Army drops grenade throwing requirement - Women can't do it??


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Women are very inferior physically to men. Eventually we will have to "norm" the requirements. That means we lower standards for women but not men. Of course both sexes will get the same pay since they're equal!!

Army won't require recruits to throw a grenade far enough | Daily Mail Online

feb 14 2018 The United States Army will no longer require recruits to show they can throw hand grenades 25 meters because many of them can’t throw the explosive far enough, it revealed on Friday.

The Army says that starting next summer it will remove the requirement from its Basic Combat Training because it takes too much time to teach enlistees to throw grenades at an adequate distance.

Many who are critical of the army's recent attempts to recruit women jumped on the news to blame increased diversity in the army for the drop in physical demands.

On Facebook, John Clayton wrote: 'Army to lower hand grenade requirements because women do not have the strength to throw it far enough to meet existing requirements to graduate SMH.'

'One of my female soldiers couldn't throw a grenade so she couldn't deploy,' wrote Anthony Anderson.
They say the recruits arent the way they used to be.
I do find it weird this is right after they let woman serve in combat roles..
Women that serve in combat roles should have to meet the same physical standards as men. That being said, there are some things women tend to do better than men and some things that men do better than women! Women may make excellent air traffic controllers.
Finally some common sense is beginning to leak into the system. But the military is not the only place that phsical fitness counts. Fire personnel are the most likely required to single handedly remove someone indisposed from a dangerous environment. I would NOT want to be at the mercy of a woman to carry me out of a raging fire.

Next is the police force and the military...desk job yes Sorry ladies.
I believe in women being given the opportunity to perform the same roles and duties as men, but I do not believe in lowering standards to allow women to serve in those positions....unless it is honestly determined that the standards which had been in effect were unnecessary or out of date.

If this was done simply to allow more women to pass, and not because the army felt that throwing a grenade 25 meters was an unnecessary requirement, I am against it.

Based on the article, however, it seems as if the soldiers will still get the training and be required to throw the grenades as before, but it will not be a requirement to graduate basic. Apparently recruits are showing up to basic undisciplined and unprepared, and the army feels they need to rework the training to build more discipline. In fact, according to, recruits will actually be required to score higher on physical fitness tests: "Physical fitness standards will also be increased, requiring each soldier to score at least 60 points on all three events of the Army Physical Fitness Test instead of 50 points on each as a graduation standard." Low Recruit Discipline Prompts Army to Redesign Basic Training

I think this may be much ado about nothing; an example of looking for something to complain about, to blame on women in the military. It doesn't sound as if physical standards are being lowered to allow women entry, if physical fitness test standards are being raised. :dunno:
We had this girl in my unit. She was so big, muscular, we had a rumor going around that she could lift a deuce in a half transmission with one hand and bolt it on with the other.

Another factoid about the Army/military; There were only two kinds of women in the Army; Pregnant and gay. Straight women had to put out in order to compete with the girls who hung out near Army bases. In a foreign country girls would get paid if they got pregnant by an American. We had plenty of poon tang.
I saw how the military was lowering standards for females when I attended a relatives Army basic training graduation ceremony a few years ago.
The women soldiers were winning all of the physical fitness awards, in fact some had scored over 100%
While only a couple of the male soldiers attained a 100% score.

When I asked my male relative how could this be? He told me the physical fitness qualifications were way lower for the female soldiers. .... :cool:
Women that serve in combat roles should have to meet the same physical standards as men. That being said, there are some things women tend to do better than men and some things that men do better than women! Women may make excellent air traffic controllers.

Air traffic controllers?? Why are women better at that?. Women always panic in a crisis.
I saw how the military was lowering standards for females when I attended a relatives Army basic training graduation ceremony a few years ago.
The women soldiers were winning all of the physical fitness awards, in fact some had scored over 100%
While only a couple of the male soldiers attained a 100% score.

When I asked my male relative how could this be? He told me the physical fitness qualifications were way lower for the female soldiers. .... :cool:

But they still get the same pay as the men, don't they.? There should be a lawsuit there.
Women that serve in combat roles should have to meet the same physical standards as men. That being said, there are some things women tend to do better than men and some things that men do better than women! Women may make excellent air traffic controllers.

Air traffic controllers?? Why are women better at that?. Women always panic in a crisis.
I didn't say "better" at that because I don't know. That being said, I don't know any reason why women would not be excellent air traffic controllers. And no, women do not always panic in a crisis. Some do, but but not all.
Women that serve in combat roles should have to meet the same physical standards as men. That being said, there are some things women tend to do better than men and some things that men do better than women! Women may make excellent air traffic controllers.

Air traffic controllers?? Why are women better at that?. Women always panic in a crisis.
i wonder how many woman made you look like a pussy in your life? ever manage to get laid speedos?...or was it just more rejection,even by the ugly ones?
can't they identify as men and the men as women??
so the standards will and can be very confusing?:wink:
None of the women in my BCT unit had a problem with throwing one.

One thing wrong with that statement. It's a lie.

It's amazing that you know what the women in ThunderKiss1965's unit were or were not able to do. You should go on tour, demonstrating your incredible psychic ability. :lol:
Montro when you have been rejected by woman all your life,even the ugliest ones,this is the kind of so called "man" you get....this poor stroonge hates all woman
You don't need to be able to throw a hand grenade to be an effective sniper.

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