats caught was exactly one — a single positive result, which saved the state precisely $560.

Checking in again in March, the Arizona Sonora News Service cited state Department of Economic Security figures which found that over the course of more than five years, "42 people have been asked to take a follow-up drug test and 19 actually took the test, 16 of whom passed. The other 23 were stripped of their benefits for failing to take the drug test."

That adds up to a grand total of three failed tests from 2009-2014. The net savings reaped from withholding benefits for those who either tested positive or failed to complete a drug test was around $3,500, once the $500 cost of testing the 19 is factored in, according to one state agency report. The haul is shockingly unimpressive when you consider the $1.7 million in savings state officials promised when they began the program.


What non-issue will Republicans waste our/taxpayer time and money on next, voter fraud, Benghazi, another vote on Obamacare... what?


How many left the program to avoid testing? How much was saved because they left?
Drug testing people who receive assistance is no more about saving money than trying to kill social programs altogether, it's about punishing the poor for being poor, a totally sadistic impulse. They get a charge out of treating people like dirt and, to them, it's money well spent. They would spend a hundred times more to feel the thrill of walking on the faces of "worthless" people. Hell is going to be hot for you unchristian motherfuckers.

And we should be financing criminals why?
Drug testing people who receive assistance is no more about saving money than trying to kill social programs altogether, it's about punishing the poor for being poor, a totally sadistic impulse. They get a charge out of treating people like dirt and, to them, it's money well spent. They would spend a hundred times more to feel the thrill of walking on the faces of "worthless" people. Hell is going to be hot for you unchristian motherfuckers.

And we should be financing criminals why?
You should be treating this as the minor problem it is rather than trying to blow it up into a crisis just like all the other social issues conservatives are concerned about.
It's amazing how Republicans come up with bullshit ways to waste taxpayer money. Drug testing 87,000 welfare recipients in AZ has netted a grand total of $560 bucks - more proof Republicans are piss-poor managers of public money...

Arizona drug-tested 87,000 welfare recipients and found they are flushing taxpayer dollars
Jen HaydenFollow
Jul 22, 2015

From Gregory Krieg

The results are thin: According to USA Today, three years after the program began Arizona had tested more than 87,000 welfare recipients. The total number of drug cheats caught was exactly one — a single positive result, which saved the state precisely $560.

Checking in again in March, the Arizona Sonora News Service cited state Department of Economic Security figures which found that over the course of more than five years, "42 people have been asked to take a follow-up drug test and 19 actually took the test, 16 of whom passed. The other 23 were stripped of their benefits for failing to take the drug test."

That adds up to a grand total of three failed tests from 2009-2014. The net savings reaped from withholding benefits for those who either tested positive or failed to complete a drug test was around $3,500, once the $500 cost of testing the 19 is factored in, according to one state agency report. The haul is shockingly unimpressive when you consider the $1.7 million in savings state officials promised when they began the program.


What non-issue will Republicans waste our/taxpayer time and money on next, voter fraud, Benghazi, another vote on Obamacare... what?


How many left the program to avoid testing? How much was saved because they left?
There can be no real answer to your question but I am sure proponents of treating the poor like animals will produce from their anal cavities a suitably impressive number for you guys to chew on.
Drug testing people who receive assistance is no more about saving money than trying to kill social programs altogether, it's about punishing the poor for being poor, a totally sadistic impulse. They get a charge out of treating people like dirt and, to them, it's money well spent. They would spend a hundred times more to feel the thrill of walking on the faces of "worthless" people. Hell is going to be hot for you unchristian motherfuckers.

And we should be financing criminals why?
You should be treating this as the minor problem it is rather than trying to blow it up into a crisis just like all the other social issues conservatives are concerned about.

That didn't answer my question.
Drug testing people who receive assistance is no more about saving money than trying to kill social programs altogether, it's about punishing the poor for being poor, a totally sadistic impulse. They get a charge out of treating people like dirt and, to them, it's money well spent. They would spend a hundred times more to feel the thrill of walking on the faces of "worthless" people. Hell is going to be hot for you unchristian motherfuckers.

And we should be financing criminals why?
You should be treating this as the minor problem it is rather than trying to blow it up into a crisis just like all the other social issues conservatives are concerned about.

That didn't answer my question.
According to the OP, AZ welfare programs do not seem to be having that problem so why ask? You want me to supply an answer to a hypothetical question not based in reality? Your stereotype of lazy drug addicts sucking the government teat does not seem to match the reality, but you can bet a crony who owns a drug testing lab just bought a new Porsche.
It's amazing how Republicans come up with bullshit ways to waste taxpayer money. Drug testing 87,000 welfare recipients in AZ has netted a grand total of $560 bucks - more proof Republicans are piss-poor managers of public money...

Arizona drug-tested 87,000 welfare recipients and found they are flushing taxpayer dollars
Jen HaydenFollow
Jul 22, 2015

From Gregory Krieg

The results are thin: According to USA Today, three years after the program began Arizona had tested more than 87,000 welfare recipients. The total number of drug cheats caught was exactly one — a single positive result, which saved the state precisely $560.

Checking in again in March, the Arizona Sonora News Service cited state Department of Economic Security figures which found that over the course of more than five years, "42 people have been asked to take a follow-up drug test and 19 actually took the test, 16 of whom passed. The other 23 were stripped of their benefits for failing to take the drug test."

That adds up to a grand total of three failed tests from 2009-2014. The net savings reaped from withholding benefits for those who either tested positive or failed to complete a drug test was around $3,500, once the $500 cost of testing the 19 is factored in, according to one state agency report. The haul is shockingly unimpressive when you consider the $1.7 million in savings state officials promised when they began the program.


What non-issue will Republicans waste our/taxpayer time and money on next, voter fraud, Benghazi, another vote on Obamacare... what?


How many left the program to avoid testing? How much was saved because they left?
There can be no real answer to your question but I am sure proponents of treating the poor like animals will produce from their anal cavities a suitably impressive number for you guys to chew on.

Fuck off child, I asked simple questions that require simple answers, keep your name calling and bullshit to yourself.
in typical ignorant fashion the left only counts the cost of the drug testing vs people found to be using drugs

how much can even ONE family using drugs cost the state, society, and most of all the lives of children???
In court costs, treatment, both mental and physical, in incarceration costs?
in the danger of being in the drug environment to children? forgetful, high parents who left something cooking on the stove?
drug-dealing boyfriends carrying guns into the homes, with no interest in the child that has a different father
foster homes, counseling, probation officers, family court...etc
Drug testing people who receive assistance is no more about saving money than trying to kill social programs altogether, it's about punishing the poor for being poor, a totally sadistic impulse. They get a charge out of treating people like dirt and, to them, it's money well spent. They would spend a hundred times more to feel the thrill of walking on the faces of "worthless" people. Hell is going to be hot for you unchristian motherfuckers.

And we should be financing criminals why?
You should be treating this as the minor problem it is rather than trying to blow it up into a crisis just like all the other social issues conservatives are concerned about.

That didn't answer my question.
According to the OP, AZ welfare programs do not seem to be having that problem so why ask? You want me to supply an answer to a hypothetical question not based in reality? Your stereotype of lazy drug addicts sucking the government teat does not seem to match the reality, but you can bet a crony who owns a drug testing lab just bought a new Porsche.

Well they have, according to the OP, stripped benefits from 23 criminals, so yes they do have a problem with that.

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