As we all know, Trump is under investigation in GA........

Cheating in the tens of millions column influenced the election
Now all you need is proof.

No proof is necessary as evidenced by 2 House impeachments. Democrats set the precident and now suddenly don’t want to follow it.
The two impeachment aquitals prove nothing except that most Reblicans are spineless cowards that will not buck Trump or his base of moronic minions
nothing was proven--NO CRIME
Obstruction of justice is a crime.

he was not convicted of a crime!! if you don't understand that, you should not be on adult forums
nothing was proven--NO CRIME
Obstruction of justice is a crime.

MORE proof you people act like nazis = you want guilty until proven innocent/etc
Ok, you're being investigated by GA.....would you rather be Pres. Trump or this pavement ape?
Nice deflection. Trump is facing criminal charges. Warnock is under investigation (Repubs are pissed he won the election) because the voter registration organization he sat on the board of turned in some forms 10 days late. BTW, I reported your racist references to Warnock.
......due to the call he made to various state officials trying to convince them to change the result of their election, which Biden won. An act that was included in the single article of impeachment. Would you be astonished, as I am, to learn GA Repubs are trying to amend their constitution in order to protect Dear Leader?

Georgia Republicans Are Trying to Change the Rules for Fani Willis’s Prosecution of Donald Trump for Election Crimes

It’s been less than a week since Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis publicly began an investigation into Donald Trump‘s phone call to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and Georgia Republicans are already trying in earnest to change the rules that apply to prosecutions of election crimes.

Georgia state Republicans introduced a resolution Thursday that seeks to change the Georgia State Constitution to mandate the use of state-wide grand juries in prosecutions involving election crimes. The move would force prosecutors to draw more grand jurors from predominantly Republican rural areas of the state.

Now that's blind devotion, right out in the open. Showing just how important GA Repubs believe the cult of personality surrounding Crooked Donald is to the fortunes of the POT.

That's not the only thing angry Repubs are doing in the wake of Don's defeat.

State GOP lawmakers propose flurry of voting restrictions to placate Trump supporters, spurring fears of a backlash

GOP state lawmakers across the country have proposed a flurry of voting restrictions that they say are needed to restore confidence in U.S. elections, an effort intended to placate supporters of former president Donald Trump who believe his false claims that the 2020 outcome was rigged.

But the effort is dividing Republicans, some of whom are warning that it will tar the GOP as the party of voter suppression and give Democrats ammunition to mobilize their supporters ahead of the 2022 midterms.

The proposals include measures that would curtail eligibility to vote by mail and prohibit the use of ballot drop boxes. One bill in Georgia would block early voting on Sundays, which critics quickly labeled a flagrant attempt to thwart Souls to the Polls, the Democratic turnout effort that targets Black churchgoers on the final Sunday before an election.

State Republicans push new voting restrictions after Trump’s loss
State Republicans push new voting restrictions after Trump’s loss

Pennsylvania G.O.P.’s Push for More Power Over Judiciary Raises Alarms

When the Pennsylvania Supreme Court unanimously rejected a Republican attempt to overturn the state’s election results in November, Justice David N. Wecht issued his own pointed rebuke, condemning the G.O.P. effort as “futile” and “a dangerous game.”

“It is not our role to lend legitimacy to such transparent and untimely efforts to subvert the will of Pennsylvania voters,” wrote Justice Wecht, a Democrat who was elected to a 10-year term on the bench in 2016. “Courts should not decide elections when the will of the voters is clear.”

Now Pennsylvania Republicans have a plan to make it less likely that judges like Justice Wecht get in their way.

Pennsylvania G.O.P.’s Push for More Power Over Judiciary Raises Alarms

It used to be losing elections caused a different kind of response. A recognition of the need to make changes to the party's message, working harder, organizing better, maybe raising more money. The POT's response, perhaps a reflection of Dear Leader's proclivity for cheating (he has done it his whole life), is to change the rules.
“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion." Chomsky

“Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy." Orwell

“We got him right where we want him this time.” - Episode 4,812
MORE proof you people act like nazis = you want guilty until proven innocent/etc
Any time you are ready to refute the evidence of obstruction Mueller uncovered please proceed.
All Trump ever did with any of his questioning was to try to get at the real results of the voting. Not even the hardest of hard core liberals believe that this election wasn't stolen. They're just playing monkey see monkey do with the other dizzy Dems.
MORE proof you people act like nazis = you want guilty until proven innocent/etc
Any time you are ready to refute the evidence of obstruction Mueller uncovered please proceed.
no need to refute---Mr Trump was not convicted's SO easy to make you people look silly
....there is lots of evidence at ALL trials----hahahahhhh doesn't mean anyone is guilty--DUH
All Trump ever did with any of his questioning was to try to get at the real results of the voting.
Did you notice all his court cases failed due to a lack of evidence?
MORE PROOF you act like a nazi--indicted does not mean guilty
I can't help noticing you still haven't refuted any of the evidence against him.

E. Efforts to fire Mueller

Obstructive act (p. 87): Former White House Counsel Don McGahn is a “credible witness” in providing evidence that Trump indeed attempted to fire Mueller. This “would qualify as an obstructive act” if the firing “would naturally obstruct the investigation and any grand jury proceedings that might flow from the inquiry.”

Nexus (p. 89): “Substantial evidence” indicates that, at this point, Trump was aware that “his conduct was under investigation by a federal prosecutor who could present any evidence of federal crimes to a grand jury.”

Intent (p. 89): “Substantial evidence indicates that the President’s attempts to remove the Special Counsel were linked to the Special Counsel’s oversight of investigations that involved the President’s conduct[.]”
......due to the call he made to various state officials trying to convince them to change the result of their election, which Biden won. An act that was included in the single article of impeachment. Would you be astonished, as I am, to learn GA Repubs are trying to amend their constitution in order to protect Dear Leader?

Georgia Republicans Are Trying to Change the Rules for Fani Willis’s Prosecution of Donald Trump for Election Crimes

It’s been less than a week since Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis publicly began an investigation into Donald Trump‘s phone call to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and Georgia Republicans are already trying in earnest to change the rules that apply to prosecutions of election crimes.

Georgia state Republicans introduced a resolution Thursday that seeks to change the Georgia State Constitution to mandate the use of state-wide grand juries in prosecutions involving election crimes. The move would force prosecutors to draw more grand jurors from predominantly Republican rural areas of the state.

Now that's blind devotion, right out in the open. Showing just how important GA Repubs believe the cult of personality surrounding Crooked Donald is to the fortunes of the POT.

That's not the only thing angry Repubs are doing in the wake of Don's defeat.

State GOP lawmakers propose flurry of voting restrictions to placate Trump supporters, spurring fears of a backlash

GOP state lawmakers across the country have proposed a flurry of voting restrictions that they say are needed to restore confidence in U.S. elections, an effort intended to placate supporters of former president Donald Trump who believe his false claims that the 2020 outcome was rigged.

But the effort is dividing Republicans, some of whom are warning that it will tar the GOP as the party of voter suppression and give Democrats ammunition to mobilize their supporters ahead of the 2022 midterms.

The proposals include measures that would curtail eligibility to vote by mail and prohibit the use of ballot drop boxes. One bill in Georgia would block early voting on Sundays, which critics quickly labeled a flagrant attempt to thwart Souls to the Polls, the Democratic turnout effort that targets Black churchgoers on the final Sunday before an election.

State Republicans push new voting restrictions after Trump’s loss
State Republicans push new voting restrictions after Trump’s loss

Pennsylvania G.O.P.’s Push for More Power Over Judiciary Raises Alarms

When the Pennsylvania Supreme Court unanimously rejected a Republican attempt to overturn the state’s election results in November, Justice David N. Wecht issued his own pointed rebuke, condemning the G.O.P. effort as “futile” and “a dangerous game.”

“It is not our role to lend legitimacy to such transparent and untimely efforts to subvert the will of Pennsylvania voters,” wrote Justice Wecht, a Democrat who was elected to a 10-year term on the bench in 2016. “Courts should not decide elections when the will of the voters is clear.”

Now Pennsylvania Republicans have a plan to make it less likely that judges like Justice Wecht get in their way.

Pennsylvania G.O.P.’s Push for More Power Over Judiciary Raises Alarms

It used to be losing elections caused a different kind of response. A recognition of the need to make changes to the party's message, working harder, organizing better, maybe raising more money. The POT's response, perhaps a reflection of Dear Leader's proclivity for cheating (he has done it his whole life), is to change the rules.
“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion." Chomsky

“Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy." Orwell
Ok, you're being investigated by GA.....would you rather be Pres. Trump or this pavement ape?
Nice deflection. Trump is facing criminal charges. Warnock is under investigation (Repubs are pissed he won the election) because the voter registration organization he sat on the board of turned in some forms 10 days late. BTW, I reported your racist references to Warnock.
I didn't think a fucking idiot like you would figure it out... that was for the normal people to decide who is in more trouble in GA.

BTW, I'm a Trumpanzee, remember? If you associate an ape reference to black people that's YOUR racist problem.

Filthy fucking animal.
Got anything to say about this?

F. Efforts to curtail Mueller

Obstructive act (p. 97): Trump’s effort to force Sessions to confine the investigation to only investigating future election interference “would qualify as an obstructive act if it would naturally obstruct the investigation and any grand jury proceedings that might flow from the inquiry.” “Taken together, the President’s directives indicate that Sessions was being instructed to tell the Special Counsel to end the existing investigation into the President and his campaign[.]”

Nexus (p. 97): At the relevant point, “the existence of a grand jury investigation supervised by the Special Counsel was public knowledge.”

Intent (p. 97): “Substantial evidence” indicates that Trump’s efforts were “intended to prevent further investigative structiny of the President’s and his campaign’s conduct.”
Cheating in the tens of millions column influenced the election

OK, poster CF, prove it.
Though probably best for your argument to avoid any of the 60+ court cases that Tucker Giuliani & KrakenPot Powell presented to close to 100 judges.

Show us what you've got Frank that is better than what they had.

And then tell us what you have done about it, e.g., gone to your local election board and filed a complaint; to the local sheriff; nearest FBI office.

Don't be an all hat/no cows kinda poster.

Ok, you're being investigated by GA.....would you rather be Pres. Trump or this pavement ape?
Dumb fucking animal.

You know, I'm new to this board, but in just the short time I gotta admit I'm seeing some, ummmm, notable contributors. (?)
There have been times over the years I've visited such websites as StormFront, Daily Stormer, Iron March, etc........and I kinda sorta think there is some crossover posters.

I may be wrong.

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