As Santorum Fires Gun, Woman Shouts "Pretend It's Obama"

this whole process has been ugly and proves to get uglier....

now get this the democratic convention is in charlotte nc..which is undergoing a bedbug infestation lol
I personally can't blame Santorum for the nutjobs he attracts. I guess he's such low hanging fruit on his own nut tree, that I figure, why bother?
Once again, we see someone defending and excusing the kind of extreme mentality that creates what we have seen happen in Florida. A man of morals would have told that woman that what she said was a travesty, and should not even be a thought, let alone a public statement.
Of course you cant blame Santorum for everything inappropriate someone says nearby. She should have a sit down with the Secret Service.

Shame you guys werent nearly as concerned when there was talk of assassinating the previous President.
A lot of crazed anti-Bush whack-jobs out there too.
What's your take on that Libs?

Someone says something threotoning about a President or ex-President, needs to have a sitdown with the Secret Service. And be barred from owning or having a firearm in their residence. Does that make you happy?
Of course you cant blame Santorum for everything inappropriate someone says nearby. She should have a sit down with the Secret Service.

Shame you guys werent nearly as concerned when there was talk of assassinating the previous President.

What makes you say that? :confused:

Please show proof......
Omg...omg omg omg omg omg

you people crack me up...every little thing that is said about Obama is posted here and of course it has to be some wack job right ringer..

you all sick of this shit glad when he is GONE

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