Arrow/Lantern: Doctor!


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Is America about teamwork or individualism?

Mr. Trump?

Mr. DeMille?


Tom Cruise (America's most popular movie-star) and Ajay Satan (an idealistic Ivy League graduate and pro-democracy Internet-blogger) were both offering messages in media (TV, Internet) about the value of religious pluralism. Cruise was an advocate of the Church of Scientology, while Ajay was a born-again Christian endorsing the rituals/practices of the Vatican. Cruise and Ajay were like Green Lantern and Green Arrow, two fictional American comic book 'super-heroes' created by DC Comics. Cruise had his 'Hollywood-spotlight lantern,' while Ajay had his 'Internet-geared socio-philosophical archery approach.' The lives of Cruise and Ajay were about to intersect.

Cruise was surfing on World Discussion Forum (Internet message board) one Sunday evening when he came across Ajay's blogs about the value of free-speech in modern media. Cruise used an identity-masking alias/avatar ('Green Lantern') to respond to Ajay's comments and suggested the two should meet somewhere. Two months later, Cruise and Ajay met on the roof of a building to share some coffee. They decided to become 'society vigilantes.' Cruise would continue to deliver messages in the media about Scientology free-speech, while Ajay would continue to deliver messages on the Internet about religious pluralism. They really were like Green Lantern and Green Arrow! Now, they had to deal with a new society nemesis, an American pedestrian terrorist who referred to himself as The Black Hand.

Black Hand wanted to prove that modern media was just as biased as the newsies of yesteryear, so he employed an MIT computer science graduate to develop Facebook-hacking algorithms which he would use to plant viruses that would enable him to drop anti-federalism comments such as, "Hollywood and the Internet are capitalism propaganda!" Cruise ('Green Lantern') and Ajay ('Green Arrow') both read these comments and decided to take action. Lantern started saying things in the press such as, "Internet hackers are considered 'savvy' but they also undermine basic mercantile operations such as eBay functionalism." Arrow started posting comments on the Internet such as, "Internet hackers may be employed by established terrorist organizations such as ISIS (Middle East) to destabilize pedestrian traffic (e.g., just like the Taliban attacked the World Trade Center in 2001!"

Black Hand was furious but frustrated and decided to turn himself in, and when the reporters asked him why he gave up, he said, "I got worried that the pro-democracy statements of media-celebrity Tom Cruise and an idealistic Internet-blogger named Ajay Satan would turn the proverbial 'court of public opinion' against me, and as you know, modern pedestrian protests requires much public support!" Relieved that Black Hand's reign was over, Lantern (Cruise) and Arrow (Ajay) decided to meet again on the same rooftop (where they first met to have coffee and plan their 'mission') to share some celebratory champagne. Arrow asked Lantern, "Do you think there will be another Black Hand during this capitalism-subjective reign of the Trump Administration?" to which Lantern replied, "If there is, maybe our sons will take up the reins of American leadership!" The two 'super-heroes' did not realize that ISIS was planning to kidnap President Trump and replace him with a decoy-lookalike (an actor they found on the Internet) to serve as their new 'anti-capitalism minion.'



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