At This Point, Let the Dems Own It

Repubs fail to hold up historical models thanks to junk politicians like Trump.
I attribute the lack of a red wave midterm election to the liberal media who works hard to save the Democratic Party and to the fact that Trump is at this time a very polarizing figure.

You either hate Trump or love him.

Trump is also a stereotypical New Yorker. People find most New Yorkers obnoxious and Trump definitely fits that picture.

I fear Trump will get the nomination, run for President again and lose.

DeSantis could win, but Trump will make sure DeSantis never gets the chance.
You should win everything and give us a system JUST AS WONDERFUL as the collapsing Canadian system, only insist all your elites use those hospitals and not private ones.

But of course your elites would never do that. Party of Marie Antoinettes.

Trump promised that if we elected him, he had a healthcare plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare

What happened?
Veto? I never said he did shut it down by veto.

He shut down the government because he didn't get his wall as I recall. Then you used that as an excuse for him running up the debt by $8T. blame the Congress for the spending he authorized.

It would be great if you just admit your blob spent $8T we didn't have because...ya know...that is exactly what happened.

Most of that $8 T was on unwarranted tax cuts
They've spent us right into inflation. People can't afford to eat.

MORE--isn't that what you want?

Wow, Really? I mean, I spending a little more on food... but wow... you do live in a delusional world, IT.

And the socialists took over, promising an end to capitalism.......and now their people are stuck in the 1950s........with poverty and nothing else....the socialists in charge live like kings.....the people get their ration of beans and rice....

Okay, let's look at Cuba before the Revolution. 75% of the arable land was owned by foreign corporations. For most Cubans, life was miserable.

So they had a revolution, their rich people ended up in Florida where they are STILL a stain, and started to improve their situation. Cuba actually has a lower infant mortality rate than the US, they have universal health care, and they live a lot better than most of the Caribbean, despite the US engaging in 60 years of economic warfare against them.
Wow, Really? I mean, I spending a little more on food... but wow... you do live in a delusional world, IT.

Okay, let's look at Cuba before the Revolution. 75% of the arable land was owned by foreign corporations. For most Cubans, life was miserable.

So they had a revolution, their rich people ended up in Florida where they are STILL a stain, and started to improve their situation. Cuba actually has a lower infant mortality rate than the US, they have universal health care, and they live a lot better than most of the Caribbean, despite the US engaging in 60 years of economic warfare against them. you..... you.....

Not at all. We Americans like to think we are the heroes in the Cuba story, but we are the villains.

In a decent world, we'd end the embargos, open full diplomatic relations, and if the Cuban people then decide they might want to give capitalism a try, let them do it on their own turns.

The two countries that have most stubbornly hung on to Communism are Cuba and North Korea, countries we continue to punish economically for picking a system we don't like.
Not at all. We Americans like to think we are the heroes in the Cuba story, but we are the villains.

In a decent world, we'd end the embargos, open full diplomatic relations, and if the Cuban people then decide they might want to give capitalism a try, let them do it on their own turns.

The two countries that have most stubbornly hung on to Communism are Cuba and North Korea, countries we continue to punish economically for picking a system we don't like.

Yeah….we opened up to the communists in China, and they stole our tech and now threaten the world……
Thus far, only two Dems in this entire thread has expressed that this is a good idea.


Isn't that strange? They don't want their own party to own Congress and the Presidency?

Why is that I wonder?
Okay, I hope you master basic literacy before your senate run... I think it's a job requirement.
I am dealing with the non spelling people like you,and I will win them over watch me joe.

As Walt Disney said if you can dream it you can do it.

And do you think Joe for one second in the past 8 years since I have known you I never comprehend what you said?

I remember all those arguments and I really do understand your side..

I am not being a politician here,just a human being.

You had personal problems, no big deal we get older.

Some wives, friends leave us, some take it harder than others.

Joe we all want freedoms but we all want to help the poor.

Joe to tell you the truth youre one of my best friends on US message board
Sometimes pain is a great teacher. Sadly.
and I begin to think God is about to give you EXACTLY what you deserve.

This is so very true. I hate to say this but in recent years I've been concluding that people get the government they deserve. When I see people saying things like "All politicians are corrupt, we have to vote for the lesser of two evils" that's when I do a face palm and agree with your take, Sue. And that is what God does, sometimes He "gives people over" to what they selfishly and foolishly want....but the only way some people learn is the hard way.
At this point I think I should root for the House to go narrowly to the Dems and the Senate as well.

Two more years of this. Let the voters really get what they voted for. Why not? America deserves it in spades. It will be Joe Biden unleashed. Who doesn't want more inflation, illegals pouring over the border, high gas prices? The liberals can abort their babies, so they're happy.


I dont understand why some people still believe in our election system.
It makes no difference who gets the most votes when one side is going to cheat.
I dont understand why some people still believe in our election system.
It makes no difference who gets the most votes when one side is going to cheat.

They cheated and "won" Biden.


Let them cheat and "win" it all.

Pyrrhic victories
At this point I think I should root for the House to go narrowly to the Dems and the Senate as well.

Two more years of this. Let the voters really get what they voted for. Why not? America deserves it in spades. It will be Joe Biden unleashed. Who doesn't want more inflation, illegals pouring over the border, high gas prices? The liberals can abort their babies, so they're happy.

Sadly, if Democrats take the House they may be able to take control of all Media and Social Media. Then their rule will be cemented for decades.
I think the young people who think the Republicans are the big bad meanies should get exactly, precisely what they voted for.

Full Democrat control. Let them see what the Democrats do with college loan forgiveness, for just one issue.
Sadly, if Democrats take control of all Mass Media and Social Media, then they are guaranteed to have a majority for decades to come.
Hopefully, Conservatives will be able to hold Fox News, Newsmax and Twitter.

Then Ron DeSantis will have a good chance in 2024.

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