'Asylum Seekers' Sue Trump For Denying Constitutional Rights?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Migrants traveling to US sue Trump, government; claim violation of constitutional rights


Asylum Seeker / Asyum' is a very specifically defined word which the vast majority of these criminals do not meet / qualify as.

- 'Asylum Seekers' must be one of a specific group seeking asylum from one of a few specifically defined things. Being poor as hell and wanting to come to the US does not meet that deco Orion.

- 'Asylum Seekers' must by law file for asylum at embassies or designated ports of entries. These criminals have illegally physically pushed their way past Mexical police/military, invading Mexico, and seek to do the same to the US THEN file for asylum.

The reason why is our 'broke ass' system of 'catch and release' that gives them an 'asylum' court date, releases them, tells them to show back up then, and then we never see them again. That's like catching someone breaking into your house, setting up a trial date for the future, letting them go, and telling the show back up at that future date to decide what will happen to them.... of course you're never going to see them again!

2. United States Constitution provides rights for United States citizens.

That's kind of the reason why it's called the United States Constitution. It does not provide constitutional rights to criminal Invaders...

So basically these criminals are coming all this way, already disrespecting this country by ignoring and having the intent of breaking our laws, and now they want to sue to force us to take them as they invade our country, breaking our existing immigration laws...

Migrants traveling to US sue Trump, government; claim violation of constitutional rights


Asylum Seeker / Asyum' is a very specifically defined word which the vast majority of these criminals do not meet / qualify as.

- 'Asylum Seekers' must be one of a specific group seeking asylum from one of a few specifically defined things. Being poor as hell and wanting to come to the US does not meet that deco Orion.

- 'Asylum Seekers' must by law file for asylum at embassies or designated ports of entries. These criminals have illegally physically pushed their way past Mexical police/military, invading Mexico, and seek to do the same to the US THEN file for asylum.

The reason why is our 'broke ass' system of 'catch and release' that gives them an 'asylum' court date, releases them, tells them to show back up then, and then we never see them again. That's like catching someone breaking into your house, setting up a trial date for the future, letting them go, and telling the show back up at that future date to decide what will happen to them.... of course you're never going to see them again!

2. United States Constitution provides rights for United States citizens.

That's kind of the reason why it's called the United States Constitution. It does not provide constitutional rights to criminal Invaders...

So basically these criminals are coming all this way, already disrespecting this country by ignoring and having the intent of breaking our laws, and now they want to sue to force us to take them as they invade our country, breaking our existing immigration laws...

This is what happens when you vote for Democrats.
Migrants traveling to US sue Trump, government; claim violation of constitutional rights


Asylum Seeker / Asyum' is a very specifically defined word which the vast majority of these criminals do not meet / qualify as.

- 'Asylum Seekers' must be one of a specific group seeking asylum from one of a few specifically defined things. Being poor as hell and wanting to come to the US does not meet that deco Orion.

- 'Asylum Seekers' must by law file for asylum at embassies or designated ports of entries. These criminals have illegally physically pushed their way past Mexical police/military, invading Mexico, and seek to do the same to the US THEN file for asylum.

The reason why is our 'broke ass' system of 'catch and release' that gives them an 'asylum' court date, releases them, tells them to show back up then, and then we never see them again. That's like catching someone breaking into your house, setting up a trial date for the future, letting them go, and telling the show back up at that future date to decide what will happen to them.... of course you're never going to see them again!

2. United States Constitution provides rights for United States citizens.

That's kind of the reason why it's called the United States Constitution. It does not provide constitutional rights to criminal Invaders...

So basically these criminals are coming all this way, already disrespecting this country by ignoring and having the intent of breaking our laws, and now they want to sue to force us to take them as they invade our country, breaking our existing immigration laws...


I second that. Hell the F**k no.
Asylum claims made by migrants caught crossing the border illegally would seemingly be summarily denied under Trump's proposal.
I think that's reasonable.
So is ending birthright citizenship for children when both parents are undocumented.

I have a question. The Chinese and Russian women coming here to have their children so they will be US citizens are here legally on a visa, though, so it won't stop the well heeled from taking advantage. Once again, only the poor are going to be punished?
We need to think that through.
Asylum claims made by migrants caught crossing the border illegally would seemingly be summarily denied under Trump's proposal.
I think that's reasonable.
So is ending birthright citizenship for children when both parents are undocumented.

I have a question. The Chinese and Russian women coming here to have their children so they will be US citizens are here legally on a visa, though, so it won't stop the well heeled from taking advantage. Once again, only the poor are going to be punished?
We need to think that through.

Nope. I think it will apply to all of them as it should.
Welll done. Honduran citizens filed a class action lawsuit in a US district court from a windy road in Mexico? That’s impressive.
Asylum claims made by migrants caught crossing the border illegally would seemingly be summarily denied under Trump's proposal.
I think that's reasonable.
So is ending birthright citizenship for children when both parents are undocumented.

I have a question. The Chinese and Russian women coming here to have their children so they will be US citizens are here legally on a visa, though, so it won't stop the well heeled from taking advantage. Once again, only the poor are going to be punished?
We need to think that through.
Federal Court cases make rhe conclusions alleged in the OP null and void. Even the OP link to a FOX article does the same.
Specific procedures for changing a Constitutional Amendment are clearly spelled out in the Constitution.
So, now the world claims America is not a sovereign nation...and everyone HAS THE RIGHT to come here if they claim to be seeking asylum.....
As if birther laws weren't already overly generous. Glorious day for Dems no doubt.

What a dumb fucking country.....that soon won't be. Demons of chaos and destruction, called Dems and Progs must be pumped with excitement today.

Can you just imagine how many people will be bused in when Dems regain control?
Millions per month?
"No private right of action
Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to create any substantive or procedural right or benefit that is legally enforceable by any party against the United States or its agencies or officers or any other person."
Asylum claims made by migrants caught crossing the border illegally would seemingly be summarily denied under Trump's proposal.
I think that's reasonable.
So is ending birthright citizenship for children when both parents are undocumented.

I have a question. The Chinese and Russian women coming here to have their children so they will be US citizens are here legally on a visa, though, so it won't stop the well heeled from taking advantage. Once again, only the poor are going to be punished?
We need to think that through.

Nope. I think it will apply to all of them as it should.
It shouldn't, Claudette. We have a law that you must live here 5 years before becoming a citizen. We also have many permanent residents here who choose not to become citizens but remain here and raise their families here. Why should their children, who are born here to legal residents, not be US citizens?
Welll done. Honduran citizens filed a class action lawsuit in a US district court from a windy road in Mexico? That’s impressive.

I wonder if "We The Hondurans" signed it (as to protect the identity of the deep pocket who really filed it)?
Same kind of deep pocket that files suit every time a gun control law is enacted.
Just give up the conspiracy nonsense, would you?
Asylum claims made by migrants caught crossing the border illegally would seemingly be summarily denied under Trump's proposal.
I think that's reasonable.
So is ending birthright citizenship for children when both parents are undocumented.

I have a question. The Chinese and Russian women coming here to have their children so they will be US citizens are here legally on a visa, though, so it won't stop the well heeled from taking advantage. Once again, only the poor are going to be punished?
We need to think that through.

Nope. I think it will apply to all of them as it should.
It shouldn't, Claudette. We have a law that you must live here 5 years before becoming a citizen. We also have many permanent residents here who choose not to become citizens but remain here and raise their families here. Why should their children, who are born here to legal residents, not be US citizens?

If their parents aren't citizens then they shouldn't be either.
Illegal Aliens are not Subject To The Jurisdiction of The US. They can't actually file a lawsuit from outside The US for an event which has not happened yet. The lawsuit is being funded by you guessed it....the man the US refuses to extradite to Russia or Hungary for election fraud and other crimes.......George Soros.

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