Armed Insurrection by Whites in Athens Tennessee against Police Brutality = Patriotism

What would they say?

  • Kill em' all.

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • Patriotism.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
that's a very interesting incident in American history '2nd Amendment' , very few know about it is my guess .
What would the Second Amendment hating Progressives and pseudo-Second Amendment loving Neocons say if there was an armed insurrection by Blacks in Ferguson Missouri against Police Brutality?

Stopped teasing...

(And I love the stripping of context from events as a means to equate two completely inequitable events! It is HYSTERICAL!)
and the way I understand the incident it was returning USA servicemen after ww2 but I don't have a link and have forgotten the details .
The veterans were real Americans putting down conservative repression.
What would the Second Amendment hating Progressives and pseudo-Second Amendment loving Neocons say if there was an armed insurrection by Blacks in Ferguson Missouri against Police Brutality?
Friend you're really going over board on the Ferguson situation. Wilson discharged his lawful duty, he was defending his own life.
Let's keep a little bit of perspective
and the way I understand the incident it was returning USA servicemen after ww2 but I don't have a link and have forgotten the details .

It was, and the Sheriff there was as crooked as a ram's horn. They tried to vote him out of office and he rigged the election and went about beating and killing those who voted against him. The Vets, having just returned from a war to stop just that, decided that they had not had a problem killing Germans for doing it, they sure as hell had no problem killing traitors to the United States for doing it.
Two totally incomparable situations but thanks for playing.
What would the Second Amendment hating Progressives and pseudo-Second Amendment loving Neocons say if there was an armed insurrection by Blacks in Ferguson Missouri against Police Brutality?

Two totally incomparable situations but thanks for playing.
The veterans were heroes, the conservative establishment was evil.

So, you're claiming that you never denigrated and disavowed those heroic veterans on USMB in the past?

And the establishment was rigging the elections for the Democrats. It was White on White oppression, so you can't even throw the race card into this one.
The veterans were heroes, the conservative establishment was evil.

So, you're claiming that you never denigrated and disavowed those heroic veterans on USMB in the past?

And the establishment was rigging the elections for the Democrats. It was White on White oppression, so you can't even throw the race card into this one.

One, I am a veteran; I have never criticized any veteran on the Board for their service. I have for their personal actions afterwards.

Two, the veterans you are talking about were heroes.

Three, the bad guys rigging the elections were conservatives.
The veterans were heroes, the conservative establishment was evil.

The sheriff the vets wanted to replace was a democrat and in keeping with the democrat tradition was a thug. Leave it to you to think a democrat thug was conservative. LMFAO

Almost all Democrats in those days in officer were conservative thugs.

Nowdays they are Republic far right conservative thugs

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