Arrest in Killing of White Anchor in Ark.

Amanda, I'm sorry you feel that way. I don't know what to tell you. I am a tall, blonde woman who works in a black neighborhood. I feel no fear when I'm there, and feel respected by people of all races. Maybe it's because I look them in the eye and say hello when I see anyone walking down the street, it's just my nature to be friendly. Sometimes people see fear in others, and that in itself may be scary to them.
You'll feel differently once reality comes crashing in on you, but i also hope you never have to experience a reality check to understand.

Thank you. It's nice when someone can understand. I do live in a fairly ghetto area. It's pretty mixed, but still there are a lot of guys that wanna look all thug and even tho I don't think they would do anything I don't want to send an encouraging message either.

I am looking into getting a permit to carry.
First of all, get the hell out of the ghetto area. That's a big step in the right direction
I'd like to see your exact site from the DOJ. I'm very familiar with their work.

The study used nothing BUT Department of Justice stats, which are drawn from law enforcment agencies across the country.

Look, you can hate me all you want, but it won't change the fact that black crime is off the charts compared to white crime. It's just a fact. Facts are stubborn things, as John Adams once quipped.
The study used nothing BUT Department of Justice stats, which are drawn from law enforcment agencies across the country.

Look, you can hate me all you want, but it won't change the fact that black crime is off the charts compared to white crime. It's just a fact. Facts are stubborn things, as John Adams once quipped.

It just selectively quoted them, and you provided your spin, without a link to the statistics in question. Thanks, but I work with crime stats daily. I know when someone is playing with the numbers.
It just selectively quoted them, and you provided your spin, without a link to the statistics in question. Thanks, but I work with crime stats daily. I know when someone is playing with the numbers.

Heres a link for you that should back up William Joyce's claim. This is the 2006 DOJ report. Youll notice the chart on page 18 shows white men committing 32.3% of all rapes on women, while black men commit 61.8%.

Youll notice that it says no white men raped black women in 2006. The reason for this is because the number of white men raping black women was under 10, so it was too small to show up in the statistics. For black women, 100% of their rapists were black men.

On a side note, dont you think its odd that no wants to rape black women besides black men? I dont mean that as a racist jab, i just think its really odd that collectively, all other races seem (by this statistic), like they arent attracted to black women for some reason. I would have never guessed that in a million years. Who doesnt think Halle Berry is hot?

What your source didn't tell you is that white men rape white women at a rate that is ten times higher than the rate of the rapes of white women by black men.

You cant just make stuff up; the people on these boards will do research and find the truth. I bet you feel silly now, after finding that this statement is totally false. If not, you should.
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Heres a link for you that should back up William Joyce's claim. This is the 2006 DOJ report. Youll notice the chart on page 18 shows white men committing 32.3% of all rapes on women, while black men commit 61.8%.

Youll notice that it says no white men raped black women in 2006. The reason for this is because the number of white men raping black women was under 10, so it was too small to show up in the statistics. For black women, 100% of their rapists were black men.

On a side note, dont you think its odd that no wants to rape black women besides black men? I dont mean that as a racist jab, i just think its really odd that collectively, all other races seem (by this statistic), like they arent attracted to black women for some reason. I would have never guessed that in a million years. Who doesnt think Halle Berry is hot?
how in the hell do you correlate not RAPING black women as not being attracted to them?
Rape is a crime of violence, not attractiveness
how in the hell do you correlate not RAPING black women as not being attracted to them?
Rape is a crime of violence, not attractiveness

Rapists are attracted to physcial beauty just like everyone else. Do you really think there are many rapes of obese women? You dont think serial rapists have a rhyme or reason to how they pick their victims? While not every rape occurs because of sexual attraction to the victim, certainly MANY are picked that way.

So, back to what i was originally saying, dont you think this is odd that black women arent making anyones list? I mean i can accept that the racists may not want to have sex with a race they despise, but everyone else too?!!

...and before anyone tries to label me as a racist simply because i found this information strange, you should realize, ive dated a black girl myself.
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Rapists are attracted to physcial beauty just like everyone else. Do you really think there are many rapes of obese women? You dont think serial rapists have a rhyme or reason to how they pick their victims? While not every rape occurs because of sexual attraction to the victim, certainly MANY are picked that way.

So, back to what i was originally saying, dont you think this is odd that black women arent making anyones list? I mean i can accept that the racists may not want to have sex with a race they despise, but everyone else too?!!

...and before anyone tries to label me as a racist simply because i found this information strange, you should realize, ive dated a black girl myself.

was it your best friend's sister?

of course you're not a racist.
I dont see how ayone who dated a black girl could be considered a racist. You can make your jokes, but it doesnt change reality.

Regardless, i dont care if anyone here wants to call me a racist, in fact i expect it when any person makes a statement that has a negative spin on black people. Can people not have complaints about people of differing colors without being labled as racists?

Better yet, can any of you race card players actually address the things we bring up without playing the race card? Is there no one in the black community that would acknowledge the crime in black communities without somehow blaming it on white people?

White people have their problems too. Whites are more commonly serial killers, though its not THAT much higher than the other races. White children are also more likely to go on a school shooting rampages. Though i guess, thinking about it, theres probably more black kids actually murding kids on school grounds than white kids annually, its just not typically a mass murder scene when black kids do it.

Admitting the problems in your own community isnt such a bad thing you guys. You might find that it motivates people to change things.
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Heres a link for you that should back up William Joyce's claim. This is the 2006 DOJ report. Youll notice the chart on page 18 shows white men committing 32.3% of all rapes on women, while black men commit 61.8%.

You don't handle crime stats any more effectively than William Joyce does. The table, on page 18 as indicated, is titled:

Table 30. Personal crimes of violence, 2006: Download spreadsheet version
Percent of victimizations involving strangers,
by gender and race of victims, and type of crime

The table that you are referencing shows that 61.8% of rapes of black women involve strangers, while only 32.3% of white women who are raped are raped by strangers. What that means is that white women are much more likely to be raped by someone they previously knew than black women.

Y'all are so eager to believe the worst about black people that you will look at a survey like this and not even read the title.

This data is from the the National Crime Victimization Survey. It's an annual phone survey funded by the USDOJ. It compares the percentage of people who state that they were victimized in any given year to national crime totals (the FBI uses a system called UCR - Uniform Crime Reporting System to measure numbers of crime per year).

NCVS is based upon self-reporting data by victims, UCR relies upon police report totals from police agencies. However, because not all agencies report crimes to UCR, and because only about half of all violent are even reported to police, the DOJ instituted NCVS to get a handle on the true level and extent of crime in the U.S.

However, because NCVS relies upon victim self-report information, there isn't any perpetrator demographic information included in that data.

So, for instance, if you page up to page 16, you'll see crime totals, and they are split out by the number of crimes committed by strangers, and the number of crimes committed by a person known to the victim. You'll see that in 2006, there were 260,000 rapes. Of those, 100,000 or so were committed by strangers, and 160,000 were committed by people known to the victim.

The table you linked, table 30, on page 18, shows the differences between white women and black women in regards to perpetrators. White women tend to know their rapists, black women (by a 2 to 1 margin), are raped by strangers.

My point still stands...white women are far more at risk from white men they know than from black men they do not know.

Learn to deal with crime stats, then get back to me.
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Rapists are attracted to physcial beauty just like everyone else. Do you really think there are many rapes of obese women? You dont think serial rapists have a rhyme or reason to how they pick their victims? While not every rape occurs because of sexual attraction to the victim, certainly MANY are picked that way.

Rape is an act of violence and has nothing to do with physical attractiveness.

So, back to what i was originally saying, dont you think this is odd that black women arent making anyones list? I mean i can accept that the racists may not want to have sex with a race they despise, but everyone else too?!!

...and before anyone tries to label me as a racist simply because i found this information strange, you should realize, ive dated a black girl myself.

You might want to re-evaluate those comments and decide if that person is really who you want to project.

Do you realize what you said?

Just wondering.
You cant just make stuff up; the people on these boards will do research and find the truth. I bet you feel silly now, after finding that this statement is totally false. If not, you should.

I'm never silly about what I do for a living. I bet YOU feel rather silly, though. If you're smart enough to realize you were just schooled, that is, by mistaking the race of victims for perpetrators.
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Rape is an act of violence and has nothing to do with physical attractiveness.

You might want to re-evaluate those comments and decide if that person is really who you want to project.

Do you realize what you said?

Just wondering.
well, of course, in godboys world, unattractive women never get raped
The table that you are referencing shows that 61.8% of rapes of black women involve strangers, while only 32.3% of white women who are raped are raped by strangers. What that means is that white women are much more likely to be raped by someone they previously knew than black women

Y'all are so eager to believe the worst about black people that you will look at a survey like this and not even read the title.

Sorry, you are right, i led you to the wrong place last time. Just follow the new instructions carefully and you will see for yourself....

To see the real truth of the matter, let us take a look at the Department of Justice document Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2005. (Go to the linked document, and under "Victims and Offenders" download the pdf file for 2005.)

In Table 42, entitled "Personal crimes of violence, 2005, percent distribution of single-offender victimizations, based on race of victims, by type of crime and perceived race of offender
," we learn that there were 111,590 white victims and 36,620 black victims of rape or sexual assault in 2005. (The number of rapes is not distinguished from those of sexual assaults; it is maddening that sexual assault, an ill-defined category that covers various types of criminal acts ranging from penetration to inappropriate touching, is conflated with the more specific crime of rape.) In the 111,590 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was white, 44.5 percent of the offenders were white, and 33.6 percent of the offenders were black. In the 36,620 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was black, 100 percent of the offenders were black, and 0.0 percent of the offenders were white. The table explains that 0.0 percent means that there were under 10 incidents nationally.
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Sorry, you are right, i led you to the wrong place last time. Just follow the new instructions carefully and you will see for yourself....

In Table 42, entitled "Personal crimes of violence, 2005, percent distribution of single-offender victimizations, based on race of victims, by type of crime and perceived race of offender
," we learn that there were 111,590 white victims and 36,620 black victims of rape or sexual assault in 2005. (The number of rapes is not distinguished from those of sexual assaults; it is maddening that sexual assault, an ill-defined category that covers various types of criminal acts ranging from penetration to inappropriate touching, is conflated with the more specific crime of rape.) In the 111,590 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was white, 44.5 percent of the offenders were white, and 33.6 percent of the offenders were black. In the 36,620 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was black, 100 percent of the offenders were black, and 0.0 percent of the offenders were white. The table explains that 0.0 percent means that there were under 10 incidents nationally.

And, as I stated above: White women are at far more risk of being raped by a white man than by a black man. Furthermore, if you look at all categories of crime, you will find that what I said also holds true: whites primarily victimize whites. Blacks primarily victimize blacks. Hispanics primarily victimize Hispanics. This is largely because people are most commonly victimized in the area in which they live. Most of America remains fairly segregated.
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(The number of rapes is not distinguished from those of sexual assaults; it is maddening that sexual assault, an ill-defined category that covers various types of criminal acts ranging from penetration to inappropriate touching, is conflated with the more specific crime of rape.)

This is a really good point, and it is one of the primary frustrations for me, at least, in discussing the crime of rape.
First of all, get the hell out of the ghetto area. That's a big step in the right direction

It's something I'm working on but at my age I don't have great earning power and I do like many aspects of living where I live. It's close to my job and my church and there are some really nice neighbors too.
And, as I stated above: White women are at far more risk of being raped by a white man than by a black man.

You failing to recognize something. If black people make up about 12% of the population and whites are 72% (yet they commit nearly the same amount of rapes), then that means if you have a white man and a black man in a room, the woman in the room with them is like 3 or 4 times more likey to be raped by the black man.

What this says (obviously) is black men rape far more often then any other racial group, which is a serious problem they need to deal with. I mean really, SERIOUSLY, they are raping WAY too much, whats that about? That is an ugly fact black people need to address. They also murder, rob, steal and assault far more then any other racial group. Is it because their skin is black? Of course not, its because black culture has taken a very bad turn, which started in the late 60-70s. Its sad too, because thats right when they finally had equal rights. Before this time period, black unemployment was lower, fatherless households and divorce was very rare, and they committed les crime.

Its like they finally got the rights they wanted, but they turned the empowerment they got from it into something negative. Suddenly they could voice their complaints about they way they were treated, and they kept on complaining, and then their children grew up hearing all the terrible things their parents endured, and they hear about all the proud civil rights leaders and they want to be a part of that movement too, so they start complaining about race, and anytime they have a disagreement with a white man, or a white man treats them badly, they blame it on racism. What people fail to recognize is, if you see a bunch of gangbangers walk into a store dressed all thugged out, they are going to be watched closely. Now of course they will say they are being watched because they are black, but its more about the clerk having common sense then anything else.

The black community really needs to stop the false cries of racism too. I used to work in downtown Seattle doing hip hop nights at clubs, and i cant tell you how many times i saw someone pull out the race card when he, and everyone around knew full and well it had nothing to do with race. Often times when they get kicked out for fighting "Its because im black!" is a typical response you hear, which is absurd because everyone else in the place (with the exception of the bar staff), is black too and they are more then welcome to stay. These false accusations not only enrage white people, it destroys the credibility of the guy who truly IS being treated unfairly because of his race. It makes people far less likely to believe it when its true, and thats not good for anyone.

Ignoring the facts doesnt do anyone any good, and it sucks that any time you point out the faults of another race, youre labled a racist. Sometimes criticism can be constructive. If you could just take a moment to listen to what people are saying before you whip out the race card, you might learn something you didnt consider or know about before.
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