Assange: Deep state still intent on removing Trump for office


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says the deep state is still intent on removing Donald Trump from office and installing Mike Pence as president.

Assange: Deep State Still Intent on Removing Trump From Office


Well sheep won't ever get it and some won't get any of it even as it falls apart around their ankles.
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Where is my tin foil hat?

Some guy on the Interweb is talking Deep State
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says the deep state is still intent on removing Donald Trump from office and installing Mike Pence as president.

Well sheep won't ever get it and some won't get any of it even as it falls apart around their ankles.
It seems Trump is more than willing to do the bidding of the Deep State, yet it also appears the Deep State want him gone. All rather illogical.

Is it that the Deep State refuses to accept an outsider, as POTUS? Or could it be they want Pence, knowing he is much more willing to allow their most heinous actions?
Assange could very well be right, but it's difficult for me to trust him when I firmly believe he is an agent for Russia. Maybe he is a passive agent, but considering the focus of his organization (America) that would seem to be a stretch.

Also, I don't think they want Pence, he's pretty hardcore and it would be tougher for the GOP to win in 2020. Hes great as VP and he brings some staunch Conservative support, but as president he wouldn't win in 2020.
Julian ASSange is an ENEMY OF THE STATE.
Is that the same Assange that was the hero of the left a few years ago?

Julian Assange: the whistleblower

Person of the Year 2010 - TIME

The audacity of the e-mail kept Ellsberg reading. WikiLeaks aimed at nothing less than the decline and fall of oppression by organized exposure of its secrets. "Governance by conspiracy and fear," the author wrote, depended on concealment. "We have come to the conclusion that fomenting a world wide movement of mass leaking is the most cost effective political intervention." So fanciful did the proposal appear that Ellsberg saw only two ways to read it, he told TIME: as either "a little ploy by the CIA or NSA to draw in leaks" or "a very naive venture to think that they can really get away with it." Ellsberg made no reply.

Why the world needs WikiLeaks

What Does Julian Assange Want?
Julian ASSange is an ENEMY OF THE STATE.
Is Bradley Manning an ENEMY OF THE STATE?


Army Orders Court-Martial in WikiLeaks Case

Look at this kid, Bradley Manning. Feeling lonely and ignored. Boo hoo. Only 13 years old on 9/11 and thinks he knows everything about everything. Typical of a young kid who thinks he's so smart yet he's stupid enough to feed classified info to the sharks who despise the US cuz it made him feeeeel like he was doing something important. :doubt:

But who is Bradley Manning, and what motivated him?

Some insight into what drives him can be gleaned from the online chat he had from Iraq with a former hacker in which he talked about how he felt that no one had ever noticed him in life.

"[I'm] regularly ignored except when I had something essential then it was back to 'bring me coffee, then sweep the floor'," he told a fellow hacker who asked what he would do if his cover was blown during an online chat shortly after he is alleged to have sent the files to WikiLeaks. " felt like I was an abused work horse."

Manning even added an "emoticon" of a crying face :'(.

"I've been so isolated so long,
" he went on, adding he was "self-medicating like crazy". "I just wanted to be nice, and live a normal life … but events kept forcing me to figure out ways to survive … smart enough to know whats going on, but helpless to do anything … no one took any notice of me."

But he was also apparently filled with hope for what the leaks might achieve, having been buoyed by the public reaction to the Apache video, which had already been released, and hoped that he could do something positive.

"God knows what happens now," he said, having sent the material to WikiLeaks. "Hopefully worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms. If not … than we're doomed as a species. I will officially give up on the society we have if nothing happens. The reaction to the video gave me immense hope … CNN's iReport was overwhelmed … Twitter exploded …"

It is unlikely he would be disappointed with the coverage of the cables, which continue to lead news bulletins around the world. His chances of observing their impact from a position of freedom were shattered when the hacker he was talking to in May this year, Adrian Lamo, reported him to the federal authorities.

"I'd be one paranoid boy in your shoes," Lamo told him ominously. Within 24 hours officers from the US Army Criminal Investigation Command arrested Manning and took him into custody in Kuwait.


Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, said it "tore at the fabric of government" and pledged "aggressive steps to hold responsible those who stole this information". Republicans branded it terrorism.

Manning faces a court martial and up to 52 years in prison for his alleged role in copying the diplomatic cables, as well as the leak of military logs about incidents in Afghanistan and Iraq and a classified military video which showed a crew of an American Apache helicopter gunning down a group of men who they thought had a rocket launcher. They turned out to include Reuters staff with a TV camera.

WikiLeaks cables: Bradley Manning faces 52 years in jail | World news | The Guardian
(AFP)- US President President Barack Obama should resign if it can be shown that he approved spying by US diplomatic figures on UN officials, the founder of WikiLeaks said in an interview published today.
“The whole chain of command who was aware of this order, and approved it, must resign if the US is to be seen to be a credible nation that obeys the rule of law. The order is so serious it may well have been put to the president for approval,” Julian Assange told the Spanish daily El Pais.
“Obama must answer what he knew about this illegal order and when. If he refuses to answer or there is evidence he approved of these actions, he must resign,” he added during an internet chat interview published online.
WikiLeaks threw US diplomacy into chaos when it started releasing more than 250,000 classified State Department cables on November 28, creating an international firestorm as American diplomats’ private assessments of foreign leaders and politics have been publicly aired.

WikiLeaks boy should be hunted down by the CIA and shot dead.

End of story.

Next :D

Except the story would not actually end...

"The first serious infowar is now engaged. The field of battle is WikiLeaks. You are the troops," tweeted John Perry Barlow, co-founder of the online free-speech group Electronic Frontier Foundation. His message was reposted by WikiLeaks to its 300,000-odd followers.


Assange said that his arrest would do nothing to halt the flow of American diplomatic cables being released by his group and newspapers in several countries, and he threatened to escalate the rush of information if he is taken into custody.

Hundreds of cables have been published by WikiLeaks and several newspapers in recent days. Assange said that all of the cables had already been distributed in a heavily encrypted form to tens of thousands of people.

If something happens to him, he suggested, the password needed to decrypt the data will be released and all the secrets will go out at once.

"History will win," Assange said in a Web chat with readers of The Guardian newspaper, one of the media organizations helping to coordinate the documents' publication. "The world will be elevated to a better place. Will we survive? That depends on you."

What a delusional egomaniac...Anybody know how Bradley Manning came to know Assange, did they have a relationship BEFORE the breach...?


Found this article with good info on how he did it:

How Manning Stole The Cables

Many outside the military and diplomatic communities have wondered just how such a large amount of sensitive missives could have been taken. As a public service, Conflict Health is very pleased to publish a guest article from Captain Nick Dubaz, an Active Duty Army Civil Affairs Officer, explaining in full technical detail how it happened.

A number of commenters on the latest Wikileaks release have questioned how one junior enlisted Army intelligence analyst could possibly have collected and stolen such a massive number of documents unaided and undiscovered. Indeed, the very mention of “intelligence” evokes notions of secure, guarded, windowless facilities under constant surveillance employing the latest biometric technology to secure America’s secrets. This image may have once been partially true in the case of Top Secret and Compartmented information, but the distributed nature of our modern intelligence community and the proliferation of secret network access necessitated by our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has fundamentally changed both protection of and access to classified information. The technical methods Private First Class Bradley Manning, the accused leaker, may have used to obtain and steal the material and transmit it to Wikileaks are simple and demonstrate the intelligence community’s vulnerability to an insider threat.

All mission traffic in Iraq and Afghanistan occurs on computer systems classified at the Secret-Releasable to NATO/ISAF level or above. Historically, mission traffic occurred at the Secret-NOFORN (Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals) level on the SIPR network (Secret Internet Protocol Router) and non-US elements operated on separate networks known as CENTRIX segregated by organizational membership (NATO, ISAF, etc). This caused significant information sharing problems and now lower level U.S. forces are transitioning many functions to CENTRIX to create a common mission network. Regardless, these information systems are now present at every Company-level headquarters and above, providing wide access to Secret-level intelligence and diplomatic information processed and disseminated on the network. Access to Top Secret (TS) and Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) information systems remains much more limited, but is still partially vulnerable to Bradley Manning-like insider threats.

The Wikileaks reports on Iraq and Afghanistan are from a system known as CIDNE (Combined Information/Data Network Exchange) which is the latest iteration of the database of record for all tactical reporting across the OIF and OEF theaters. The release is only a tiny percentage of the actual data contained in the database. Each record in the Wikileaks release is only the initial text report often transcribed from the radio or secret chat rooms. After the incident/action is completed, each record is typically updated with new information, pictures, videos, PowerPoints and other relevant documentation. To allow for transfer into incompatible systems and other software packages, CIDNE includes an “Export to Excel” feature that allows for the rapid filtering and transfer of records to other systems. Bradley Manning likely utilized this feature to export the comprehensive CIDNE database that he would later transmit to Wikileaks. Such an action could be completed in less than an hour depending on the bandwidth available and leaves no signature that would be readily noticed as unusual or alarming.

How Manning Stole The Cables ? Conflict Health

WikiLeaks Founder Says Obama Should Resign...

Where is my tin foil hat?

Some guy on the Interweb is talking Deep State

It's up your ass where it belongs keeps whats left of your brains from falling out since most dumbasses agree with the same dumbasses who put this in conspiracy. The shadow gov. loves dumbasses who fall for their false propaganda because true assholes make their jobs so much easier.

Such dumbasses who are victims and have no clue.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says the deep state is still intent on removing Donald Trump from office and installing Mike Pence as president.

“Trump’s political capital has been openly looted for months now by GOP, CIA, Netanyahu, Goldman Sachs, etc. Game is clearly to extract as many unpopular positions as possible (e.g tax cuts for the super rich), push the resulting political corpse to Mueller & install Mike Pence,” tweeted Assange.
Julian Assange @JulianAssange

Trump's political capital has been openly looted for months now by GOP, CIA, Netanyahu, Goldman Sachs, etc. Game is clearly to extract as many unpopular positions as possible (e.g tax cuts for the super rich), push the resulting political corpse to Mueller & install Mike Pence.

2:19 AM - Dec 14, 2017

Assange’s gloomy prediction is contradicted to some extent by Pat Buchanan, who believes that recent revelations about the partisan corruption within both the Russia and Hillary Clinton email investigations have put the establishment on the back foot, giving Trump a chance to re-assert himself.

“Trump is not Nixon, who, like Charles I, accepted his fate and let the ............................
dumb ass trumptards should get their heads out their partisan parrot cages and THINK for once in their life.

Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, said it "tore at the fabric of government" and pledged "aggressive steps to hold responsible those who stole this information". Republicans branded it terrorism.

Manning faces a court martial and up to 52 years in prison for his alleged role in copying the diplomatic cables, as well as the leak of military logs about incidents in Afghanistan and Iraq and a classified military video...

WikiLeaks cables: Bradley Manning faces 52 years in jail | World news | The Guardian



U.S.: Assange and WikiLeaks Enemies of the State [REPORT]
noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons
the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.


Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
Article III | Constitution | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Article III
noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons
the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.


Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
Article III | Constitution | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Article III
Would it surprise you if the State murdered Assange, as they have done so many other dissidents?

Where is my tin foil hat?

Some guy on the Interweb is talking Deep State

It's up your ass where it belongs keeps whats left of your brains from falling out since most dumbasses agree with the same dumbasses who put this in conspiracy. The shadow gov. loves dumbasses who fall for their false propaganda because true assholes make their jobs so much easier.

Such dumbasses who are victims and have no clue.

I seem to have touched a nerve.......

Mission Accomplished
noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons
the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.


Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
Article III | Constitution | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Article III
Treason is:
-when a secretary of state uses her position to sell 20% of our country's uranium in exchange for $170 million donation to her personal foundation, and exorbitant $500,000 speaking fees for her husband.

-when a Democratic candidate colludes with a foreign power by paying $12 million for a fake dossier created by Russian intelligence and then colludes with the corrupt media by secretly leaking the fake dossier into the media in order to affect the results of our democratic election.

-when a secretary of state and president stand in front of TV cameras and a national audience and then in private to the parents of fallen soldiers blaming an Al Queda terrorist attack (which an ambassador also gets killed) on an anti Islam video, just so the president can get reelected, while fooling the public that "al Queda is on the run.

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