Astral Projection questions.

So, Captain's Log: Night #1.0

I was home alone, as the wife was over to her Aunt's house to share wedding photos. She left me a bottle of wine as if to say "this will replace me, this glorious evening darling." I pulled the cork and drank from the bottle, because cups are pointless to me when you're alone and the bottle is all yours. Society is so twisted.

I went into my recording studio and downloaded a few binaural tones, in order to get my brain producing some of those sound-waves my research was talking about which induce an altered consciousness. Admittedly, my a.d.d. hyperactivity began to kick in and I wasn't in concentration mode, and so I advanced toward my Giant Screen and turned on my glorious X-Box vessel. I played some of the new Call of Duty, Modern Warfare II on the hardest level, I'm up to the part where we ambush the Hide-out on the lake.

Wife arrives home around 9:30, and I begin to yawn. Early bed-time, it seems. My body was in an ample relaxation mode, must have been the wine, but I wasn't drunk or even buzzy. I didn't feel like getting nekked and enshrouding my woman with an experience similar to operating a Guillatine, only slightly even MORE pleasurable, and so I started a meditation routine while laying on my back in the king-sized bed.

I tried my absolute best to remain focused on imagining myself in the corner, but I was fading with my thoughts. So, I moved my imaginary-self to my dog's bed where I pet her on my way to Brushing my teeth every evening. It was easy to remain focused, because I was engaged in an activity (petting her, you sicko's).

I fell asleep. I'm not certain that my other self remained in my thoughts all the way until my body turned off, I don't really remember.

I did not have an out of body experience. Better put, I don't "think" I had an out of body experience, but I had some pretty vivid dreams, and a few of them as a matter of fact.

The first was interesting, to me anyways. You all might not get it. (required background info before reading of the dream: I went to Aruba for my honeymoon, and went on some Excursions. That is relevant. Also, I had a GT tee-shirt made by some air-brushing place in the mall this past weekend, and I enjoyed a conversation the dude (clerk) and I had, found it interesting. This is also relevant information.).

So, whisk me down to my hotel room in Aruba. The Riu Palace, in Aruba. I was sitting in my hotel room and wife was out with her Aunt (who in real-life wasn't IN Aruba, but this probably related to her going over there this very night in real-life). I was conversating with these two black kids, who were sitting at the edge of the Bed which took up much of the room so it was the practical sitting space. I remember the dude on my left was interesting, so I'm assuming he was the kid from the air-brush place I had met at the mall this past weekend. I was enjoying their company, but don't remember what we were talking about........when suddenly dude on the right leans backward and lifts his feet up toward me. His bare feet had white chalk on them, and he said "so, we're athletes, do you have any spare cash you can donate to keep us going?"

I felt conned into liking them when this was their eventual plan all along. I said "sorry, but all I carry is my Card I don't do cash. I'll show you my wallet."

They stood over me as I opened my droor, and there was an envelope in there full of dough. The kid from the airbrush store grabbed it quick when he saw it and said "come awnnn man, what's all this?"

I vividly remember that in his grabbing a bunch of bills quickly, a couple dropped to the floor. I thought I was about to have to fight but instead of keeping what he grabbed, he even picked up a $20(I remember the denomination at this point) and handed it ALL back to me. I felt like a dick like I required fast thinking on my feet excuses, so I said "that's not money I can even use, it's set aside for this excursion we're going on tomorrow."

End scene, and I go out onto the balcony and see my wife on the next-door balcony, which is weird b/c that becomes our room?!?!? I hopped over the balcony "fence" and joined her, in "our" room. (which I was just in??!?!?). Entire dream ends, at least that I can remember. Next dream of the three, to come. Next two are shorter, somewhat.
Captain's Log: Night #1.1

Dream two is brief. A quick background: I used to drive an old green blazer when I was like 21-22. I hated it with every inch of my being.

The dream:

I walked upon this green SUV, wasn't a Blazer though but I don't know what it was. It was for sale, noone was around but there was keys in it. My retarted "dream" mind thought that this meant "take it for a test-drive, go ahead!"

I was about to get in but two dudes came "out," (don't know where they were to begin with), and said "we'll take $365 for it (I remember the exact dollar quote for some reason). I remember what I said, I said "ya know, they say anything that runs properly is worth at least a G." I said this to be honest, as I'm not even in the market to buy a car so I'm not quite sure what I was checking it out for, but nevertheless..........................

I hopped in to test drive it with one of the dudes. I remember thinking, "runs good, for only $365 it kight be a good investment for just the winter, totally worth it."

The I self-argued, and said "wait, even though it's only $365, I don't need a winter vehicle really because it's already the end of November and still no snow. Might be a really mild season this year." For some reason, my mind "took note" of where I was driving when I decided not to buy. I was driving through an alley-way, in a slightly run-down section nearby where I live. Can't explain why I took note of where I was, but that is all.

I then woke up.

The tv in my room was on, it was roughly 1:45 AM. I had to pee, but my body was so relaxed I put my arms behind my head for a few minutes and began watching TV and gather the energy and wherewithall to get up and go pee. I was wide awake. I pee'd, petting the dog on my way who was laid snuggly in her bed.

Dream three to come....................
Captain's Log: Night #1.2

I was driving on the high-way, but the road was dirt-orange, like it was in Aruba on the way to the Natural Pool except it was indeed highway. I was with a friend of mine, and he kept telling me to go faster. We were on our way to a "body of water," but I don't know why and it "felt" like it was for an event of some sort. So as I'm speeding up, I drive by a State Trooper. He pulls out behind me, I usually get ready to be pulled over when this happens but I sped up slightly and made a turn, I guess, and was still on the highway(?!?!?!?) and lost him.

We were speeding onward, on the orange highway, and this kid we both knew from highschool(kinda dorky) was headed to the same place for the same event and we saw him pull along side of us. My friend egged me on, "cmon, you can't let him beat us!!"

The highway started being bumpy, and my suspension was feeling soooooo "loose," like at the top of bumps I was slightly airborne.......but going fast nevertheless.

I remember landing a couple of small jumps, so upon thinking it was safe to just "hit it," I kept pressing. Then it happened...........I hit a big one........

I kept rising into the air, higher and higher. HUNDREDS of feet in the air at this point, I look down, imagining the iminent death that was about to ensue.

There was the body of water, I was over the top of it. Swimmers looked up, and tried VERY hard to "scatter" out of the way, because they saw that I was coming down from the sky.

Dream ends.

I remember that in my childhood dreams, I fall alot. It usually occurs in my Gram's old backyard, though. I climb a skinny tree exaggeratedly tall, and the tree itself beging to tilt over and I'm hundreds of feet up and falling. She had a pool, and I always hoped to direct the fall that way but I always wake up.

That was all night #1. Hopefully someone can decipher these things. They do not seem like scatterbrained thoughts as my "usual" dreams do, that's for sure.

They were all lucid, very lucid. All this from picturing myself petting the dog as I fell asleep?
Captain's Log: Night #1.2

I was driving on the high-way, but the road was dirt-orange, like it was in Aruba on the way to the Natural Pool except it was indeed highway. I was with a friend of mine, and he kept telling me to go faster. We were on our way to a "body of water," but I don't know why and it "felt" like it was for an event of some sort. So as I'm speeding up, I drive by a State Trooper. He pulls out behind me, I usually get ready to be pulled over when this happens but I sped up slightly and made a turn, I guess, and was still on the highway(?!?!?!?) and lost him.

We were speeding onward, on the orange highway, and this kid we both knew from highschool(kinda dorky) was headed to the same place for the same event and we saw him pull along side of us. My friend egged me on, "cmon, you can't let him beat us!!"

The highway started being bumpy, and my suspension was feeling soooooo "loose," like at the top of bumps I was slightly airborne.......but going fast nevertheless.

I remember landing a couple of small jumps, so upon thinking it was safe to just "hit it," I kept pressing. Then it happened...........I hit a big one........

I kept rising into the air, higher and higher. HUNDREDS of feet in the air at this point, I look down, imagining the iminent death that was about to ensue.

There was the body of water, I was over the top of it. Swimmers looked up, and tried VERY hard to "scatter" out of the way, because they saw that I was coming down from the sky.

Dream ends.

I remember that in my childhood dreams, I fall alot. It usually occurs in my Gram's old backyard, though. I climb a skinny tree exaggeratedly tall, and the tree itself beging to tilt over and I'm hundreds of feet up and falling. She had a pool, and I always hoped to direct the fall that way but I always wake up.

That was all night #1. Hopefully someone can decipher these things. They do not seem like scatterbrained thoughts as my "usual" dreams do, that's for sure.

They were all lucid, very lucid. All this from picturing myself petting the dog as I fell asleep?

OK sport.
Here is a clue for you all ...
regarding "the fall"
The aim is to be...

The most important "tool" is control.
Embrace the fall
Be one with the impact
When you can do that and feel nothing you are ready to embark in AT
I got from another expert that the fall is yourself re-entering your body so it's good that this occurs.
I got from another expert that the fall is yourself re-entering your body so it's good that this occurs.

That can be true but it is not like a gateway in or out of AT.

I am not a dabler. The fall is one of the most important things to master. To mean something it must mean nothing.

Vaguisms don't help a journeyman. Don't post how knowledgable you are if you're not going to thoroughly explain yourself. That's like bragging you're the illest hoop player but never picking up a ball to show anyone.

What is this all REALLY. What is the POINT of doing it? What COULD it unlock, what are its' implications?

I mean, I'm looking to unlock a lot of mysteries and something tells me that if you had them truly mastered you wouldn't be sitting around on message boards all day, you'd be in the Mountains Meditating. :eek:
I got from another expert that the fall is yourself re-entering your body so it's good that this occurs.

That can be true but it is not like a gateway in or out of AT.

I am not a dabler. The fall is one of the most important things to master. To mean something it must mean nothing.

Vaguisms don't help a journeyman. Don't post how knowledgable you are if you're not going to thoroughly explain yourself. That's like bragging you're the illest hoop player but never picking up a ball to show anyone.

What is this all REALLY. What is the POINT of doing it? What COULD it unlock, what are its' implications?

I mean, I'm looking to unlock a lot of mysteries and something tells me that if you had them truly mastered you wouldn't be sitting around on message boards all day, you'd be in the Mountains Meditating. :eek:

I see you have a great deal of untapped energy. I wasn't being vague. I was being precise. One saving energy is more important than using it in access to the meditation mountain. What do you think "being there" means? If you need to know I suggest you calm down a notch/level/veil or two and focus on your being...who you really are. It really is that simple. You say the right things...your dreams are becoming more lucid. Most people experience what you used to...random jibberish if even that. You still have a lot of work to do to calm yourself down and control your thoughts. When I said that to mean something must mean nothing..I meant exactly that. Do you really believe you are prepared to see anything?. Not if you still have frightening dreams. Do you really think you have already thought of or dreamed of the worst thing? When you can look at the worst thing in your dreams without emotion you are getting close. Trust this ..even if you can do that you haven't seen a DAMNED thing yet. This isn't the drive through window. Invest some time and learn to focus or drop it for your own good.

Some flicks to take in that explore human fear..."What Dreams May Come"..."Dreamscape"....and a documentary called "The Bridge". If you can watch these without an emotional reaction I can offer more "specifics". In any case your quest may take several years. This stuff isn't really for everybody.
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I got from another expert that the fall is yourself re-entering your body so it's good that this occurs.

That can be true but it is not like a gateway in or out of AT.

I am not a dabler. The fall is one of the most important things to master. To mean something it must mean nothing.

Vaguisms don't help a journeyman. Don't post how knowledgable you are if you're not going to thoroughly explain yourself. That's like bragging you're the illest hoop player but never picking up a ball to show anyone.

What is this all REALLY. What is the POINT of doing it? What COULD it unlock, what are its' implications?

I mean, I'm looking to unlock a lot of mysteries and something tells me that if you had them truly mastered you wouldn't be sitting around on message boards all day, you'd be in the Mountains Meditating. :eek:'s not vague, your understanding is, and I'm not trying to be mean.

I'll explain............

"To mean something it must mean nothing". That's a Taoistic or Zen kind of thought.

Think of it like Martial Arts, you practice something REPEATEDLY until you can do it by reflex, which means you keep doing something until you finally get to the point that you are not doing anything, but your body reacts anyway.

A lot of musicians, artists, actors, scholars.........the list is endless, do that very same thing. They do it until it "means nothing", meaning they don't think about it, and therefore the action occurs naturally without any thought.

That's the point where it means something.

What is the point of AT? Simple.......learning by doing and seeing. Now, if you do something in your dreams long enough, or work it out in them, you can bring those things into THIS world, which means that you can do it here.

What do you think "living your dreams" is all about?

Incidentally, there was a NASA scientist working on some planet landing/colonizing problem, and he couldn't get it figured out.

He then started to work on it in his dreams, and came up with the solution. True story.

THAT is the point of AT.
That's what another consultant told me, turn the TV off. Thanks, Terry.

Far as Huggy and Biker, thanks for your guys' insight, and I appreciate your time, but I'm not really into the whole Mr. Miogi stuff. There's so much information out there from people, that what you all say seems elitist in the way you deliver it. You're not willing to teach, you're speaking in-terms of "you'll understand one day," which is not a very guiding. A teacher doesn't begin a lesson plan by speaking in terms "to be learned at a later date."

You hopefully understand I appreciate your time and all, but I'm just not interested in your talking in "code" and then telling me "it's not code, you'll get it eventually" and shit, like talking to me like I'm hard headed and yadda yadda. My goal is to acquire information in how to get to "eventually" I don't want tips that seem vague now but you say I'll understand later, I'm looking to build from "now."

If you're not feelin that, no need to post right?

Anyhoot, round two tonight or tomorrow night.
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And Huggy, there's nothing, and I mean nothing, I'm not ready for. That's not ignorance, that's not immaturity and lack of pragmatism, that's fact based on experience.

Death is the final chapter. I'm ready to face it, and have, in-terms of being an eye-witness, losing people, and watching extended death in the most painful way.

I was beaten battered and bruised, lived in a drug/alcohol/physical/sexual abusing home all my life, and there's no fire I cannot face.

I guess if you can't accept that in "getting more specific," then sign off the thread. I'm not getting geared up to be ready for the worst, I'm ready for the worst. That's not's lack thereof.
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That's what another consultant told me, turn the TV off. Thanks, Terry.

Far as Huggy and Biker, thanks for your guys' insight, and I appreciate your time, but I'm not really into the whole Mr. Miogi stuff. There's so much information out there from people, that what you all say seems toddler-ish in the way you deliver it. You're not willing to teach, you're speaking in-terms of "you'll understand one day," which is not a very guiding.

You hopefully understand I appreciate your time and all, but I'm just not interested in your talking in "code" and then telling me "it's not code, you'll get it eventually" and shit, like talking to me like I'm hard headed and yadda yadda. My goal is to acquire information in how to get to "eventually" I don't want tips that seem vague now but you say I'll understand later, I'm looking to build from "now."

If you're not feelin that, no need to post right?

Anyhoot, round two tonight or tomorrow night.

Actually, it's Mr. Miyagi, and no, nobody is talking in code or being obtuse.

I'll explain it another way.......when you were a toddler, walking was very hard because you didn't have the balance, but, you practiced enough at it, until now, when you want to go somewhere, you don't have to think about balancing, bracing, or grabbing on to things.

All you do is walk.

Or.........if you ever rode a bicycle, you would know that at first, when the training wheels were off, you had to think about EVERYTHING, so that you wouldn't fall. Same thing with driving a car do it enough, and driving becomes "reflex" or second nature.

If you can't understand it in that way........well........might wanna think again about AT.

I'm also sorry that you didn't want to be a part of the journey.......but nonetheless, the journey is underway. Good day, sir. I understand your analogy, completely, but it doesn't change my point at all.
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You might want to look up techniques on how to relax/meditate. When you lay down to go to sleep you think your mind is clear but it really isn't. This is even hard for me to do and why I'm unable to AT or anything on will. The times I've had experiences was when I was either in deep prayer or literally cried myself to sleep. I suspect that worked because mentally I exhausted myself therefore my mind was blank.

You know also how sometimes when you lay in bed you think of maybe things you need to do tomorrow, next week or events of past? You cannot do that either. You really have to focus and blank everything out completely, then once you can do that perhaps visualizing you in the corner will meet with success.

Google search a website that really teaches you clearly on how to totally relax. I once found one that was a window media files to explain it. There are so many out there but they just give basics or enough if you have meditated before you'll understand. What works for one might not work for you.

Maybe the easiest form is to just picture in your mind that you are encased by white light, concentrate on only that white light surrounding you, do some slow deep breathing and anytime any thoughts enter your mind push it out and see that white light again. It takes much practice, some can just sit at their pc and stop, think of a black box and within 10 min they are in deep meditation. No way can I do that for my brain is a busy one.

Hope that helps.

You might want to look up techniques on how to relax/meditate. When you lay down to go to sleep you think your mind is clear but it really isn't. This is even hard for me to do and why I'm unable to AT or anything on will. The times I've had experiences was when I was either in deep prayer or literally cried myself to sleep. I suspect that worked because mentally I exhausted myself therefore my mind was blank.

You know also how sometimes when you lay in bed you think of maybe things you need to do tomorrow, next week or events of past? You cannot do that either. You really have to focus and blank everything out completely, then once you can do that perhaps visualizing you in the corner will meet with success.

Google search a website that really teaches you clearly on how to totally relax. I once found one that was a window media files to explain it. There are so many out there but they just give basics or enough if you have meditated before you'll understand. What works for one might not work for you.

Maybe the easiest form is to just picture in your mind that you are encased by white light, concentrate on only that white light surrounding you, do some slow deep breathing and anytime any thoughts enter your mind push it out and see that white light again. It takes much practice, some can just sit at their pc and stop, think of a black box and within 10 min they are in deep meditation. No way can I do that for my brain is a busy one.

Hope that helps.

Absolutely that helps. Last night was exactly as you described, my mind would not clear. I tried my best to focus on my other self, and my thoughts kept wandering. Time to research meditation techniques. White light idea sounds fruitful.

Nonetheless, I actually had more lucid dreams but this time they were a tiny bit more non-sensical and I don't know how much I remember.

Captain's Log: Night #2.1

All that I captured from dream number one is that I learned a Bowling technique. I shit you not, I don't bowl but my last time in a league years ago I could only "straight" bowl and couldn't get my ball, even though it was designed for it, to hook properly.

In my dream, I put my thumb in the ball, but only *1 of the top fingers, as opposed to two. I also really, REALLY loosened my body, namely at the knees, in my approach to the lane. I probably shot like 25 times, which I guess you could say is pretty consistent for a dream to keep that much attention on one thing. After getting the technique "down," I believe I woke up, rolled over, and fell back asleep.
Captain's Log: Night #2.2

This dream was weird and it didn't make much sense to me. I was in a holding cell, but it was more like an indoor-outdoor looking "mini" prison yard, kind of what you'd picture a home in Iraq to look like or some crap, but I was actually in the City next door to mine, because they were "Watervliet" cops.

I was picked up I believe for partying, but wasn't going to be charged with anything and just waiting to be picked up. As I was waiting for my ride, I went out onto the picnic table in the outdoor area, and had an interesting conversation with some young girl, that I forget what it was about.

A little while later, I was picked up by my sister and telling her about Astral Projection. We drove by a pick-up truck on the way home, and the girl from the picnic table was standing in the back of the pick-up truck and I was shocked and told my sister "that was the chick from my dream!!!" - - - which is weird, the girl felt like she was a dream at this point and I hadn't actually talked to her at the picnic table, but was now seeing her in "real life" so I was shocked, but really I'm inside of a dream seeing her still lol, so I dunno.

I don't remember much after this point, except walking to a game and standing next to the bleachers. I looked over to the people sitting and they were drinking mixed drinks, and Orange soda.

Then I was suddenly at a Basketball court with a picnic table in the center. A group of like 6 of us were just sitting around the table, chilling. The hoops were all low, like @ 8 feet, and no nets (which is my pet peeve for a Basketball hoop, when its got no net. It ruins my desire to play).

And that's all I remember in my night of dreams.

Question: What is "AT" as opposed to "AP" or "OBE?"
:eusa_eh: Astral projection.....last time that happened I got arrested for mooning....won't try that again.

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