Australia: We Need to Lower Our Taxes Now or US Will Get Our Jobs


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

So, it looks like the Trump effect has gone international. After signing the most extensive tax reform in 30 years into law today, Australia’s treasurer warned his country that the Land Down Under could be left in the dust. The economy risks a one percent reduction in GDP if they don’t respond to our tax package, especially the corporate tax rate. Treasurer Scott Morrison said if parliament doesn’t act, Australian jobs, wages, and investments could be put in the crosshairs. Morrison is prepping a $65 billion cut of his own as well (via The Guardian):

He has seized on Trump’s tax cuts, overhauling his justification for his proposed $65bn tax cuts to say they are now necessary not because they will add 1% Australia’s GDP growth, but because they will offset a damaging 1% hit to GDP that will supposedly flow from the huge tax cuts in the US without Australia responding.

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If other nations want to prevent repatriation of American dollars, they will absolutely need to lower their taxes.

Trump just started a global economic boom!
lol, so Australia will lower their taxes, cancel the effect of the Trump tax cuts, and we'll be back where we started,

except with much higher deficits and debt accumulation. lol, brilliant!!
So, not only is Trump making America better for average citizens, but NOW he is making Australia better.


Poor commies. This has GOT to hurt.

What this really does is FORCE all the world’s governments to quit robbing citizens. This is a victory for LIBERTY.
lol, so Australia will lower their taxes, cancel the effect of the Trump tax cuts, and we'll be back where we started,

except with much higher deficits and debt accumulation. lol, brilliant!!

Amazing piece of economic analysis! You've proven to us all that tax cuts are a clear and present danger to our country. Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge.
lol, so Australia will lower their taxes, cancel the effect of the Trump tax cuts, and we'll be back where we started,

except with much higher deficits and debt accumulation. lol, brilliant
Or there’s another option...



You mean by cutting jobs in either the public or private sector that depend on government spending for their existence, by cutting off that spending?
That sounds like a gross underestimate to me. With China, India, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Nigeria and Russia all playing the same strategy to keep the US from eating their lunch a 1% cut sounds like using a bandaid to stop arterial bleeding.
lol, so Australia will lower their taxes, cancel the effect of the Trump tax cuts, and we'll be back where we started,

except with much higher deficits and debt accumulation. lol, brilliant!!

Amazing piece of economic analysis! You've proven to us all that tax cuts are a clear and present danger to our country. Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge.

Time was when the debt was considered the clear and present danger to our country - considered that by the same people who voted for this budget busting tax bill.
lol, so Australia will lower their taxes, cancel the effect of the Trump tax cuts, and we'll be back where we started,

except with much higher deficits and debt accumulation. lol, brilliant
Or there’s another option...



You mean by cutting jobs in either the public or private sector that depend on government spending for their existence, by cutting off that spending?
No but by cutting out all the free shit for the ones who could work for a living and don't or won't.

So, it looks like the Trump effect has gone international. After signing the most extensive tax reform in 30 years into law today, Australia’s treasurer warned his country that the Land Down Under could be left in the dust. The economy risks a one percent reduction in GDP if they don’t respond to our tax package, especially the corporate tax rate. Treasurer Scott Morrison said if parliament doesn’t act, Australian jobs, wages, and investments could be put in the crosshairs. Morrison is prepping a $65 billion cut of his own as well (via The Guardian):

He has seized on Trump’s tax cuts, overhauling his justification for his proposed $65bn tax cuts to say they are now necessary not because they will add 1% Australia’s GDP growth, but because they will offset a damaging 1% hit to GDP that will supposedly flow from the huge tax cuts in the US without Australia responding.

Keep reading…

So, it looks like the Trump effect has gone international. After signing the most extensive tax reform in 30 years into law today, Australia’s treasurer warned his country that the Land Down Under could be left in the dust. The economy risks a one percent reduction in GDP if they don’t respond to our tax package, especially the corporate tax rate. Treasurer Scott Morrison said if parliament doesn’t act, Australian jobs, wages, and investments could be put in the crosshairs. Morrison is prepping a $65 billion cut of his own as well (via The Guardian):

He has seized on Trump’s tax cuts, overhauling his justification for his proposed $65bn tax cuts to say they are now necessary not because they will add 1% Australia’s GDP growth, but because they will offset a damaging 1% hit to GDP that will supposedly flow from the huge tax cuts in the US without Australia responding.

Keep reading…
If lefty nations fear the cuts

It must secretly be a bad thing, we just need time for the media to spin this, so the leftist can tell us how they feel.

You mean by cutting jobs in either the public or private sector that depend on government spending for their existence, by cutting off that spending?
Why do they depend on govenment funding? Why do those employers need the government to take money from other citizens to fund those jods? Why do we need a government middleman?
I thought Trump was here to make only America win, but seems like the whole world is winning.
What are the chances of those in congress actually cutting spending in any amount that would make a difference?
Why give those irresponsible fucks anything but LESS money to waste?

The amount of money you give them does not have any impact on how much they spend, that is the problem here.
That is why they lie and say a tax cut is a cost and not a lowering of incoming revenue. Responsible people would drastically cut spending. GOP is a dismal failure in that regard and are just as determined as the Dem's to keep large government in place.
However, if my paycheck has less confiscated, I am all for it.

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