Arrest the judge

It will go the the Atlanta court of appeals if they do appeal, and 6 of the 11 judges there were appointed by Trump. We are seeing a servitude to Trump along legal, as well as political lines, by his cult.

Asshole, so funny these past couple of years you people constantly cite judges appointed by Trump not ruling in his favor as PROOF of his guilt (such as the 28 election fraud cases mostly dismissed) that now you find ONE judge whose legal decision FAVORS Trump and you are apoplectic? TOO FUNNY! :happy-1:
A reminder that Judge Cannon never should have taken this case. It was in the hands of the magistrate judge, she was picked by Trump’s lawyers solely because she was a Trumpist, in a jurisdiction nowhere near Mar-a-Lago.

hahaha she's the actual DISTRICT COURT JUDGE FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF covers the area his home is located.

The Magistrate Judge reports to her, moreover, the magistrate judge doesn't have the authority to determine the case...the Magistrate Judge issues search warrants, bond etc...not the merits of a law suit like this.
hahaha she's the actual DISTRICT COURT JUDGE FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF covers the area his home is located.

The Magistrate Judge reports to her, moreover, the magistrate judge doesn't have the authority to determine the case...the Magistrate Judge issues search warrants, bond etc...not the merits of a law suit like this.
I suspect the warrant is about to be quashed as illegal. The impropriates of this judge's recusal and then sudden inclusion in a Trump case has caused him to be sent for ethics violation investigation. I have a feeling that this case is very soon destined for the dustbin of history.
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The gun bill. The CHIPS bill. The inflation act.

That says absolutely NOTHING. You're just quoting names put out there to sell them to the idiots in the media. Specifically, what was "patriotic" about any of these bills in light of EVERYTHING ELSE Biden has done?

The gun bill will do NOTHING to lessen gun crime, the inflation act will only add to inflation by grifting leftwing organizations, and the chips bill is just a continuation of the things Trump started to get done back in 2017 but met with constant dem opposition in bringing jobs and manufacturing back to the USA.

Considering the actual immediate problems facing people in this country, NONE of these bills go one inch toward addressing fuel costs, rent, mortgage, food shortages, or supply chain issues! NO ONE out there is counting gun crime as their biggest issue much less thinks spending another trillion dollars in the present economy is any way to FIGHT inflation! And as far as the chips, that is something anyone with common sense knows we never should have given up to foreign countries!
That says absolutely NOTHING. You're just quoting names put out there to sell them to the idiots in the media. Specifically, what was "patriotic" about any of these bills in light of EVERYTHING ELSE Biden has done?

The gun bill will do NOTHING to lessen gun crime, the inflation act will only add to inflation by grifting leftwing organizations, and the chips bill is just a continuation of the things Trump started to get done back in 2017 but met with constant dem opposition in bringing jobs and manufacturing back to the USA.

Considering the actual immediate problems facing people in this country, NONE of these bills go one inch toward addressing fuel costs, rent, mortgage, food shortages, or supply chain issues! NO ONE out there is counting gun crime as their biggest issue much less thinks spending another trillion dollars in the present economy is any way to FIGHT inflation! And as far as the chips, that is something anyone with common sense knows we never should have given up to foreign countries!
What did you do? Give tax cuts to the rich? Fuck you!
What can't be settled? Democrats are correct in pointing out this decision was extraordinary for a Federal judge to intervene. And many Republicans agree.

A federal judge’s extraordinary decision Monday to interject in the criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump’s hoarding of sensitive government documents at his Florida residence showed unusual solicitude to him, legal specialists said.

Nice retardedly biased link, faggot. Oh! The New York Slimes. Yep.

The argument from authority fallacies are numerous in that.

Did they ever catch and prosecute that reporter of theirs and the professor that were leaking classified material?
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Your bullshit links to "bullshit legal experts" is hilarious.
Lying coxuckers think they can lie and no one will call them out on it.

Here is what a real legal expert said, a Harvard Law Professor: "A special master is ESSENTIAL".

How can Trump, who is a private citizen, have the executive privilege to withhold documents from the sitting executive branch?
What can't be settled? Democrats are correct in pointing out this decision was extraordinary for a Federal judge to intervene. And many Republicans agree.

A federal judge’s extraordinary decision Monday to interject in the criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump’s hoarding of sensitive government documents at his Florida residence showed unusual solicitude to him, legal specialists said.

At this point these scumbag Make America White Great Again mouthpieces are looking to further divide and inflame passions on the very slightest of excuses...

They're hoping to drive nails into the coffin of the Republic and twist and pervert both justice and their own asinine accusations at every possible opportunity...

It is also noteworthy that many of these scum are threatening to utilize violence to suppress or destroy political opponents...

These are the domestic enemies that The Oath ( "...against all enemies, foreign and
domestic..." ) warns us about...
Claiming that Trump has executive privilege that protects him from scrutiny by the EXECUTIVE BRANCH is just mind boggling

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