At long last, I have given up on attempting to live at peace with the Democrats


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Our Republic had a good run, but it is over. We cannot live at peace with a political party that no longer believes in the principles set forth in the United States Constitution, and that resorts to murder and property destruction when it loses a Presidential election.

I will begin preparations for what it to come. I will purchase weapons and train in their use. I will stock up on food and supplies. I will arrange security for my home. I will make plans for the war that is to come.

I will urge like-minded people to organize a militia to protect our homes, as is our right under the Second Amendment. When they come to my neighborhood to cause me or my home harm, I will shoot them in self defense.

If you think what I say is extreme, wait a few years. You will come to realize that I am right. The Democrats have more plans to create more chaos and destruction. They will not relent until there is an actual shooting war and we will all have to take sides.
Our Republic had a good run, but it is over. We cannot live at peace with a political party that no longer believes in the principles set forth in the United States Constitution, and that resorts to murder and property destruction when it loses a Presidential election.

I will begin preparations for what it to come. I will purchase weapons and train in their use. I will stock up on food and supplies. I will arrange security for my home. I will make plans for the war that is to come.

I will urge like-minded people to organize a militia to protect our homes, as is our right under the Second Amendment. When they come to my neighborhood to cause me or my home harm, I will shoot them in self defense.

If you think what I say is extreme, wait a few years. You will come to realize that I am right. The Democrats have more plans to create more chaos and destruction. They will not relent until there is an actual shooting war and we will all have to take sides.
The only thing I find amazing here, BR, is that you ever had any hope of living at peace with the Democrats! I mean, they have NEVER had any wish to live at peace with you-- -- they have been telling us for years, decades, that this was their intention! It is us or them. America or whatever they'd turn it into ~ ~ ~ European Socialist Progressive Utopia.

I guess too few people tool them serious.

McCarthy was right after all.
The whole situation since Trump was elected has transformed me. I now see the Democrats clearly for what they are.

They are not a political party willing to work within the peaceful boundaries of a Constitutionally based Republic.

They are an organized band of thugs, willing to do whatever it takes to gain and keep power.
Our Republic had a good run, but it is over. We cannot live at peace with a political party that no longer believes in the principles set forth in the United States Constitution, and that resorts to murder and property destruction when it loses a Presidential election.

I will begin preparations for what it to come. I will purchase weapons and train in their use. I will stock up on food and supplies. I will arrange security for my home. I will make plans for the war that is to come.

I will urge like-minded people to organize a militia to protect our homes, as is our right under the Second Amendment. When they come to my neighborhood to cause me or my home harm, I will shoot them in self defense.

If you think what I say is extreme, wait a few years. You will come to realize that I am right. The Democrats have more plans to create more chaos and destruction. They will not relent until there is an actual shooting war and we will all have to take sides.

I can sympathize. All good Americans who still love their nation and see it as beacon of hope and freedom are as frustrated as we are with recent events. The Age we live in is a time of faith. Faith is a proposition of great risk; the risk of believing in some ideal or God or person that might well fail us in the end. But faith is what we must have. Strong faith that will carry us through darker times to come. Above all else we must have faith because the democrats and their barbarian tides have no faith in anyone or anything—least of all in themselves. Theirs is an instant gratification kind of religion. A religion where it is every man for himself and morality, compassion and honesty do not exist.

When it comes to resisting the democrat horde we must not telegraph our intentions or strategy. The democrats do not engage in head-on confrontation or conventional warfare. Theirs is a game of subterfuge, deceit, backstabbing and sleight of hand. So to must we meet them with similar tactics. Any war to come between America's political factions will be fluid and utterly confusing. Few if any combatants involved will wear uniforms and those that do cannot be trusted because anyone, friend or foe, can put one on.

For now, however, it is time to strengthen our faith in ourselves and each other and our President, a man who is like an island of light surrounded by a sea of plague. The time will come to fight back. That time isn't quite here yet. When it does arrive we must look, act and speak like the enemy so we can meet him among his own ranks, in his own familiar places and to get him call us ally in the moment before we strike. In that way we will have the final choice of battleground.
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration and pure paranoia. This is what it looks like.
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Yep big changes will now come

Whites will stop spending time and money watching football

Alabama’s coach Nick Saban came out and promoted the abortion democrat party now I will not down one dime on bama until they fire Saban

Also no more nfl or pro sports

This is a wake up call for the whites

A big boomerang will come
Also white males will understand that the founders were right that
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration. This is what it looks like.

Mac has mental issues and cannot see what’s happening and what will happen

Sports blacks now will lose a ton of money from the white male boycotts

White males are what makes real progress

They will stop producing for the nation

This will bring it all back to how the Bible shows history

The unwise obeying.the wise will come back after the destruction misery to democrats and women
Yep big changes will now come

Whites will stop spending time and money watching football

Alabama’s coach Nick Saban came out and promoted the abortion democrat party now I will not down one dime on bama until they fire Saban

Also no more nfl or pro sports

This is a wake up call for the whites

A big boomerang will come
Also white males will understand that the founders were right that
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration. This is what it looks like.

Mac has mental issues and cannot see what’s happening and what will happen

Sports blacks now will lose a ton of money from the white male boycotts

White males are what makes real progress

They will stop producing for the nation

This will bring it all back to how the Bible shows history

The unwise obeying.the wise will come back after the destruction misery to democrats and women
Hey Sergei, do you guys eat borscht for breakfast, or is that more of a dinner thing over there? :confused-84:
Our Republic had a good run, but it is over. We cannot live at peace with a political party that no longer believes in the principles set forth in the United States Constitution, and that resorts to murder and property destruction when it loses a Presidential election.

I will begin preparations for what it to come. I will purchase weapons and train in their use. I will stock up on food and supplies. I will arrange security for my home. I will make plans for the war that is to come.

I will urge like-minded people to organize a militia to protect our homes, as is our right under the Second Amendment. When they come to my neighborhood to cause me or my home harm, I will shoot them in self defense.

If you think what I say is extreme, wait a few years. You will come to realize that I am right. The Democrats have more plans to create more chaos and destruction. They will not relent until there is an actual shooting war and we will all have to take sides.
Hitler taught us you can't appease socialists. They won't stop until they have the world, then the chimps will start eating themselves.
White male boycotts will bring it back to the Bible’s history of humanity

The unwise obeying the wise

The unwise will beg the wise to tell them what to do
Yep big changes will now come

Whites will stop spending time and money watching football

Alabama’s coach Nick Saban came out and promoted the abortion democrat party now I will not down one dime on bama until they fire Saban

Also no more nfl or pro sports

This is a wake up call for the whites

A big boomerang will come
Also white males will understand that the founders were right that
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration. This is what it looks like.

Mac has mental issues and cannot see what’s happening and what will happen

Sports blacks now will lose a ton of money from the white male boycotts

White males are what makes real progress

They will stop producing for the nation

This will bring it all back to how the Bible shows history

The unwise obeying.the wise will come back after the destruction misery to democrats and women
Hey Sergei, do you guys eat borscht for breakfast, or is that more of a dinner thing over there?

Mac is a foolish loser with mental issues

Too dumb to know how he harms himself

Just a joke

He cannot understand easy universal laws

The unwise must obey the wise

The wise will begin to boy cott the unwise
Our Republic had a good run, but it is over. We cannot live at peace with a political party that no longer believes in the principles set forth in the United States Constitution, and that resorts to murder and property destruction when it loses a Presidential election.

I will begin preparations for what it to come. I will purchase weapons and train in their use. I will stock up on food and supplies. I will arrange security for my home. I will make plans for the war that is to come.

I will urge like-minded people to organize a militia to protect our homes, as is our right under the Second Amendment. When they come to my neighborhood to cause me or my home harm, I will shoot them in self defense.

If you think what I say is extreme, wait a few years. You will come to realize that I am right. The Democrats have more plans to create more chaos and destruction. They will not relent until there is an actual shooting war and we will all have to take sides.

As I have been saying for quite some time now. We can no longer live in the same country with these commies. In order to save what's left of our Republic, we need to have two countries instead of one. A line from north to south right down the middle. We vote on which side will be the conservative side and which side will be the liberal side. Anybody in between will just have to choose a side closest to their political ideology.

I think the left should get the west side of the country since it borders Mexico. Then they can open their borders to that country like they've always wanted. We will erect a huge Trump wall to keep them from slipping into our side of the country once they ruin their side.

It's really not my idea. When we were children, my siblings and I often fought or argued. When my mother had about enough, she would put us in separate rooms for some peace and quiet. It always worked well. Eventually we found a way to play nicely.

The left went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressive, from progressives to Socialists. From there they will go from Socialism to Communism. This is something we need to avoid, and the only possible way to do that is to implement my idea.
As a Christian white male I find no threat to my way of life any more today than I did 80 years ago. The nation is going to be just fine.
You are a blind fool. You will think differently when Democrats burn down your town. Maybe they will send some Coronavirus patients to your nursing home.

Democrats are terrorist and they don't care who they hurt in their quest for power.
Yep and the GOP are all saints that don't stick up only for the wealthy. Painting with a broad brush never works. There's bad apples on both sides but the vast majority sit toward the middle(common sense) and go about their daily lives.

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