ATF admits it does not have auhtority to ban bump stocks

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Washington, D.C., Sept. 18, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Congress has not prohibited bump stocks, but the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has made them illegal with a Final Rule issued without statutory authority. In a noteworthy development, ATF’s latest court filing admits that it lacked rulemaking authority under the Gun Control Act and National Firearms Act to issue a legislative rule. ATF thus now agrees with NCLA that the district court below was wrong on this point of law.
ATF Admits It Lacked Authority to Issue Legislative Rule, NCLA Condemns the Agency’s Attempt to Ban Bump Stocks Anyway

What's this mean?
An agency cannot create a regulation that contradicts existing legislation, and so the 10th circuit will overturn the ban.
Washington, D.C., Sept. 18, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Congress has not prohibited bump stocks, but the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has made them illegal with a Final Rule issued without statutory authority. In a noteworthy development, ATF’s latest court filing admits that it lacked rulemaking authority under the Gun Control Act and National Firearms Act to issue a legislative rule. ATF thus now agrees with NCLA that the district court below was wrong on this point of law.
ATF Admits It Lacked Authority to Issue Legislative Rule, NCLA Condemns the Agency’s Attempt to Ban Bump Stocks Anyway

What's this mean?
An agency cannot create a regulation that contradicts existing legislation, and so the 10th circuit will overturn the ban.
Agencies, and regulations exists in order to form defacto law absent legislation, and penned by appointees rather than those who’ve been voted into position.
Maybe Congress will step in and ban bump stocks and large capacity magazines

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