Avenatti rebukes Grassley: "Go to law school"

Chuck Grassley yesterday joined Donald Trump in his attack on John Roberts, SCOTUS judge.
The response by Michael Avenatti was priceless:
.@ChuckGrassley - you are way out of your league, yet again. Until you actually go to law school, you should stick to matters you are better qualified for. Like kissing Trump’s ass.

Btw, I’m still waiting on your BS “criminal investigation” to start.
Michael Avenatti on Twitter

Mr. Avenatti was falsely accused of domestic violence by an Estonian actress who failed to persuade the LA County DA to press felony charges.

Actually the charges were picked up, they decided it didn't rise to felony criteria and reduced it to misdemeanor DV.

If they believed it was bullshit and had no chance to win during a trial, they would have dropped it entirely.

He might be innocent, but just from his persecution of Trump I'd be inclined to believe he is a piece of shit degenerate leftist sociopath.

Don't know. He may be a creepy porn lawyer, but if he is, he's a creepy porn lawyer that has lots of incriminating evidence on Trump, and accusations against that creepy porn lawyer seem to be manufactured.
CPL has nothing incriminating on TRUMP.

Well for now, except for the things he already released.

What did he release, the tapes he claimed to have in the 60 minutes interview?
How the fuck did your warped head get Clinton into this discussion???

Do try to control your A.D.D. This discussion is one about Avenatti supposedly being a piece of shit when he was CORRECTLY proving that Trump was paying off the pornstars during the campaign.

You're still wrong you piece of shit, the discussion is about Avenatti's DV Charges being dropped to midemeanor charges and the Leftista OP trying to pretend it's a bogus accusation.

Yet Avenati's own words "she hit me first", expose lie to his statement that he "never touched her". He's a piece of shit though, so he is a suitable hero for libturds.

Just like Clinton was a hero to you. If a republicrat is accused of patting a woman ass 40 years ago, you'd lynch them. You could watch Bill Clinton rape and murder a 12 year old girl on Epstein's Island and insist it's out of US jurisdiction. You pieces of shit support each other no matter how egregious the acts, and condemn the people you're programmed to hate for the most ridiculous allegations. This is why you pathetic pieces of shit are loathed, mocked, ridiculed and marginalized on a regular basis.

That’s a lot of words, but you have no actual counter argument.

You can’t maintain what you said about Avenatti being a piece of shit just because he went after Trump and correctly exposed him paying off his fuck dolls during the campaign.

If you weren’t so pathetic you would just admit as much and move on instead of posting one deflection after another and ranting about liberals.

Stormy has to pay Trump's lawyers dipshit. It was a bullshit case.

It's like arguing with an NPC in a Legend of Zelda game...
Furthermore I don't care if Trump, Putin, Stormy, 4 Russian whores and a tranny from Bangkok had an orgy ending in a drunken coked up turd fight in a giant bouncy house at a carnival in Ulaanbaatar.

He is rapidly undoing the damage you regressive pieces of shit promoted that has kept people from prospering. He's pulling out of bullshit globalist programs and he recognizes the UN as the hostile entity it is.

Plus he beat that criminal authoritarian sociopath hag and you bed wetters have proven to be petty useless children.

I still love saying that...

Trump beat hitlery....


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