Attorney General Barr: “the evidence is now that the President was falsely accused”

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
"How did we get to the point here that the evidence is now that the president was falsely accused of being a Russian agent. The allegations have been proven false. To listen to the rhetoric you would think the Mueller report found the opposite," Attorney General William Barr said.


Senator Mike Crapo: When did DOJ and the FBI learn that the Steele dossier was requested and paid for by the Clinton campaign and DNC?

Barr: I don't know.

Crapo: Are you going to figure that out?

Barr: Yes.


Barr said he called Mueller after he received his letter. He said their call lasted about 10 to 15 minutes and there were multiple witnesses in the room including Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein.

"Who said what to whom?" Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) asked.

"I said, 'Bob, what's with the letter?' He said that there were concerns with how the media was playing this and they felt the summaries should go out to avoid confusion. I asked if he felt my letter was misleading or inaccurate and he said, 'No, the press coverage was,'" Barr said.


Barr took a shot at Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team while testifying Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, remarking that Mueller’s March letter was “a bit snitty” and “was probably written by one of his staff people.”


“Do you share my concerns about the counterintelligence investigation and how it was opened?” Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) asked.

“Yes,” Barr replied.

“Do you share my concerns about the lack of professionalism in the Clinton email investigation?”


“Do you think the president’s campaign in 2016 was thoroughly looked at in terms of whether or not they colluded with the Russians?”


“You feel good about your decision?”


“Thank you very much.”


Sen. Ted Cruz, (R-TX), criticized Democrats’ characterization of Attorney General William Barr as not being forthcoming in his handling of special counsel Robert Mueller's report. “If you’re hiding something, you are doing a lousy job of hiding it,” Cruz told Barr. The Department of Justice on Wednesday released a letter from Mueller dated March 27 that expressed his concerns about public confusion over the report following Barr's summary letter to Congress.


Barr refused to back down from the use of the word “spying,” insisting that "spying is a good English word that in fact doesn't have synonyms because it is the broadest word incorporating really all forms of covert intelligence collection." Challenged by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) as to whether the term "spying" is used commonly in the Department of Justice, Barr retorted: "It's commonly used by me."


Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) brings up the FISA warrant and Carter Page.

Barr said he was not sure if Carter Page was under surveillance while working for the Trump campaign.

"I'm working with Chris Wray [FBI director] to reconstruct what went down," Barr said.

"Has the Mueller report confirmed Page met with Igor Sechin?"

"I can't recall that. I want to stay away from the FISA issue because it's under investigation by the DOJ," Barr replied.


"The Mueller report concluded the evidence did not support criminal charges," Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said.

"That's right," Barr said.


"Why did Mueller reach no conclusion on obstruction?" Sen John Kennedy (R-LA) asked.

"We didn't really get a clear understanding of the reasoning," Barr said.

"He chose not to bring an indictment," Kennedy said.

"Right," Barr replied.


“The job of the Justice Department is now over, that determines whether or not there is a crime, the report is now in the hands of the American people, everyone can decide for themselves, there’s an election in 18 months, that’s a very democratic process but we’re out of it. And we have to stop using the criminal justice process as a political weapon," Barr said.

Attorney General Barr: “the evidence is now that the President was falsely accused”

In other words, there was no collusion, And no obstruction therefore The DemonRATS MUST keep up the absurdity that President Trump was a Russian Agent. Or something like that.....The next 2 years will be interesting as Barr now INVESTIGATES ALL the FELONIES connected to this heinous act of treachery and treason....wonder if we still hang traitors?
No I don't think we hang traitors, but they may spend some time in a country club prison somewhere. Then we send them into the real world without their pensions so that they can write books and earn a decent living. They may even get jobs as democrat staffers, unless the dems consider them damaged goods and kick them to the curb.

As soon as Barr gets indictments and then there's a trial and they go to prison, that sets the table for the 2020 election. Who do you trust to run the Federal government? Washington insider establishment types, or the new outsiders who bring good jobs back to the US?
do you mean this spying??

WASHINGTON — In the weeks after he became the Republican nominee on July 19, 2016, Donald Trump was warned that foreign adversaries, including Russia, would probably try to spy on and infiltrate his campaign, according to multiple government officials familiar with the matter.

The warning came in the form of a high-level counterintelligence briefing by senior FBI officials, the officials said. A similar briefing was given to Hillary Clinton, they added. They said the briefings, which are commonly provided to presidential nominees, were designed to educate the candidates and their top aides about potential threats from foreign spies.

The candidates were urged to alert the FBI about any suspicious overtures to their campaigns, the officials said.


The briefings were led by counterintelligence specialists from the FBI, the sources said. They were timed to occur around the period when the candidates began receiving classified intelligence, the officials said, which put them at greater risk for being targeted by foreign spies. Trump's first intelligence briefing as Republican nominee was Aug. 17, 2016, sources told NBC News at the time.

Trump was "briefed and warned" at the session about potential espionage threats from Russia, two former law enforcement officials familiar with the sessions told NBC News. A source close to the White House said their position is that Trump was unaware of the contacts between his campaign and Russians.

FBI told Trump Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign
Ladies and Gentleman I have a strong gut feeling that the display that was put on by the Senate committee towards A.G. Barr has lit a fire that will not be extinguished very easy... Barr is pissed...​
AG Barr gets attacked because his probe endangers powerful people
Kimberly Strassel

But most of it is likely fear. Mr. Barr made real news in that Senate hearing, and while the press didn’t notice, Democrats did. The attorney general said he’d already assigned people at the Justice Department to assist his investigation of the origins of the Trump-Russia probe. He said his review would be far-reaching – that he was obtaining details from congressional investigations, from the ongoing probe by the department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, and even from Mr. Mueller’s work. Mr. Barr said the investigation wouldn’t focus only on the fall 2016 justifications for secret surveillance warrants against Trump team members but would go back months earlier.

Kimberly Strassel: AG Barr gets attacked because his probe endangers powerful people
The funny thing is many Dems like Maxine Waters openly announced publically on national TV their willingness to obstruct Barr from his investigation thus are openly and undeniably obstructing justice, including wanting restricted redacted info relating to ongoing investigations and asking Barr questions trying to obtain similar hints to force info that needs to be kept hush to procede with said investigations of the false charges and abuse of power from the other side of the isle.
In fact the Feds should have been or probably were within their rights to be monitoring those Clinton tied investigators helping Mueller, in order to catch or entrap them relaying the info to Clinton or as was found out before Obama was illegally kept in the loop. However, Obama was not brought up on Obstruction charges because like the saying goes, it's good to be king, or in the case of unequal justice and double standard, it's good to be fascist tyrants who control all the depts & who don't abide by Democracy and it's principles, very Meduroesque of him.

HINT: one of the reasons they want all the info is so they can harass, threaten, and compromise the people hidden in the blotted out lists, so they can become dance puppets (which tends to happen when you shoot guns at people's feet).
BY DOING SO they strategically time each choreographed dance number leading to 2020 as needed. This is how mobsters behave, Chicago mob influenced Saul taught those progressives well.
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OMG, if anyone knows the law better than Barr they're on the USSC. The dems can grasp any straw they want, but it won't help them. Barr is getting his turn at bat, we'll see how many indictments he gets
OMG, if anyone knows the law better than Barr they're on the USSC. The dems can grasp any straw they want, but it won't help them. Barr is getting his turn at bat, we'll see how many indictments he gets

Barr is tramps whore.
OMG, if anyone knows the law better than Barr they're on the USSC. The dems can grasp any straw they want, but it won't help them. Barr is getting his turn at bat, we'll see how many indictments he gets

my money is on zero.
Democratic senators call for DOJ inspector general to investigate Barr’s handling of the Mueller report

Democratic senators call for DOJ inspector general to investigate Barr’s handling of the Mueller report

Of course they do because Mueller's report didn't say what they hoped and prayed it would say.

If Mueller and Barr hung Trump they would be the Dem Senators hero's and the Dem led House would be pounding them on the back. Not trying to discredit them.

These grand standing dipshits are paving the way to a Trump win in 2020.
Democratic senators call for DOJ inspector general to investigate Barr’s handling of the Mueller report

Democratic senators call for DOJ inspector general to investigate Barr’s handling of the Mueller report
This is what happens when you raise your kids in the "no winners no losers" sports leagues and schools, they freak out and become cry babies and don't know how to lose graciously.
The problem is these people are too old to have grown up in such a protective bubble, so imagine how bad our future snowflakes are gonna be, oh yeah they broke windows, set fires and turned over cars, punched people, and filed false police reports, so I guess we got to see what coddling our kids did for their social behavior.
like Kavanaugh/Covington/Smollet/etc
see the pattern from those leftists/''leftists''/etc?
No I don't think we hang traitors, but they may spend some time in a country club prison somewhere. Then we send them into the real world without their pensions so that they can write books and earn a decent living. They may even get jobs as democrat staffers, unless the dems consider them damaged goods and kick them to the curb.

As soon as Barr gets indictments and then there's a trial and they go to prison, that sets the table for the 2020 election. Who do you trust to run the Federal government? Washington insider establishment types, or the new outsiders who bring good jobs back to the US?
They usually end up on CNN.
Democratic senators call for DOJ inspector general to investigate Barr’s handling of the Mueller report

Democratic senators call for DOJ inspector general to investigate Barr’s handling of the Mueller report

Of course they do because Mueller's report didn't say what they hoped and prayed it would say.

If Mueller and Barr hung Trump they would be the Dem Senators hero's and the Dem led House would be pounding them on the back. Not trying to discredit them.

These grand standing dipshits are paving the way to a Trump win in 2020.

and barr would be fired. LOL.
"How did we get to the point here that the evidence is now that the president was falsely accused of being a Russian agent. The allegations have been proven false. To listen to the rhetoric you would think the Mueller report found the opposite," Attorney General William Barr said.


Senator Mike Crapo: When did DOJ and the FBI learn that the Steele dossier was requested and paid for by the Clinton campaign and DNC?

Barr: I don't know.

Crapo: Are you going to figure that out?

Barr: Yes.


Barr said he called Mueller after he received his letter. He said their call lasted about 10 to 15 minutes and there were multiple witnesses in the room including Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein.

"Who said what to whom?" Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) asked.

"I said, 'Bob, what's with the letter?' He said that there were concerns with how the media was playing this and they felt the summaries should go out to avoid confusion. I asked if he felt my letter was misleading or inaccurate and he said, 'No, the press coverage was,'" Barr said.


Barr took a shot at Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team while testifying Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, remarking that Mueller’s March letter was “a bit snitty” and “was probably written by one of his staff people.”


“Do you share my concerns about the counterintelligence investigation and how it was opened?” Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) asked.

“Yes,” Barr replied.

“Do you share my concerns about the lack of professionalism in the Clinton email investigation?”


“Do you think the president’s campaign in 2016 was thoroughly looked at in terms of whether or not they colluded with the Russians?”


“You feel good about your decision?”


“Thank you very much.”


Sen. Ted Cruz, (R-TX), criticized Democrats’ characterization of Attorney General William Barr as not being forthcoming in his handling of special counsel Robert Mueller's report. “If you’re hiding something, you are doing a lousy job of hiding it,” Cruz told Barr. The Department of Justice on Wednesday released a letter from Mueller dated March 27 that expressed his concerns about public confusion over the report following Barr's summary letter to Congress.


Barr refused to back down from the use of the word “spying,” insisting that "spying is a good English word that in fact doesn't have synonyms because it is the broadest word incorporating really all forms of covert intelligence collection." Challenged by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) as to whether the term "spying" is used commonly in the Department of Justice, Barr retorted: "It's commonly used by me."


Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) brings up the FISA warrant and Carter Page.

Barr said he was not sure if Carter Page was under surveillance while working for the Trump campaign.

"I'm working with Chris Wray [FBI director] to reconstruct what went down," Barr said.

"Has the Mueller report confirmed Page met with Igor Sechin?"

"I can't recall that. I want to stay away from the FISA issue because it's under investigation by the DOJ," Barr replied.


"The Mueller report concluded the evidence did not support criminal charges," Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said.

"That's right," Barr said.


"Why did Mueller reach no conclusion on obstruction?" Sen John Kennedy (R-LA) asked.

"We didn't really get a clear understanding of the reasoning," Barr said.

"He chose not to bring an indictment," Kennedy said.

"Right," Barr replied.


“The job of the Justice Department is now over, that determines whether or not there is a crime, the report is now in the hands of the American people, everyone can decide for themselves, there’s an election in 18 months, that’s a very democratic process but we’re out of it. And we have to stop using the criminal justice process as a political weapon," Barr said.

Attorney General Barr: “the evidence is now that the President was falsely accused”

In other words, there was no collusion, And no obstruction therefore The DemonRATS MUST keep up the absurdity that President Trump was a Russian Agent. Or something like that.....The next 2 years will be interesting as Barr now INVESTIGATES ALL the FELONIES connected to this heinous act of treachery and treason....wonder if we still hang traitors?
Barr is a proven liar, little boy

But no doubt Moscow is proud of your ignorance
Democratic senators call for DOJ inspector general to investigate Barr’s handling of the Mueller report

Democratic senators call for DOJ inspector general to investigate Barr’s handling of the Mueller report

Of course they do because Mueller's report didn't say what they hoped and prayed it would say.

If Mueller and Barr hung Trump they would be the Dem Senators hero's and the Dem led House would be pounding them on the back. Not trying to discredit them.

These grand standing dipshits are paving the way to a Trump win in 2020.

and barr would be fired. LOL.

I doubt that. I'm looking forward to his investigation of the shit show that was the Mueller investigation.

Should be a dandy of a report.
Democratic senators call for DOJ inspector general to investigate Barr’s handling of the Mueller report

Democratic senators call for DOJ inspector general to investigate Barr’s handling of the Mueller report

Of course they do because Mueller's report didn't say what they hoped and prayed it would say.

If Mueller and Barr hung Trump they would be the Dem Senators hero's and the Dem led House would be pounding them on the back. Not trying to discredit them.

These grand standing dipshits are paving the way to a Trump win in 2020.

Grand standing dipshits. wow. I don't think I have ever heard a better description of Congress. I always went with clowns, but dang, you nailed it. Grand Standing dipshits.

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