Attacking the terrorist trio: russia, iran and assad


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Strafing Iranian RGs with my .50 Cal

What delightful news, wish there were FAR more regime security casualties, but 32 is a good start for the day.

May many, many more such attacks against the fake assad regime and its terrorist, cancerous, murderous scumbag russian, iranian, and hezbollah allies continue to succeed until they are utterly destroyed.

Death to all of them, and all those who support and apologize for them.
Liberals prefer to attack only alleged terrorists. ISIS and all radical Muslims are not on their terrorists list and seem to become their allies. Smells with real brain damage of liberals...

It's a lot easier to fight an alleged enemy with some hypocritical words: you create it yourself and then declare your "victory" whenever it fits your interests and a lot of brainwashed sheep will buy it. However you need to have strong balls and smart head (neither one seems to be a strong body part of liberals) to fight a real enemy like ISIS. Or may be "ISIS is contained" and Americans need to flood their country with a lot of radical Islamists and terrorists just like Obama suggested?
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Liberals prefer to attack only alleged terrorists. ISIS and all radical Muslims are not on their terrorists list and seems to become their allies. Smells with real brain damage of liberals...

Your society will be engaged in permanent war now until it no longers exists; this is the only way it can sustain itself.

What delightful news, wish there were FAR more regime security casualties, but 32 is a good start for the day.

May many, many more such attacks against the fake assad regime and its terrorist, cancerous, murderous scumbag russian, iranian, and hezbollah allies continue to succeed until they are utterly destroyed.

Death to all of them, and all those who support and apologize for them.

You know we are the ones who started that war don't you? So if we armed foreign fighters, that is to say Non Syrians to fight in Syria, doesn't that make us the bad guys?

What delightful news, wish there were FAR more regime security casualties, but 32 is a good start for the day.

May many, many more such attacks against the fake assad regime and its terrorist, cancerous, murderous scumbag russian, iranian, and hezbollah allies continue to succeed until they are utterly destroyed.

Death to all of them, and all those who support and apologize for them.

You know we are the ones who started that war don't you? So if we armed foreign fighters, that is to say Non Syrians to fight in Syria, doesn't that make us the bad guys?

I will never apologize for the United States — I don't care what the facts are... I'm not an apologize-for-America kind of guy.
George H. W. Bush

What delightful news, wish there were FAR more regime security casualties, but 32 is a good start for the day.

May many, many more such attacks against the fake assad regime and its terrorist, cancerous, murderous scumbag russian, iranian, and hezbollah allies continue to succeed until they are utterly destroyed.

Death to all of them, and all those who support and apologize for them.

You know we are the ones who started that war don't you? So if we armed foreign fighters, that is to say Non Syrians to fight in Syria, doesn't that make us the bad guys?

I will never apologize for the United States — I don't care what the facts are... I'm not an apologize-for-America kind of guy.
George H. W. Bush

In 1917 Germany conspired to convince Mexico to go to war with America. Germany armed Mexico with rifles, machine guns, and ammunition. This was considered enough provocation to declare war on Germany. So explain how our arming of terrorist groups in Syria is way different or something.

What delightful news, wish there were FAR more regime security casualties, but 32 is a good start for the day.

May many, many more such attacks against the fake assad regime and its terrorist, cancerous, murderous scumbag russian, iranian, and hezbollah allies continue to succeed until they are utterly destroyed.

Death to all of them, and all those who support and apologize for them.

You know we are the ones who started that war don't you? So if we armed foreign fighters, that is to say Non Syrians to fight in Syria, doesn't that make us the bad guys?

I will never apologize for the United States — I don't care what the facts are... I'm not an apologize-for-America kind of guy.
George H. W. Bush

In 1917 Germany conspired to convince Mexico to go to war with America. Germany armed Mexico with rifles, machine guns, and ammunition. This was considered enough provocation to declare war on Germany. So explain how our arming of terrorist groups in Syria is way different or something.

Why would that make any difference? "well gee mom, everyone else was doing it too"? I have no problem with that, but you must drop the "oh we're so exceptional" shit then. Make a decision.

What delightful news, wish there were FAR more regime security casualties, but 32 is a good start for the day.

May many, many more such attacks against the fake assad regime and its terrorist, cancerous, murderous scumbag russian, iranian, and hezbollah allies continue to succeed until they are utterly destroyed.

Death to all of them, and all those who support and apologize for them.
Oh boy, lets start a war with the 2nd biggest nuclear power on the planet? That's real smart! So tell me, what shade of charcoal do you want to be?
You know we are the ones who started that war don't you? So if we armed foreign fighters, that is to say Non Syrians to fight in Syria, doesn't that make us the bad guys?

Why don't you tell us EXACTLY how the US started a fight that was for YEARS a domestic internal conflict, where a majority people oppressed for FIVE decades under a dictator's family finally stood up for their freedom? How come assholes like you blame the US for EVERY fucking conflict on earth, even ones the US has NOTHING to do with?

iran, assad and putin are responsible for this conflict and the 1 MM dead; the 85% of syria that was sunni rose up to overthrow a minority dictator - and were slaughtered for it.
In 1917 Germany conspired to convince Mexico to go to war with America. Germany armed Mexico with rifles, machine guns, and ammunition. This was considered enough provocation to declare war on Germany. So explain how our arming of terrorist groups in Syria is way different or something.

Only a western, far left, ignorant imbecile with no knowledge of the mideast thinks that the choice in syria from 2011 forward was either 1-assad 2-ISIS with no others available.

The FSA was over 200K strong - all former SAA who needed support from the US to remove assad, but obama the fucking dog sat on his hands.

If the US is guilty of anything, it was that.
You know we are the ones who started that war don't you? So if we armed foreign fighters, that is to say Non Syrians to fight in Syria, doesn't that make us the bad guys?

Why don't you tell us EXACTLY how the US started a fight that was for YEARS a domestic internal conflict, where a majority people oppressed for FIVE decades under a dictator's family finally stood up for their freedom? How come assholes like you blame the US for EVERY fucking conflict on earth, even ones the US has NOTHING to do with?

iran, assad and putin are responsible for this conflict and the 1 MM dead; the 85% of syria that was sunni rose up to overthrow a minority dictator - and were slaughtered for it.

Well none of that actually happened.

First most Syrians support Assad. Most Syrians back President Assad – but you'd never know from western media | Jonathan Steele

Most of the people we are arming inSyria are not Syrian. Al Qaeda-founded rebel group's growth underscores U.S. challenges in Syria

We started the war to drive the Russians out of the Mediterranean. Their Navy has one port in the entire region. Russian naval facility in Tartus - Wikipedia

So how do you defend our actions in the light of the truth? Face it. We are the bad guys in this little story. Syria has a stable society with many ethnicities all living peacefully.
Well none of that actually happened.

None of what happened, shit for brains? FYI - I am FROM the mideast, have tons of family there across the region, and know more about it than you could in 100 fucking lifetimes.

First most Syrians support Assad.

Uh, no they don't asshole. They simply prefer him over ISIS, but that does not mean that the 85% of the country who are sunnis would not remove him in a fucking nanosecond if they could.

Whose fucking payroll are you on, idiot?

We started the war to drive the Russians out of the Mediterranean.

Syria's Civil War Explained

"That March, peaceful protests erupted in Syria as well, after 15 boys were detained and tortured for having written graffiti in support of the Arab Spring. One of the boys, 13-year-old Hamza al-Khateeb , was killed after having been brutally tortured. The Syrian government, led by President Bashar al-Assad, responded to the protests by killing hundreds of demonstrators and imprisoning many more. In July 2011, defectors from the military announced the formation of the Free Syrian Army, a rebel group aiming to overthrow the government, and Syria began to slide into civil war."

Syria: The story of the conflict - BBC News

"Pro-democracy protests erupted in March 2011 in the southern city of Deraa after the arrest and torture of some teenagers who painted revolutionary slogans on a school wall. After security forces opened fire on demonstrators, killing several, more took to the streets. The unrest triggered nationwide protests demanding President Assad's resignation. The government's use of force to crush the dissent merely hardened the protesters' resolve. By July 2011, hundreds of thousands were taking to the streets across the country. Opposition supporters eventually began to take up arms, first to defend themselves and later to expel security forces from their local areas."

Syria has a stable society with many ethnicities all living peacefully.

You have ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT THE FUCK you are talking about.

The Structure of Syria's Repression

"For years, Bashar al-Assad’s regime subjected Syrians to a routine of good cop, bad cop. Maher al-Assad, President Bashar al-Assad’s brother and the head of the brutal Republican Guard, has played the bad cop. Although Maher was not seen much in public, he established a reputation for brutal repression. The good cop, ironically, was Bashar al-Assad himself. Educated in the West and an ophthalmologist by trade, he projected an image of benevolence, wearing blue jeans in public and, in a Vogue profile of his wife this past February, boasted of driving through Damascus without any security.

That same Vogue article referenced the well-manicured fingernails of Assad’s wife, “lacquered a dark blue-green.” In mid-March, the focus shifted to the hands of 15 children in the southern Syrian city of Deraa whose nails were removed by torture. Their crime was scribbling the famous words of the Arab Spring -- “The people want to bring down the regime” -- on their school’s wall, an act that began the ongoing Syrian revolt against Assad.

Syrian officials have echoed other Arab regimes under duress in claiming that Syria’s protesters are overwhelmingly Islamist. Although the majority of the protests did start in mosques, this is solely because mosques are the only places where people can gather without arousing suspicion. In the city of Deraa, both Christians and Muslims have participated in demonstrations. On March 23, the main church there was opened to receive the injured after security forces stormed the main mosque and surrounded the hospital.

Minority groups have also joined in the protests en masse. The city of Salmiya, populated by a large percentage of people who follow the Ismaili faith, has witnessed broad-based demonstrations. Many Druze in the city of As-Suwayda have staged mass protests, and even secular Alawite figures are aligning themselves with the protesters, including Aref Dalila, a professor and former dean of the economics faculty at Damascus University."


It would be best if you just STFU and left this thread. If I suspect you are a paid troll/putin/assad boot licker, this will get ugly VERY quickly.
Well none of that actually happened.

None of what happened, shit for brains? FYI - I am FROM the mideast, have tons of family there across the region, and know more about it than you could in 100 fucking lifetimes.

First most Syrians support Assad.

Uh, no they don't asshole. They simply prefer him over ISIS, but that does not mean that the 85% of the country who are sunnis would not remove him in a fucking nanosecond if they could.

Whose fucking payroll are you on, idiot?

We started the war to drive the Russians out of the Mediterranean.

Syria's Civil War Explained

"That March, peaceful protests erupted in Syria as well, after 15 boys were detained and tortured for having written graffiti in support of the Arab Spring. One of the boys, 13-year-old Hamza al-Khateeb , was killed after having been brutally tortured. The Syrian government, led by President Bashar al-Assad, responded to the protests by killing hundreds of demonstrators and imprisoning many more. In July 2011, defectors from the military announced the formation of the Free Syrian Army, a rebel group aiming to overthrow the government, and Syria began to slide into civil war."

Syria: The story of the conflict - BBC News

"Pro-democracy protests erupted in March 2011 in the southern city of Deraa after the arrest and torture of some teenagers who painted revolutionary slogans on a school wall. After security forces opened fire on demonstrators, killing several, more took to the streets. The unrest triggered nationwide protests demanding President Assad's resignation. The government's use of force to crush the dissent merely hardened the protesters' resolve. By July 2011, hundreds of thousands were taking to the streets across the country. Opposition supporters eventually began to take up arms, first to defend themselves and later to expel security forces from their local areas."

Syria has a stable society with many ethnicities all living peacefully.

You have ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT THE FUCK you are talking about.

The Structure of Syria's Repression

"For years, Bashar al-Assad’s regime subjected Syrians to a routine of good cop, bad cop. Maher al-Assad, President Bashar al-Assad’s brother and the head of the brutal Republican Guard, has played the bad cop. Although Maher was not seen much in public, he established a reputation for brutal repression. The good cop, ironically, was Bashar al-Assad himself. Educated in the West and an ophthalmologist by trade, he projected an image of benevolence, wearing blue jeans in public and, in a Vogue profile of his wife this past February, boasted of driving through Damascus without any security.

That same Vogue article referenced the well-manicured fingernails of Assad’s wife, “lacquered a dark blue-green.” In mid-March, the focus shifted to the hands of 15 children in the southern Syrian city of Deraa whose nails were removed by torture. Their crime was scribbling the famous words of the Arab Spring -- “The people want to bring down the regime” -- on their school’s wall, an act that began the ongoing Syrian revolt against Assad.

Syrian officials have echoed other Arab regimes under duress in claiming that Syria’s protesters are overwhelmingly Islamist. Although the majority of the protests did start in mosques, this is solely because mosques are the only places where people can gather without arousing suspicion. In the city of Deraa, both Christians and Muslims have participated in demonstrations. On March 23, the main church there was opened to receive the injured after security forces stormed the main mosque and surrounded the hospital.

Minority groups have also joined in the protests en masse. The city of Salmiya, populated by a large percentage of people who follow the Ismaili faith, has witnessed broad-based demonstrations. Many Druze in the city of As-Suwayda have staged mass protests, and even secular Alawite figures are aligning themselves with the protesters, including Aref Dalila, a professor and former dean of the economics faculty at Damascus University."


It would be best if you just STFU and left this thread. If I suspect you are a paid troll/putin/assad boot licker, this will get ugly VERY quickly.

Then let's let it get ugly. The truth is that the US could give a shit what Government the people of Syria lived under. The truth is that Turkey and Jordan are trading with ISIS for the oil stolen from Syria. The truth is that the US tried to gin up the Adam Spring in Syria, and it failed miserably. The way we know that is the fighting. None of it is in Damascus. So these vast majorities who live in and around the capital aren't even doing suicide bombings to end the rule of the brutal dictator.

The truth is the entire red line baloney was ginned up. Syria wasn't a signatory of the ban on chemical weapons.

As for who pays me? I have a job as a heavy equipment operator. I post because I believe.

The truth is that Syria is pretty much like the Eastern Front in World War II. There aren't any good guys. Everyone is a bad guy. The FSA is a joke. They always were. They never had the numbers or support they would need to win. They were always Terrorists.

We are buying the weapons and giving them to Jordan who sells them to ISIS. Tell me how the King of Jordan is a great guy and awesome ally while Assad is awful and a dictator. Tell me how Turkey buying Oil from ISIS and funding this terrorist group is good for the region.

As for which radical sect of Islam is in charge it doesn't matter to me. Assad was no threat to us. He never threatened the US. He wasn't even a threat to Israel. The only thing he did that annoyed us was lease a part of a port to the Russians.

You can claim that you are from the region. Fine, if it matters that much to you go back and fight with the terrorists. Don't just sit safe at home and scream that everyone else should go and free your family and inflict a barbaric Sharia society on the people.

That is the real problem. The argument you make is we should replace one barbaric regime with one that is even more repressive and barbaric.

So get ugly if you want. It couldn't be more ugly than the Talibanesque regime you want in control. One that throws homosexuals off of roofs. One that stones women who are raped. Fuck that and them.
I thought we were getting ugly. Well here are the forces you claim are supported by the people. They have begun to practice another barbaric ritual.

ISIS is teaching their fighters to EAT non-Muslims | Daily Mail Online

Eating non muslims is now awesome. Tell me again how awful Assad is. Tell me how he sits down and dines on the choicest cut of meat from his victims. Oh wait, Assad doesn't.

I doubt you can get more ugly than the barbarians that you cheer.

What is the matter my friend? Obviously I didn't get scared. What is worse for you, I haven't forgotten. As bad as Assad may be, and he isn't a good guy by any stretch of the imagination, the barbaric animals who are trying to inflict their atrocities on an even larger population are much, much, worse.

Years ago I said that the best thing America could do in Syria is stop supporting the terrorists, and offer Russia and Syria any intelligence we had on the terrorists we had been supporting. We would have far more success trying to moderate Assad than we would trying to civilize the barbaric thugs we continue to support.

If the decision was mine to make, my answer would be to say to the Russians. Good luck, and you can kill as many of them as you want.
The FSA is a joke. They always were. They never had the numbers or support they would need to win. They were always Terrorists.

Clueless nonsense from a putin-bootlicking idiot. The FSA were the defectors from the SAA; primarily concripts from the sunni ranks commanded by alawite officers.

Its hilarious how the putin/iran asslickers claim how big, secular and successful the middle class of syria was under, but then claim everyone who opposed assad was an islamist fanatic. Since the FSA was comprised of native syrians then they must have secular, right? Or is that too much thinking for a RT-brainwashed fool to comprehend?

Assad was no threat to us. He never threatened the US.

You know all those ISIS/sunni iraq-based fanatics you keep complaining about now? You must have been born after the iraq war, where assad was giving them safe harbor so they could use syria as a safe haven from which to attack US troops in iraq. I guess those thousands of injured/killed US troops don't count to morons like you.

He wasn't even a threat to Israel.

No, he just harbored and supported multiple anti-Israel terrorist groups, and helped transfer weapons to hezbollah, nothing too you're fucking stupid. Do you make this shit up as you go along?

That is the real problem. The argument you make is we should replace one barbaric regime with one that is even more repressive and barbaric.

Like I said earlier fool, there were 200K secular soldiers in the FSA who were all from the SAA and would have helped form and protect a secular sunni regime, but obama sat on his fucking ass and let them get slaughtered by assad barrel bombs and russian bombs. Another failure by an administration jam-packed with them.
I thought we were getting ugly. Well here are the forces you claim are supported by the people. They have begun to practice another barbaric ritual. Eating non muslims is now awesome. Tell me again how awful Assad is. Tell me how he sits down and dines on the choicest cut of meat from his victims. Oh wait, Assad doesn't.

For the 100th fucking time, being anti-assad does not translate to being pro-ISIS, get that through your fucking 6-year old head.

As for comparing atrocities, go ask the women and small children of Houla and Baniyas how they enjoyed being bayonneted by assad's death squads.

"Militias went house to house stabbing and shooting civilians, including women and children. There are even reports of babies as young as 6 weeks old being killed...Chemical weapons and artillery are one thing, though still an act of violence and in the case of chemical weapons much more painful for the victims, but militiamen going house to house and personally shooting a child, or taking a knife to a child’s throat is an almost unbelievable act of violence."

I look forward to seeing assad hanged at the Hague along with thousands of his militiamen put to death for their crimes.

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