As Confederate monuments come down when will libs come for the Washington Monument, Jefferson Memori

Your Indian name is Foot In Mouth.
You just applied selective contextualism like a good political bigot.

Okay, bud... so what context should we honor theConfederates.

Here's the thing In Germany, you won't find one monument to Hitler or his Generals. The Germans simply can't stop apologizing for what they did in WWII.

TheSouth should follow their fine example.

Sure.. Let's see. Who ELSE wants to erase ACTUAL history and in some cases -- just blow it up? Oh yeah. ISIS, the Taliban and most tyrannical govts.. That's who..

Censoring the story of Gettysburg at the Gettysburg memorial will just create a country of morons. That's the goal -- isn't it Joe??
Sure.. Let's see. Who ELSE wants to erase ACTUAL history and in some cases -- just blow it up? Oh yeah. ISIS, the Taliban and most tyrannical govts.. That's who..

Censoring the story of Gettysburg at the Gettysburg memorial will just create a country of morons. That's the goal -- isn't it Joe??

Naw, we already have a country of morons... We proved that back in November.

But here's the thing. The history was already censored. We let the South rewrite history so that they could about claiming it wasn't about slavery (it was) or that slavery wasn't that bad. You get awful movies like Gone with the Wind and Birth of a Nation that showed a sanitized version of history.

Here's the thing, there are no statues to Benedict Arnold. Why not? He's part of history.

Censoring history would be erasing Nathan Forrest from the Historical Record. No one wants to do that. Kids should be taught who he was and what he did. He just shouldn't be honored with a statue.
Washington and Jefferson are of course everywhere throughout the nation, statues, streets, buildings, schools, our money, etc.
They're of course even on Mt Rushmore.

They owned slaves, so obviously at some point the focus will turn to these two as well as others, as today's liberals seek to cleanse the nation of anything pertaining to past sins.

They'll be coming folks, there is no question. You might not hear the footsteps now, but they'll be coming, it's simply a matter of time.

After the Confederates, Who's Next?

On Sept. 1, 1864, Union forces under Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, victorious at Jonesborough, burned Atlanta and began the March to the Sea where Sherman's troops looted and pillaged farms and towns all along the 300-mile road to Savannah.

Captured in the Confederate defeat at Jonesborough was William Martin Buchanan of Okolona, Mississippi, who was transferred by rail to the Union POW stockade at Camp Douglas, Illinois.

By the standards of modernity, my great-grandfather, fighting to prevent the torching of Georgia's capital, was engaged in a criminal and immoral cause. And "Uncle Billy" Sherman was a liberator.

Under President Grant, Sherman took command of the Union army and ordered Gen. Philip Sheridan, who had burned the Shenandoah Valley to starve Virginia into submission, to corral the Plains Indians on reservations.

It is in dispute as to whether Sheridan said, "The only good Indian is a dead Indian." There is no dispute as to the contempt Sheridan had for the Indians, killing their buffalo to deprive them of food.

Today, great statues stand in the nation's capital, along with a Sherman and a Sheridan circle, to honor these most ruthless of generals in that bloodiest of wars that cost 620,000 American lives.

After the Confederates, Who's Next?

If we are to remove all the monuments to slavery, racism, segregation, etc., why don't we start with it's source, Democrat party?
Sure.. Let's see. Who ELSE wants to erase ACTUAL history and in some cases -- just blow it up? Oh yeah. ISIS, the Taliban and most tyrannical govts.. That's who..

Censoring the story of Gettysburg at the Gettysburg memorial will just create a country of morons. That's the goal -- isn't it Joe??

Naw, we already have a country of morons... We proved that back in November.

But here's the thing. The history was already censored. We let the South rewrite history so that they could about claiming it wasn't about slavery (it was) or that slavery wasn't that bad. You get awful movies like Gone with the Wind and Birth of a Nation that showed a sanitized version of history.

Here's the thing, there are no statues to Benedict Arnold. Why not? He's part of history.

Censoring history would be erasing Nathan Forrest from the Historical Record. No one wants to do that. Kids should be taught who he was and what he did. He just shouldn't be honored with a statue.

Not quite true.

Boot Monument - Wikipedia
If we are to remove all the monuments to slavery, racism, segregation, etc., why don't we start with it's source, Democrat party?

When the Republicans stop being run by racists and religious nuts, we'll consider it. Unfortunately, only the Democrats seem to be on the right side of this issue.

We've seen it throughout the history: slavery, Jim Crow, KKK, segregation, lynching laws... yep, Democrats are always on the "right" side of the issue.
As a liberal Inhave no interest in going after said monuments. I think we can all agree slavery was wrong. The difference between Washington/Jefferson and the Confederates is the latter wished to tear up the union the former put in place.
Bush was a POS so don't even try and pull that bullshit on me. Lincoln was an abolitionist? Not according to that letter.

The fact he abolished slavery says otherwise, Cocksucker Dale.

The fact that he said stated his goal was to save the union whether slavery was abolished or not says otherwise, Cocksucker Joe.......slavery was not the reason for the Civil War and it's really just that simple. Like all wars, it came down to money and the ones that stood the most to gain from it like the ones financing. I know that you want to believe that you have some kind of moral high ground and gives you a reason to look down on southern states unless they vote "leftard"....but like everything else in your miserable little life, you are wrong and totally misguided. You only care about "minorities" if they vote leftard....anyone else is an "Uncle Tom" to your ilk and that's just the way it is.

Hope this helps!
Sure.. Let's see. Who ELSE wants to erase ACTUAL history and in some cases -- just blow it up? Oh yeah. ISIS, the Taliban and most tyrannical govts.. That's who..

Censoring the story of Gettysburg at the Gettysburg memorial will just create a country of morons. That's the goal -- isn't it Joe??

Naw, we already have a country of morons... We proved that back in November.

But here's the thing. The history was already censored. We let the South rewrite history so that they could about claiming it wasn't about slavery (it was) or that slavery wasn't that bad. You get awful movies like Gone with the Wind and Birth of a Nation that showed a sanitized version of history.

Here's the thing, there are no statues to Benedict Arnold. Why not? He's part of history.

Censoring history would be erasing Nathan Forrest from the Historical Record. No one wants to do that. Kids should be taught who he was and what he did. He just shouldn't be honored with a statue.

Slow Joe, why hasn't Albert Pike's statute been removed from a prominent place in Washington, D.C? He was a confederate general and started the KKK with the leadership based on Scottish Rite Freemasonry???? Where is Brotha Al Shaaaawpton and the Revrun Jesse uh Jackson on this? Could it be because they are high ranking freemasons and part of the "Boule Society"?
We've seen it throughout the history: slavery, Jim Crow, KKK, segregation, lynching laws... yep, Democrats are always on the "right" side of the issue.

Yes, when the Democrats were the conservative party, they stood for some shitty things. Now theyare the liberal party and they don't.

Slow Joe, why hasn't Albert Pike's statute been removed from a prominent place in Washington, D.C? He was a confederate general and started the KKK with the leadership based on Scottish Rite Freemasonry????

Probably because Pike was a Lizard person and the other Lizard People are against it.. We all know the Freemasons are a Lizard Man Front Group.

Oh, the KKK was actually started by Nathan Forrest, and they DO want to take his statue down.
The fact that he said stated his goal was to save the union whether slavery was abolished or not says otherwise,

really, because he said that to one person...

Here's let's play a Word Association game. I'll say the words that they didn't mean, you name the President.

"I am Not A Crook!"
"I did not trade arms for hostages"
"Read my Lips, No New Taxes"
"I did not have sex with that woman!"
"Mission Accomplished"
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"...

So your whole argument here is that the Civil War wasn't about slavery because Lincoln PinkySwore to Horace Greeley that it wasn't... After which they no doubt did a Lizardman Freemason handshake.

I'm sorry,dude, I'm really trying to take you seriously, but it just ain't possible.

Okay, moving on...

Like all wars, it came down to money and the ones that stood the most to gain from it like the ones financing.

Exactly. The rich white people who were making a lot of money off of slavery started the war. That's the point. The dumb inbred southerner who got to catch musket balls and got their limbs sawn off with a rusty blade and no anesthetic, they didn't get anything out of it. But they fought for it anyway... that's what made them... stupid.

I know that you want to believe that you have some kind of moral high ground and gives you a reason to look down on southern states unless they vote "leftard"....but like everything else in your miserable little life, you are wrong and totally misguided.

There are many reasons to look down on the Southern States... This is just one of them. Thevery fact they still want to honor these people is the problem.

You see, any nation can be talked into the stupidity of war. But when you realize you were in the wrong, you don't honor the people who got you into this mess. It's why there are no statues to Hitler or his cronies in Germany today.

So that's what this is really about... not some obscure general like Pike who even history majors aren't familiar with. It's about people in the South just being unwilling to admit they were wrong.

You only care about "minorities" if they vote leftard....anyone else is an "Uncle Tom" to your ilk and that's just the way it is.

Well, yes, the 4% of blacks who vote Republican are pretty serious Uncle Toms. But in my lifetime (I don't belong to either political party) Democrats have done more for blacks than the GOP have. That's why they vote 96% Democratic.
We've seen it throughout the history: slavery, Jim Crow, KKK, segregation, lynching laws... yep, Democrats are always on the "right" side of the issue.

Yes, when the Democrats were the conservative party, they stood for some shitty things. Now theyare the liberal party and they don't.

Slow Joe, why hasn't Albert Pike's statute been removed from a prominent place in Washington, D.C? He was a confederate general and started the KKK with the leadership based on Scottish Rite Freemasonry????

Probably because Pike was a Lizard person and the other Lizard People are against it.. We all know the Freemasons are a Lizard Man Front Group.

Oh, the KKK was actually started by Nathan Forrest, and they DO want to take his statue down.

No, Albert Pike was also a founder of the KKK and his book "Morals and Dogma is considered required reading for those introduced into the higher levels of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and the leadership of the KKK was like that of the masonic order.
The fact that he said stated his goal was to save the union whether slavery was abolished or not says otherwise,

really, because he said that to one person...

Here's let's play a Word Association game. I'll say the words that they didn't mean, you name the President.

"I am Not A Crook!"
"I did not trade arms for hostages"
"Read my Lips, No New Taxes"
"I did not have sex with that woman!"
"Mission Accomplished"
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"...

So your whole argument here is that the Civil War wasn't about slavery because Lincoln PinkySwore to Horace Greeley that it wasn't... After which they no doubt did a Lizardman Freemason handshake.

I'm sorry,dude, I'm really trying to take you seriously, but it just ain't possible.

Okay, moving on...

Like all wars, it came down to money and the ones that stood the most to gain from it like the ones financing.

Exactly. The rich white people who were making a lot of money off of slavery started the war. That's the point. The dumb inbred southerner who got to catch musket balls and got their limbs sawn off with a rusty blade and no anesthetic, they didn't get anything out of it. But they fought for it anyway... that's what made them... stupid.

I know that you want to believe that you have some kind of moral high ground and gives you a reason to look down on southern states unless they vote "leftard"....but like everything else in your miserable little life, you are wrong and totally misguided.

There are many reasons to look down on the Southern States... This is just one of them. Thevery fact they still want to honor these people is the problem.

You see, any nation can be talked into the stupidity of war. But when you realize you were in the wrong, you don't honor the people who got you into this mess. It's why there are no statues to Hitler or his cronies in Germany today.

So that's what this is really about... not some obscure general like Pike who even history majors aren't familiar with. It's about people in the South just being unwilling to admit they were wrong.

You only care about "minorities" if they vote leftard....anyone else is an "Uncle Tom" to your ilk and that's just the way it is.

Well, yes, the 4% of blacks who vote Republican are pretty serious Uncle Toms. But in my lifetime (I don't belong to either political party) Democrats have done more for blacks than the GOP have. That's why they vote 96% Democratic.

So, it is your contention that Union soldiers fought for the freeing of blacks in the south??? Is that what you are contending??? Yes or No........this is important before moving forward.......
No, Albert Pike was also a founder of the KKK and his book "Morals and Dogma is considered required reading for those introduced into the higher levels of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and the leadership of the KKK was like that of the masonic order.

The leadership of the Mormon Church was a bad knockoff of Masonry, too.

And Masonry is really big in the black community today, for some reason.

Damn, those Lizard People are devious!!!!
No, Albert Pike was also a founder of the KKK and his book "Morals and Dogma is considered required reading for those introduced into the higher levels of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and the leadership of the KKK was like that of the masonic order.

The leadership of the Mormon Church was a bad knockoff of Masonry, too.

And Masonry is really big in the black community today, for some reason.

Damn, those Lizard People are devious!!!!

So what is your fascination with lizard people? LMAO!!!!! Dude, try and defend your position instead of deflecting....
So, it is your contention that Union soldiers fought for the freeing of blacks in the south??? Is that what you are contending??? Yes or No........this is important before moving forward.......

Um, yeah. Maybe you should listen tothe lyrics for the Battle Hymm of the Republic...

But I'm sure it was all a Lizard Man plot to get black folks to join the Freemasons... or something.
So what is your fascination with lizard people? LMAO!!!!! Dude, try and defend your position instead of deflecting....

Because when you go off spouting about Freemasons, Trilateralists, Bilderbergers, False Flags, 9/11 was a hoax, Jesuits, Bohemian Grove, the CFR, all you really need are Lizard People for a complete box set of crazy.

Of course it someone like you that is so totally programmed to believe what your corporate "gubermint" tells you because it is all part of the indoctrination process. People like me that has spent THOUSANDS of hours reading and researching how the world really works and why USA.INC has been in a perpetual state of war the majority of it's existence that there must be something and someone pulling the strings and using the advantage that they have to print their own fiat currency into infinity because the military might of this corporate entity will insure that they accept this Monopoly money in exchange for their goods and services scares the ever lovin' shit out of sheeple like you. You have no fucking clue on how you have been used, manipulated and fooled...but the day of reckoning is coming. You can etch that in stone unless people wake up to this perpetual debt slavery system.

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