As Confederate monuments come down when will libs come for the Washington Monument, Jefferson Memori

Washington and Jefferson are of course everywhere throughout the nation, statues, streets, buildings, schools, our money, etc.
They're of course even on Mt Rushmore.

They owned slaves, so obviously at some point the focus will turn to these two as well as others, as today's liberals seek to cleanse the nation of anything pertaining to past sins.

They'll be coming folks, there is no question. You might not hear the footsteps now, but they'll be coming, it's simply a matter of time.

After the Confederates, Who's Next?

On Sept. 1, 1864, Union forces under Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, victorious at Jonesborough, burned Atlanta and began the March to the Sea where Sherman's troops looted and pillaged farms and towns all along the 300-mile road to Savannah.

Captured in the Confederate defeat at Jonesborough was William Martin Buchanan of Okolona, Mississippi, who was transferred by rail to the Union POW stockade at Camp Douglas, Illinois.

By the standards of modernity, my great-grandfather, fighting to prevent the torching of Georgia's capital, was engaged in a criminal and immoral cause. And "Uncle Billy" Sherman was a liberator.

Under President Grant, Sherman took command of the Union army and ordered Gen. Philip Sheridan, who had burned the Shenandoah Valley to starve Virginia into submission, to corral the Plains Indians on reservations.

It is in dispute as to whether Sheridan said, "The only good Indian is a dead Indian." There is no dispute as to the contempt Sheridan had for the Indians, killing their buffalo to deprive them of food.

Today, great statues stand in the nation's capital, along with a Sherman and a Sheridan circle, to honor these most ruthless of generals in that bloodiest of wars that cost 620,000 American lives.

After the Confederates, Who's Next?
Checked my U.S. History...neither Jefferson or Washington were involved in treason to the U.S. in the 1860s.
Washington and Jefferson are of course everywhere throughout the nation, statues, streets, buildings, schools, our money, etc.
They're of course even on Mt Rushmore.

They owned slaves, so obviously at some point the focus will turn to these two as well as others, as today's liberals seek to cleanse the nation of anything pertaining to past sins.

They'll be coming folks, there is no question. You might not hear the footsteps now, but they'll be coming, it's simply a matter of time.

After the Confederates, Who's Next?

On Sept. 1, 1864, Union forces under Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, victorious at Jonesborough, burned Atlanta and began the March to the Sea where Sherman's troops looted and pillaged farms and towns all along the 300-mile road to Savannah.

Captured in the Confederate defeat at Jonesborough was William Martin Buchanan of Okolona, Mississippi, who was transferred by rail to the Union POW stockade at Camp Douglas, Illinois.

By the standards of modernity, my great-grandfather, fighting to prevent the torching of Georgia's capital, was engaged in a criminal and immoral cause. And "Uncle Billy" Sherman was a liberator.

Under President Grant, Sherman took command of the Union army and ordered Gen. Philip Sheridan, who had burned the Shenandoah Valley to starve Virginia into submission, to corral the Plains Indians on reservations.

It is in dispute as to whether Sheridan said, "The only good Indian is a dead Indian." There is no dispute as to the contempt Sheridan had for the Indians, killing their buffalo to deprive them of food.

Today, great statues stand in the nation's capital, along with a Sherman and a Sheridan circle, to honor these most ruthless of generals in that bloodiest of wars that cost 620,000 American lives.

After the Confederates, Who's Next?

Don't forget Yale University........if we are taking down monuments of democrats because of their desire to keep black slaves...then Yale University should be shut down.....the founder of Yale was an actual slave seller...who murdered slaves who were discipline problems.......

Yale needs to be shut down.....and the buildings torn down...right?
Who is "taking down monuments of democrats because of their desire to keep black slaves"?
No, it's just a matter of record. I noticed how you simply ignored the letter Lincoln wrote proving that the Civil War had very little to do with slavery and the conflict is much more complicated than the sheeple have been told....

Completely irrelevant to the point. Lincoln didn't start the war because he wanted to end slavery, the South Started it because Lincoln was an outspoken abolitionist.

By your logic, we have a ton of statements by Baby Bush saying he wanted to avoid war with Iraq, but we know that's bullshit.

Bush was a POS so don't even try and pull that bullshit on me. Lincoln was an abolitionist? Not according to that letter.
As Confederate monuments come down when will libs come for the Washington Monument, Jefferson Memori

The very idea of a confederate monument is antithetical to those of the founders.

Stupid premise.
Of course Yankee sympathizers are still sore about the Civil War. They lost over 300,000 soldiers. Their beloved Tyrant President was dead.

And look what they got...

Sure is ignorant to say that Lincoln abolished slavery when after Lincoln was Terminated for his war crimes, slavery still existed...

i wish Lincoln had committed War Crimes against the White Trash of the South. We'd all be better off with your sort out of the gene pool in the interest of evolution.

Lincoln did commit war crimes. But you didn't get taught the truth in your Black history class.

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