Assange Said He Would Turn Himself in If Obama Freed Chelsea Manning....


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
Well Obama commuted Manning's sentence, so it's time for the piece of shit Assange to put up or shut up.

"President Obama has commuted the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, paving the way for the army intelligence analyst turned high-profile leaker to be freed on May 17, the White House announced Tuesday."

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

"WikiLeaks says its founder Julian Assange will turn himself in to U.S. authorities under one condition: Chelsea Manning must get clemency.

"If Obama grants Manning clemency, Assange will agree to U.S. prison in exchange—despite its clear unlawfulness," the company wrote in a Tweet that linked to a document calling for more transparency in the U.S. Justice Department's investigation into WikiLeaks. Assange’s lawyer Barry Pollack signed the document."

Julian Assange Says He'll Turn Himself in If Obama Pardons Chelsea Manning
Well Obama commuted Manning's sentence, so it's time for the piece of shit Assange to put up or shut up.

"President Obama has commuted the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, paving the way for the army intelligence analyst turned high-profile leaker to be freed on May 17, the White House announced Tuesday."

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

"WikiLeaks says its founder Julian Assange will turn himself in to U.S. authorities under one condition: Chelsea Manning must get clemency.

"If Obama grants Manning clemency, Assange will agree to U.S. prison in exchange—despite its clear unlawfulness," the company wrote in a Tweet that linked to a document calling for more transparency in the U.S. Justice Department's investigation into WikiLeaks. Assange’s lawyer Barry Pollack signed the document."

Julian Assange Says He'll Turn Himself in If Obama Pardons Chelsea Manning

Turn himself over for what? Exposing the corruption and lies of the DNC?
Well Obama commuted Manning's sentence, so it's time for the piece of shit Assange to put up or shut up.

"President Obama has commuted the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, paving the way for the army intelligence analyst turned high-profile leaker to be freed on May 17, the White House announced Tuesday."

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

"WikiLeaks says its founder Julian Assange will turn himself in to U.S. authorities under one condition: Chelsea Manning must get clemency.

"If Obama grants Manning clemency, Assange will agree to U.S. prison in exchange—despite its clear unlawfulness," the company wrote in a Tweet that linked to a document calling for more transparency in the U.S. Justice Department's investigation into WikiLeaks. Assange’s lawyer Barry Pollack signed the document."

Julian Assange Says He'll Turn Himself in If Obama Pardons Chelsea Manning

Turn himself over for what? Exposing the corruption and lies of the DNC?

Huh, try charges of rape and one of molestation in Sweden.
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline - BBC News
Of course that doesn't mean that some posters think rape and molestation are a big deal. It's just locker-room stuff, right?
Anyways, that's why he is spending his recent life in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, so he can avoid extradition to Sweden.
Have you ever taken the time to read the files on those charges? By having sex again in the morning without first asking, even though she responded, is what the charge was, no verbal permission. The women stated they were not accusing him. But law there allows charges if they want to pursue them. They were dropped, then suddenly , after he released us docs, suddenly reinstated with no new evidence. Even the UN has investigated and stated they are bogus.
Well Obama commuted Manning's sentence, so it's time for the piece of shit Assange to put up or shut up.

"President Obama has commuted the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, paving the way for the army intelligence analyst turned high-profile leaker to be freed on May 17, the White House announced Tuesday."

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

"WikiLeaks says its founder Julian Assange will turn himself in to U.S. authorities under one condition: Chelsea Manning must get clemency.

"If Obama grants Manning clemency, Assange will agree to U.S. prison in exchange—despite its clear unlawfulness," the company wrote in a Tweet that linked to a document calling for more transparency in the U.S. Justice Department's investigation into WikiLeaks. Assange’s lawyer Barry Pollack signed the document."

Julian Assange Says He'll Turn Himself in If Obama Pardons Chelsea Manning

Turn himself over for what? Exposing the corruption and lies of the DNC?

Huh, try charges of rape and one of molestation in Sweden.
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline - BBC News
Of course that doesn't mean that some posters think rape and molestation are a big deal. It's just locker-room stuff, right?
Anyways, that's why he is spending his recent life in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, so he can avoid extradition to Sweden.
Well Obama commuted Manning's sentence, so it's time for the piece of shit Assange to put up or shut up.

"President Obama has commuted the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, paving the way for the army intelligence analyst turned high-profile leaker to be freed on May 17, the White House announced Tuesday."

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

"WikiLeaks says its founder Julian Assange will turn himself in to U.S. authorities under one condition: Chelsea Manning must get clemency.

"If Obama grants Manning clemency, Assange will agree to U.S. prison in exchange—despite its clear unlawfulness," the company wrote in a Tweet that linked to a document calling for more transparency in the U.S. Justice Department's investigation into WikiLeaks. Assange’s lawyer Barry Pollack signed the document."

Julian Assange Says He'll Turn Himself in If Obama Pardons Chelsea Manning

Turn himself over for what? Exposing the corruption and lies of the DNC?

Huh, try charges of rape and one of molestation in Sweden.
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline - BBC News
Of course that doesn't mean that some posters think rape and molestation are a big deal. It's just locker-room stuff, right?
Anyways, that's why he is spending his recent life in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, so he can avoid extradition to Sweden.
no one else would get extradited to another country for charges of rape. You numskulls seem to think rape is uncommon.
The woman said she didn't want him charged. But law there, if second verbal ok isn't given they can charge someone, even when the woman consents by having it.
Well Obama commuted Manning's sentence, so it's time for the piece of shit Assange to put up or shut up.

"President Obama has commuted the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, paving the way for the army intelligence analyst turned high-profile leaker to be freed on May 17, the White House announced Tuesday."

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

"WikiLeaks says its founder Julian Assange will turn himself in to U.S. authorities under one condition: Chelsea Manning must get clemency.

"If Obama grants Manning clemency, Assange will agree to U.S. prison in exchange—despite its clear unlawfulness," the company wrote in a Tweet that linked to a document calling for more transparency in the U.S. Justice Department's investigation into WikiLeaks. Assange’s lawyer Barry Pollack signed the document."

Julian Assange Says He'll Turn Himself in If Obama Pardons Chelsea Manning

Turn himself over for what? Exposing the corruption and lies of the DNC?

Huh, try charges of rape and one of molestation in Sweden.
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline - BBC News
Of course that doesn't mean that some posters think rape and molestation are a big deal. It's just locker-room stuff, right?
Anyways, that's why he is spending his recent life in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, so he can avoid extradition to Sweden.
no one else would get extradited to another country for charges of rape. You numskulls seem to think rape is uncommon.
Well Obama commuted Manning's sentence, so it's time for the piece of shit Assange to put up or shut up.

"President Obama has commuted the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, paving the way for the army intelligence analyst turned high-profile leaker to be freed on May 17, the White House announced Tuesday."

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

"WikiLeaks says its founder Julian Assange will turn himself in to U.S. authorities under one condition: Chelsea Manning must get clemency.

"If Obama grants Manning clemency, Assange will agree to U.S. prison in exchange—despite its clear unlawfulness," the company wrote in a Tweet that linked to a document calling for more transparency in the U.S. Justice Department's investigation into WikiLeaks. Assange’s lawyer Barry Pollack signed the document."

Julian Assange Says He'll Turn Himself in If Obama Pardons Chelsea Manning

Turn himself over for what? Exposing the corruption and lies of the DNC?

Huh, try charges of rape and one of molestation in Sweden.
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline - BBC News
Of course that doesn't mean that some posters think rape and molestation are a big deal. It's just locker-room stuff, right?
Anyways, that's why he is spending his recent life in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, so he can avoid extradition to Sweden.
no one else would get extradited to another country for charges of rape. You numskulls seem to think rape is uncommon.

Well, I have two daughters. If they were raped, as a father, I'd want that bastard to stand trial and then rot in prison. I don't are if the piece of scum was on the frikken moon.
As I stated in my previous post, there are some posters here who think rape isn't such a bad thing. Thanks for proving me right.
Also, I hope you have no daughters/granddaughters, you don't deserve them.
The woman said she didn't want him charged. But law there, if second verbal ok isn't given they can charge someone, even when the woman consents by having it.
Well Obama commuted Manning's sentence, so it's time for the piece of shit Assange to put up or shut up.

"President Obama has commuted the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, paving the way for the army intelligence analyst turned high-profile leaker to be freed on May 17, the White House announced Tuesday."

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

"WikiLeaks says its founder Julian Assange will turn himself in to U.S. authorities under one condition: Chelsea Manning must get clemency.

"If Obama grants Manning clemency, Assange will agree to U.S. prison in exchange—despite its clear unlawfulness," the company wrote in a Tweet that linked to a document calling for more transparency in the U.S. Justice Department's investigation into WikiLeaks. Assange’s lawyer Barry Pollack signed the document."

Julian Assange Says He'll Turn Himself in If Obama Pardons Chelsea Manning

Turn himself over for what? Exposing the corruption and lies of the DNC?

Huh, try charges of rape and one of molestation in Sweden.
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline - BBC News
Of course that doesn't mean that some posters think rape and molestation are a big deal. It's just locker-room stuff, right?
Anyways, that's why he is spending his recent life in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, so he can avoid extradition to Sweden.
no one else would get extradited to another country for charges of rape. You numskulls seem to think rape is uncommon.

The victim was sleeping. Did she a "safe word' in her sleep?
Well Obama commuted Manning's sentence, so it's time for the piece of shit Assange to put up or shut up.

"President Obama has commuted the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, paving the way for the army intelligence analyst turned high-profile leaker to be freed on May 17, the White House announced Tuesday."

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

"WikiLeaks says its founder Julian Assange will turn himself in to U.S. authorities under one condition: Chelsea Manning must get clemency.

"If Obama grants Manning clemency, Assange will agree to U.S. prison in exchange—despite its clear unlawfulness," the company wrote in a Tweet that linked to a document calling for more transparency in the U.S. Justice Department's investigation into WikiLeaks. Assange’s lawyer Barry Pollack signed the document."

Julian Assange Says He'll Turn Himself in If Obama Pardons Chelsea Manning

Turn himself over for what? Exposing the corruption and lies of the DNC?

Huh, try charges of rape and one of molestation in Sweden.
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline - BBC News
Of course that doesn't mean that some posters think rape and molestation are a big deal. It's just locker-room stuff, right?
Anyways, that's why he is spending his recent life in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, so he can avoid extradition to Sweden.
no one else would get extradited to another country for charges of rape. You numskulls seem to think rape is uncommon.

Well, I have two daughters. If they were raped, as a father, I'd want that bastard to stand trial and then rot in prison. I don't are if the piece of scum was on the frikken moon.
As I stated in my previous post, there are some posters here who think rape isn't such a bad thing. Thanks for proving me right.
Also, I hope you have no daughters/granddaughters, you don't deserve them.
Thank you for that overly emotional response and insult.

I didn't say rape wasn't such a bad thing. You said that I think that.

It's not normal for someone to be extradited to another country for rape. This is political.
And to update you on Sweden's legal policy on rape: A woman can decide any time after consensual sex that she has been raped.

This is political. There is always some losers the establishment can dredge up to play their games.
Well Obama commuted Manning's sentence, so it's time for the piece of shit Assange to put up or shut up.

"President Obama has commuted the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, paving the way for the army intelligence analyst turned high-profile leaker to be freed on May 17, the White House announced Tuesday."

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

"WikiLeaks says its founder Julian Assange will turn himself in to U.S. authorities under one condition: Chelsea Manning must get clemency.

"If Obama grants Manning clemency, Assange will agree to U.S. prison in exchange—despite its clear unlawfulness," the company wrote in a Tweet that linked to a document calling for more transparency in the U.S. Justice Department's investigation into WikiLeaks. Assange’s lawyer Barry Pollack signed the document."

Julian Assange Says He'll Turn Himself in If Obama Pardons Chelsea Manning

A whole lot of Hollywood stars said they would leave the US if Trump won. Will they leave before or after Assange turns himself in?
So how those so furious about Russian hacking and giving e-mails to Wikileaks feeling about Obama commuting the sentence of Manning someone who stole for lack of a better word thousands documents and turned them over to Wikileaks?
The stickler here is Manning didn't get clemency, his sentence was commuted. Huge difference
The stickler here is Manning didn't get clemency, his sentence was commuted. Huge difference

Actually, Manning got clemency BECAUSE his sentence was commuted. Guess you don't know what a dictionary is, because otherwise you wouldn't have made such a vocabulary error.

Lemmie help you out with the meaning of clemency....................


[klem-uh n-see]

See more synonyms on
noun, plural clemencies.
1.the quality of being clement; disposition to show forbearance, compassion, or forgiveness in judging or punishing; leniency; mercy. act or deed showing mercy or leniency.
3. (of the weather) mildness or temperateness

Manning received clemency (mercy) from Obama by having his sentence commuted.
The stickler here is Manning didn't get clemency, his sentence was commuted. Huge difference

Actually, Manning got clemency BECAUSE his sentence was commuted. Guess you don't know what a dictionary is, because otherwise you wouldn't have made such a vocabulary error.

Lemmie help you out with the meaning of clemency....................


[klem-uh n-see]

See more synonyms on
noun, plural clemencies.
1.the quality of being clement; disposition to show forbearance, compassion, or forgiveness in judging or punishing; leniency; mercy. act or deed showing mercy or leniency.
3. (of the weather) mildness or temperateness

Manning received clemency (mercy) from Obama by having his sentence commuted.

He should have been hung...or shot. Makes no difference to me. Obungles is just helping out a fellow deviant, fags and trannies hanging together
Well Obama commuted Manning's sentence, so it's time for the piece of shit Assange to put up or shut up.

"President Obama has commuted the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, paving the way for the army intelligence analyst turned high-profile leaker to be freed on May 17, the White House announced Tuesday."

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

"WikiLeaks says its founder Julian Assange will turn himself in to U.S. authorities under one condition: Chelsea Manning must get clemency.

"If Obama grants Manning clemency, Assange will agree to U.S. prison in exchange—despite its clear unlawfulness," the company wrote in a Tweet that linked to a document calling for more transparency in the U.S. Justice Department's investigation into WikiLeaks. Assange’s lawyer Barry Pollack signed the document."

Julian Assange Says He'll Turn Himself in If Obama Pardons Chelsea Manning
Probably dated before Dems whacked Seth Rich, Assange won't stand by this deal
Honey, have you gone to bed with someone, had sex, then in the morning have sex again, initiated by cuddling? And did you ask permission, or they ask permission each time? She didn't resist. It is a fake charge. The woman has even said so. You don't believe the supposed victim when they deny the supposed crimet?
The woman said she didn't want him charged. But law there, if second verbal ok isn't given they can charge someone, even when the woman consents by having it.
Well Obama commuted Manning's sentence, so it's time for the piece of shit Assange to put up or shut up.

"President Obama has commuted the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, paving the way for the army intelligence analyst turned high-profile leaker to be freed on May 17, the White House announced Tuesday."

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

"WikiLeaks says its founder Julian Assange will turn himself in to U.S. authorities under one condition: Chelsea Manning must get clemency.

"If Obama grants Manning clemency, Assange will agree to U.S. prison in exchange—despite its clear unlawfulness," the company wrote in a Tweet that linked to a document calling for more transparency in the U.S. Justice Department's investigation into WikiLeaks. Assange’s lawyer Barry Pollack signed the document."

Julian Assange Says He'll Turn Himself in If Obama Pardons Chelsea Manning

Turn himself over for what? Exposing the corruption and lies of the DNC?

Huh, try charges of rape and one of molestation in Sweden.
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline - BBC News
Of course that doesn't mean that some posters think rape and molestation are a big deal. It's just locker-room stuff, right?
Anyways, that's why he is spending his recent life in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, so he can avoid extradition to Sweden.
no one else would get extradited to another country for charges of rape. You numskulls seem to think rape is uncommon.

The victim was sleeping. Did she a "safe word' in her sleep?
Well Obama commuted Manning's sentence, so it's time for the piece of shit Assange to put up or shut up.

"President Obama has commuted the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, paving the way for the army intelligence analyst turned high-profile leaker to be freed on May 17, the White House announced Tuesday."

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

"WikiLeaks says its founder Julian Assange will turn himself in to U.S. authorities under one condition: Chelsea Manning must get clemency.

"If Obama grants Manning clemency, Assange will agree to U.S. prison in exchange—despite its clear unlawfulness," the company wrote in a Tweet that linked to a document calling for more transparency in the U.S. Justice Department's investigation into WikiLeaks. Assange’s lawyer Barry Pollack signed the document."

Julian Assange Says He'll Turn Himself in If Obama Pardons Chelsea Manning
Probably dated before Dems whacked Seth Rich, Assange won't stand by this deal

Personally I NEVER thought Assange would keep his word... because he is a lying piece of shit. If he doesn't, that just goes to show he is indeed a liar and all the idiots on this board that hang onto his nut sack saying he has never lied, can go eat it.
Well Obama commuted Manning's sentence, so it's time for the piece of shit Assange to put up or shut up.

"President Obama has commuted the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, paving the way for the army intelligence analyst turned high-profile leaker to be freed on May 17, the White House announced Tuesday."

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

"WikiLeaks says its founder Julian Assange will turn himself in to U.S. authorities under one condition: Chelsea Manning must get clemency.

"If Obama grants Manning clemency, Assange will agree to U.S. prison in exchange—despite its clear unlawfulness," the company wrote in a Tweet that linked to a document calling for more transparency in the U.S. Justice Department's investigation into WikiLeaks. Assange’s lawyer Barry Pollack signed the document."

Julian Assange Says He'll Turn Himself in If Obama Pardons Chelsea Manning

Turn himself over for what? Exposing the corruption and lies of the DNC?

Huh, try charges of rape and one of molestation in Sweden.
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline - BBC News
Of course that doesn't mean that some posters think rape and molestation are a big deal. It's just locker-room stuff, right?
Anyways, that's why he is spending his recent life in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, so he can avoid extradition to Sweden.
Assange hasn't been charged with anything, actually.
Well Obama commuted Manning's sentence, so it's time for the piece of shit Assange to put up or shut up.

"President Obama has commuted the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, paving the way for the army intelligence analyst turned high-profile leaker to be freed on May 17, the White House announced Tuesday."

Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

"WikiLeaks says its founder Julian Assange will turn himself in to U.S. authorities under one condition: Chelsea Manning must get clemency.

"If Obama grants Manning clemency, Assange will agree to U.S. prison in exchange—despite its clear unlawfulness," the company wrote in a Tweet that linked to a document calling for more transparency in the U.S. Justice Department's investigation into WikiLeaks. Assange’s lawyer Barry Pollack signed the document."

Julian Assange Says He'll Turn Himself in If Obama Pardons Chelsea Manning
Probably dated before Dems whacked Seth Rich, Assange won't stand by this deal

Personally I NEVER thought Assange would keep his word... because he is a lying piece of shit. If he doesn't, that just goes to show he is indeed a liar and all the idiots on this board that hang onto his nut sack saying he has never lied, can go eat it.
You never thought he'd keep his word? Can he have more than five minutes to make good on the promise? If he does turn himself in will that prove him a paragon of virtue and then you can go "eat it?"

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