Associate Press: Around world, Obama's presidency a disappointment

Either way after this election cycle and when all of the "job creators" stop wasting money trying to elect the waste of space known as romney maybe then they will start investing in the country that allowed them to get where they are in the first place?

The business and investor class look forward, and they headed for the hills the moment Obama was made President Elect - and will remain their until the clear and present danger of the Obama Administration has subsided.

Our job creators are just going to wait Obama out:

64% Of Small Businesses Planning To Wait Out Obama, Will NOT Be Adding New Jobs (12% Say They Will CUT Jobs) « Start Thinking Right

No real economic recovery until Obama is gone and his nonsensical programs are reversed.

Vote responsibly next time, peeps!

So your business post starts off with a fucking Bible Quote? Seriously?
Republicans are the only people I know that refer to political figures as "deities".

Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth.

Republicans are the only people I know that refer to political figures as "deities".

Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth.


And you believe in "fuck America - I'm in it for me - die mother fuckers".
A great read on the worldwide perceived notion that the Obama Presidency is an EPIC FAILURE. Excerpts:

'In a world weary of war and economic crises, and concerned about global climate change, the consensus is that Obama has not lived up to the lofty expectations that surrounded his 2008 election and Nobel Peace Prize a year later. Many in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America were also taken aback by his support for gay marriage, a taboo subject among religious conservatives.'

News from The Associated Press

I can see how planet earth is disappointed in Obama .. but I doubt that gay marriage is their biggest disappointment.

His love of war would be the biggest disappointment.

What is your nationality?
Either way after this election cycle and when all of the "job creators" stop wasting money trying to elect the waste of space known as romney maybe then they will start investing in the country that allowed them to get where they are in the first place?

The business and investor class look forward, and they headed for the hills the moment Obama was made President Elect - and will remain their until the clear and present danger of the Obama Administration has subsided.

Our job creators are just going to wait Obama out:

64% Of Small Businesses Planning To Wait Out Obama, Will NOT Be Adding New Jobs (12% Say They Will CUT Jobs) « Start Thinking Right

No real economic recovery until Obama is gone and his nonsensical programs are reversed.

Vote responsibly next time, peeps!

So your business post starts off with a fucking Bible Quote? Seriously?

The world has no choice but to be disappointed in obama. He over promised and under delivered. Europe particularly has to be disappointed. They were told, by obama, that his presence alone was sufficient to restore fiscal stability Now the EU is falling apart and Europeans may actually have to go to work.
The world has no choice but to be disappointed in obama. He over promised and under delivered. Europe particularly has to be disappointed. They were told, by obama, that his presence alone was sufficient to restore fiscal stability Now the EU is falling apart and Europeans may actually have to go to work.

There are always choices, don't play the victim card. You're not a victim.
Maybe if English was your first language? Ah, well.

Yeah, let me know if you need help with your English, Foot-in-Mouth.


You're the one who couldn't understand a basic sentence. You may be in need of a remedial class.

Guess again, Foot-in-Mouth. Remember when I gave you some good advice about not being a pretentious bitch? You should consider taking it before you make even more of a fool of yourself.
The world has no choice but to be disappointed in obama. He over promised and under delivered. Europe particularly has to be disappointed. They were told, by obama, that his presence alone was sufficient to restore fiscal stability Now the EU is falling apart and Europeans may actually have to go to work.

There are always choices, don't play the victim card. You're not a victim.

Of course, Europe and indeed the United States had the choice to recognize that obama was full of shit four years ago, they chose not to believe it. Now, having believed, without any basis to believe, they are disappointed that they did not get personal wish fulfillment.
The world has no choice but to be disappointed in obama. He over promised and under delivered. Europe particularly has to be disappointed. They were told, by obama, that his presence alone was sufficient to restore fiscal stability Now the EU is falling apart and Europeans may actually have to go to work.

There are always choices, don't play the victim card. You're not a victim.

Of course, Europe and indeed the United States had the choice to recognize that obama was full of shit four years ago, they chose not to believe it. Now, having believed, without any basis to believe, they are disappointed that they did not get personal wish fulfillment.

You can only speak for yourself, starshine.
Republicans are the only people I know that refer to political figures as "deities".

Funny you should say that, Because lately Democrats are the Only ones I see Blindly Worshiping a Politician Despite ample Reason to Doubt him, and Hanging on his every word as if it's the Gospel.
. But the Democrat still enjoys broad international support. In large part, it's because of unfavorable memories of his Republican predecessor, George W. Bush, and many people would still prefer Obama over his presumptive Republican challenger Mitt Romney

Yea....looks like the world is clamoring for a return to Republican leadership
There are always choices, don't play the victim card. You're not a victim.

Of course, Europe and indeed the United States had the choice to recognize that obama was full of shit four years ago, they chose not to believe it. Now, having believed, without any basis to believe, they are disappointed that they did not get personal wish fulfillment.

You can only speak for yourself, starshine.

Wow, you've got it bad.
Republicans are the only people I know that refer to political figures as "deities".
oh i dont know Dean you and a few others of your mind set seem to do some worshiping Far Lefties follow the President and his party as closely as the far right follows questions asked.....just do as your go ahead and tell me how you always question what these jerks tell you so i can have a good laugh......
The world hates pubs- they're not morons fcs... thanks for the depression, and the longest, stupidest wars EVER- JFC. PFFFFT! PUB DUPES!!

Frankie are you ever going to answer that fucking question?.....or are you just going to say the same shit and over? you realize how many times you have said this same thing in other threads?.....

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