Arkansas Ten Commandment Monument Destroyed in Terrorist Attack

I've never really understood why people get their balls in a uproar over religiously themed shit on government property? It's petty and inconsistently applied.
I didn't know we even HAD religiously themed shit on government property. Monument to the 10C's? WTF is that about at a state capital anywhere?
Ah leftist assholes being oh so tolerant
Like this kind of tolerance?
Plans for Arkansas' monument sparked a push by the Satanic Temple for a competing statue of Baphomet, a goat-headed, angel-winged creature accompanied by two children smiling at it. Efforts to install that display, however, were blocked by a law enacted this year requiring legislative approval before the commission could consider a monument proposal. The Satanic Temple has vowed a lawsuit over the measure, and said it didn't believe the law should be applied retroactively to its proposal.

Banning a Satanic Temple statue is bias and sure in the hell ain't tolerant. I am glad the stupid fucking statue is gone....government SHOULD NOT endorse religion. PERIOD. Go to church be my guest,indoctrinate kids into an asinine JEWISH religion go ahead but that government is for EVERY CITIZEN in said state not just xtians.

Let'em put it up, I don't give two shits.
Can't,The tolerant legislature banned them after endorsing xtianity.

see the First Amendment. you know, like you pondscum would if muslims wanted a monument to mohammed.

I didn't say they SHOULDN'T be allowed to you dolt. I said they CAN'T since the legislature BANNED them from doing so. Read the damn link.If 1 religion is allowed ALL religions should be allowed. IMO there should be NO religious monuments on government property.
I've never really understood why people get their balls in a uproar over religiously themed shit on government property? It's petty and inconsistently applied.
I didn't know we even HAD religiously themed shit on government property. Monument to the 10C's? WTF is that about at a state capital anywhere?

Really? It's literally everywhere.
It only took one day for the Ten Commandments Monument to be destroyed by what has become the latest kind of terrorist attack, running it over with a vehicle. Apparently, not everyone in the Hillbilly Confederate loving Trump brainwashed Red State is in favor of planting religious symbols at the state capital.

Thou shalt not knock over our public Kristian totem pole.

I think whenever Kerschins put up these type of monuments someone should immediately put up a Sharia law monument in stone next to it. And the 12 Rules of Witches (12 Rules of Witches) <-- read them, you could do worse yes. And the sayings of Buddha as well as the proclamations of Ra. Along with the recipe for crow.
Surely, he then drove to Detroit and ran over the satan statue. Freedom!!!
No but he got another 10 Commandments statue in Oklahoma. 2 for 2. Not bad.
You follow him on FaceBook, right? Hurry and add your LIKE !
And encourage him? Nah, he needs to learn not to be an idiot and not film the next one.
You like that he destroyed property but disapprove that he reveled in it. Thanks for clearing that up.
It only took one day for the Ten Commandments Monument to be destroyed by what has become the latest kind of terrorist attack, running it over with a vehicle. Apparently, not everyone in the Hillbilly Confederate loving Trump brainwashed Red State is in favor of planting religious symbols at the state capital.

Thou shalt not knock over our public Kristian totem pole.

I think whenever Kerschins put up these type of monuments someone should immediately put up a Sharia law monument in stone next to it. And the 12 Rules of Witches (12 Rules of Witches) <-- read them, you could do worse yes. And the sayings of Buddha as well as the proclamations of Ra. Along with the recipe for crow.
That'd teach 'em.
It only took one day for the Ten Commandments Monument to be destroyed by what has become the latest kind of terrorist attack, running it over with a vehicle. Apparently, not everyone in the Hillbilly Confederate loving Trump brainwashed Red State is in favor of planting religious symbols at the state capital.

Thou shalt not knock over our public Kristian totem pole.

I think whenever Kerschins put up these type of monuments someone should immediately put up a Sharia law monument in stone next to it. And the 12 Rules of Witches (12 Rules of Witches) <-- read them, you could do worse yes. And the sayings of Buddha as well as the proclamations of Ra. Along with the recipe for crow.

Yea we know how the left approves of stoning women

I've never really understood why people get their balls in a uproar over religiously themed shit on government property? It's petty and inconsistently applied.
I didn't know we even HAD religiously themed shit on government property. Monument to the 10C's? WTF is that about at a state capital anywhere?

For an old lady you don't get out much

Looks like a leftist ANTIFA fk tard and probably is.

what next? remove them from the supreme court building?

The comparison to the SCOTUS building was tried when Roy Moore pulled his crap in Alabama.

YOu conveniently forget the huge difference. The SCOTUS friezes represent many faiths and many people. The 10 Commandments is one of many. In both the Alabama Supreme Court case and the one in Arkansas, there was the 10 Commandments and nothing else. Nothing else was/is allowed.
It's on video from way back then, pretty grainy; there were more than ten commandments anyway.

Looks like a leftist ANTIFA fk tard and probably is.

View attachment 136023

The broken pieces remind one that Christians used to force people to lie down and then they'd pile flat stones on them until they were dead. You know for being witches. It's like stoning someone to death but everyone is too lazy to break the stones up into smaller pieces.
Looks like a leftist ANTIFA fk tard and probably is.

View attachment 136023

The broken pieces remind one that Christians used to force people to lie down and then they'd pile flat stones on them until they were dead. You know for being witches. It's like stoning someone to death but everyone is too lazy to break the stones up into smaller pieces.
Burn witches? Not anymore they don't!

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Likely what happened was this guy is a stone monument carver and has just been saying for the last seven years that he has a much better monument to replace the one already in place but we have to let the one already there fall over so we can replace it with something much better. And since it wouldn't fall over he decided to make it fail so he could replace it.

Afterwards he was seen being wined and dined by the Republican party to run for Congress.
I've never really understood why people get their balls in a uproar over religiously themed shit on government property? It's petty and inconsistently applied.
I didn't know we even HAD religiously themed shit on government property. Monument to the 10C's? WTF is that about at a state capital anywhere?

For an old lady you don't get out much

Are you guys joshin' me? How about pics?

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