Arkansas Ten Commandment Monument Destroyed in Terrorist Attack


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
It only took one day for the Ten Commandments Monument to be destroyed by what has become the latest kind of terrorist attack, running it over with a vehicle. Apparently, not everyone in the Hillbilly Confederate loving Trump brainwashed Red State is in favor of planting religious symbols at the state capital.
All religions should have the right to put up those kinds of written messages promoting the beliefs of their religion on state capital property. They should all be in one common area with equal size and position status so that they are all given equal attention.
All religions should have the right to put up those kinds of written messages promoting the beliefs of their religion on state capital property. They should all be in one common area with equal size and position status so that they are all given equal attention.
I'm not sure I agree ANY religion has a "right" to put up monuments promoting their beliefs on state capital property. Why do they have a right to do that?
I hope they catch and prosecute the Visigoth(s) responsible for this act.
Surely, he then drove to Detroit and ran over the satan statue. Freedom!!!
All religions should have the right to put up those kinds of written messages promoting the beliefs of their religion on state capital property. They should all be in one common area with equal size and position status so that they are all given equal attention.
I'm not sure I agree ANY religion has a "right" to put up monuments promoting their beliefs on state capital property. Why do they have a right to do that?
Cultures are built on the moral teachings and beliefs of religion. One does not have to believe the spiritual beliefs to find value in the moral teachings.
As can be clearly seen, there are always those who insist on promoting their religion and religious beliefs. The best way, and perhaps the only way to neutralize that situation is to allow everyone the same equal opportunity to promote their religious beliefs as examples of how those beliefs influence culture in a non-religious educational format.
The biggest BIGOTS in the US, liberals at their finest. If it were Muslim statues, the left would be calling for blood.
Post an example of a liberal trying to build a Muslim statue anywhere in the U.S. Ever.

They are called mosques..........
Looks like you need help:

the definition of statue
the definition of building

But I'll play along for your sake. Post an example of a liberal trying to build a Mosque on state Capitol grounds. Ever.
Ah leftist assholes being oh so tolerant
Like this kind of tolerance?
Plans for Arkansas' monument sparked a push by the Satanic Temple for a competing statue of Baphomet, a goat-headed, angel-winged creature accompanied by two children smiling at it. Efforts to install that display, however, were blocked by a law enacted this year requiring legislative approval before the commission could consider a monument proposal. The Satanic Temple has vowed a lawsuit over the measure, and said it didn't believe the law should be applied retroactively to its proposal.

Banning a Satanic Temple statue is bias and sure in the hell ain't tolerant. I am glad the stupid fucking statue is gone....government SHOULD NOT endorse religion. PERIOD. Go to church be my guest,indoctrinate kids into an asinine JEWISH religion go ahead but that government is for EVERY CITIZEN in said state not just xtians.
I hope they catch and prosecute the Visigoth(s) responsible for this act.
He did it in front of the police on duty at the capital and surrendered and turned himself into the officers on duty without incident.

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