Army Orders Court-Martial in WikiLeaks Case

SFC Ollie

Still Marching
Oct 21, 2009
Extreme East Ohio
It's about frigging time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An Army officer ordered a court-martial Friday for a low-ranking intelligence analyst charged in the biggest leak of classified information in U.S. history. Military District of Washington commander Maj. Gen. Michael Linnington referred all charges against Pfc. Bradley Manning to a general court-martial, the Army said in a statement.
The referral means Manning will stand trial for allegedly giving more than 700,000 secret U.S. documents and classified combat video to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks for publication.

I hope they fry his ass......
It's about frigging time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An Army officer ordered a court-martial Friday for a low-ranking intelligence analyst charged in the biggest leak of classified information in U.S. history. Military District of Washington commander Maj. Gen. Michael Linnington referred all charges against Pfc. Bradley Manning to a general court-martial, the Army said in a statement.
The referral means Manning will stand trial for allegedly giving more than 700,000 secret U.S. documents and classified combat video to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks for publication.

I hope they fry his ass......

I don't know about frying him..literally..but figuratively I agree wholeheartedly.
He signed the same non-disclosure agreement, full of dire warnings of what would happen should he break his word, as I did.

If he's found guilty, put him away for a long time.
It's about frigging time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An Army officer ordered a court-martial Friday for a low-ranking intelligence analyst charged in the biggest leak of classified information in U.S. history. Military District of Washington commander Maj. Gen. Michael Linnington referred all charges against Pfc. Bradley Manning to a general court-martial, the Army said in a statement.
The referral means Manning will stand trial for allegedly giving more than 700,000 secret U.S. documents and classified combat video to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks for publication.

I hope they fry his ass......

He's not even close to being a traitor.

Needs to be disciplined for sure....but a traitor? Nope....

This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance.

The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort.

Traitor? Yes.
He's not even close to being a traitor.

Needs to be disciplined for sure....but a traitor? Nope....

This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance.

The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort.

Traitor? Yes.
Gump uses the leftist dictionary, which defines "traitor" as:

Someone who disagrees with Obama. SEE: racist.
He's not even close to being a traitor.

Needs to be disciplined for sure....but a traitor? Nope....

This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance.

The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort.

Traitor? Yes.

Who did he go to war against? Who was he aiding or comforting? Is the US at war with Julian Assange? Is it possible to declare war on a person?

Traitor? No, not even by your own definition...
Leftists never met a criminal they didn't love.

Dave's never contributed anything of substance to a thread...
There you go again, re-defining words.

Your definition of "subastance" is "anything that agrees with me".

You're going to go through life disappointed.

Not really. I mean, all you contribute are snarky one liners, or the odd sentence that doesn't make sense, or ad hom attacks.

I can't think of any posts where you've go in-depth into a subject.

I believe this is either for one of two reasons or both for this:
1) You are generally a troll
2) You are incapable of doing so.

I'm leaning towards the latter..
And he had no Idea that wikileaks would publish secrets of the United states so that our enemies could read all about them? Giving all of our enemies secret material of which he was entrusted amounts to aiding the enemy, in fact aiding all our enemies.

I'm so sorry that you think him a hero. He is scum, not worthy of clinging to the bottom of my boot.
Dave's never contributed anything of substance to a thread...
There you go again, re-defining words.

Your definition of "subastance" is "anything that agrees with me".

You're going to go through life disappointed.

Not really. I mean, all you contribute are snarky one liners, or the odd sentence that doesn't make sense, or ad hom attacks.

I can't think of any posts where you've go in-depth into a subject.

I believe this is either for one of two reasons or both for this:
1) You are generally a troll
2) You are incapable of doing so.

I'm leaning towards the latter..

Like all leftists, you see what you want to see.

Reality, however, refuses to conform itself to your demands.

I've made my views on Manning quite clear. He violated the agreements he signed and revealed information that was defined as causing grave damage to national security if revealed to those unauthorized to see it.

That in-depth enough for you? Not that I care...
He's not even close to being a traitor.

Needs to be disciplined for sure....but a traitor? Nope....

This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance.

The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort.

Traitor? Yes.

Who did he go to war against? Who was he aiding or comforting? Is the US at war with Julian Assange? Is it possible to declare war on a person?

Traitor? No, not even by your own definition...

How about you let the US decide, its Military decide what charges are appropriate.
And he had no Idea that wikileaks would publish secrets of the United states so that our enemies could read all about them? Giving all of our enemies secret material of which he was entrusted amounts to aiding the enemy, in fact aiding all our enemies.

I'm so sorry that you think him a hero. He is scum, not worthy of clinging to the bottom of my boot.

Hmmm. I don't see him as a hero. And the stuff he leaked was not super classified. I guess I just get sick of the politicians and military going "trust us"....when they have a track record of not being trusted...
There you go again, re-defining words.

Your definition of "subastance" is "anything that agrees with me".

You're going to go through life disappointed.

Not really. I mean, all you contribute are snarky one liners, or the odd sentence that doesn't make sense, or ad hom attacks.

I can't think of any posts where you've go in-depth into a subject.

I believe this is either for one of two reasons or both for this:
1) You are generally a troll
2) You are incapable of doing so.

I'm leaning towards the latter..

Like all leftists, you see what you want to see.

Reality, however, refuses to conform itself to your demands.

I've made my views on Manning quite clear. He violated the agreements he signed and revealed information that was defined as causing grave damage to national security if revealed to those unauthorized to see it.

That in-depth enough for you? Not that I care...

List the damage he has caused...

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