Arizona has become a battleground state


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
(CNN) - The battle between President Barack Obama and all-but-certain GOP nominee Mitt Romney for Arizona's eleven electoral votes stands neck and neck, according to a poll released Monday.

Arizona, which has voted for only one Democratic presidential candidate in sixty years, has become a hot battleground in 2012, partly because of the state's increasing Latino population.

The poll from Arizona State University's Merrill/Morrison Institute indicated 42% of registered voters in Arizona backing Romney and 40% supporting Obama. The margin was well within the poll's sampling error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points.

A large portion of respondents – 18% - said they were undecided in who they would support in the November's general election. Among independents, the undecided figure was far higher. Thirty-four percent of voters who said they were independents said they hadn't yet picked a candidate to support.

Poll: Obama and Romney tied in Arizona – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
[In Arizona,] Latinos have grown in population, boosting Democrats' confidence in winning Arizona. Latinos made up 16% of the electorate in 2008, which was an increase from four years earlier. Obama won the demographic by 15 percentage points, 56% to 41%.

Recent polls show President Obama leading Romney among Latinos by more than 40 points. It's an edge that could well mean the difference in Colorado, Nevada, Virginia, Florida and even Arizona - and one that threatens to prevent Romney from keeping Mr. Obama from a second term.

But no matter how things play out in this election, the GOP's Latino image problem isn't going away. And Republicans fear that if they don't change the dynamic soon, the damage could extend far beyond the 2012 election.

Can Mitt Romney fix his Latino problem? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Romney is just getting started in AZ.

He's already wiping Obama out in fundraising.

AZ will go to Romney. I am willing to bet on it.
I'd have to agree with Listening.

Maybe Obama loses within the margin of error instead of by 8 or 10 points like last time, but I just don't see Democrats taking that state just yet.

It's more likely that Obama will keep CO and NM and NV out that way, while I contend that VA is the bell-weather state this year. If it takes longer to count this time and doesn't go Obama's way, we've got a real race on our hands, but if he takes VA like he did last time, than fugeddabawdit.
Romney is just getting started in AZ.

He's already wiping Obama out in fundraising.

AZ will go to Romney. I am willing to bet on it.

That Romney even has to worry about AZ shows how weak his candidacy is.

Or how much people have come to depend on the federal government.

Don't forget that hispanics have lived in the state and been a significant part of the state for a long long time. They are all to aware of the immigration issues which have been mischaracterized by the left causing a great deal of confusion.

Once things get rolling, Obama does not stand a chance.
Romney is just getting started in AZ.

He's already wiping Obama out in fundraising.

AZ will go to Romney. I am willing to bet on it.

That Romney even has to worry about AZ shows how weak his candidacy is.

Or how much people have come to depend on the federal government.

Don't forget that hispanics have lived in the state and been a significant part of the state for a long long time. They are all to aware of the immigration issues which have been mischaracterized by the left causing a great deal of confusion.

Once things get rolling, Obama does not stand a chance.

I don't think that there's any confusion on the part of Hispanics on this issue at all.

The GOP has made them scapegoats.

And romney has said stuff like,

"I can't have illegal aliens, I'm running for office, for Pete's sake." Using their labor while denying them rights.
AZ stopped being a battleground state when obama sued the state. Like every other battleground state. Romney will get votes from whatever minorities there are getting welfare, otherwise, he's done.
That Romney even has to worry about AZ shows how weak his candidacy is.

Or how much people have come to depend on the federal government.

Don't forget that hispanics have lived in the state and been a significant part of the state for a long long time. They are all to aware of the immigration issues which have been mischaracterized by the left causing a great deal of confusion.

Once things get rolling, Obama does not stand a chance.

I don't think that there's any confusion on the part of Hispanics on this issue at all.

The GOP has made them scapegoats.

And romney has said stuff like,

"I can't have illegal aliens, I'm running for office, for Pete's sake." Using their labor while denying them rights.

scapegoats for what? Unions do that too, I dont hear democrats bashing them? Do you believe in borders?
AZ stopped being a battleground state when obama sued the state. Like every other battleground state. Romney will get votes from whatever minorities there are getting welfare, otherwise, he's done.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Arizona: Romney vs. Obama

Latest poll only has Romney leading Obama by 2 points. With 18% undecided, and RCP has it as a "toss-up".

And most Arizonans are realizing what a bad move the "Your Papers, Please" law was. They've lost billions as people have boycotted the state.
Or how much people have come to depend on the federal government.

Don't forget that hispanics have lived in the state and been a significant part of the state for a long long time. They are all to aware of the immigration issues which have been mischaracterized by the left causing a great deal of confusion.

Once things get rolling, Obama does not stand a chance.

I don't think that there's any confusion on the part of Hispanics on this issue at all.

The GOP has made them scapegoats.

And romney has said stuff like,

"I can't have illegal aliens, I'm running for office, for Pete's sake." Using their labor while denying them rights.

scapegoats for what? Unions do that too, I dont hear democrats bashing them? Do you believe in borders?

I think somewhere in your confusion, you are almost hitting the point, but not quite.

Here's the ugly little secret.

The same assholes who are hiring illegal aliens are the same assholes who run the GOP these days. The same assholes who think you should work harder for less money so they can get greater profits.

So they'll play on your racism (and, yes, sorry, it is racism) while the are the ones inviting them in so they don't have to pay an American a fair wage.

You could end the illegal problem in five minutes. We catch you with an illegal on your worksite, we confiscate your business.
Sure...Reversible Mittens hasn't done very well in trying to get the Latino vote...but he's in the process of shaking his Etch-a-Sketch to try to pick up a few. They say you can't win the WH without 40% of the Latino vote. I just don't think there is an Etch-a-Sketch big enough to help him pick up the ground he lost in the Primary.
I don't think that there's any confusion on the part of Hispanics on this issue at all.

The GOP has made them scapegoats.

And romney has said stuff like,

"I can't have illegal aliens, I'm running for office, for Pete's sake." Using their labor while denying them rights.

scapegoats for what? Unions do that too, I dont hear democrats bashing them? Do you believe in borders?

I think somewhere in your confusion, you are almost hitting the point, but not quite.

Here's the ugly little secret.

The same assholes who are hiring illegal aliens are the same assholes who run the GOP these days. The same assholes who think you should work harder for less money so they can get greater profits.

So they'll play on your racism (and, yes, sorry, it is racism) while the are the ones inviting them in so they don't have to pay an American a fair wage.

You could end the illegal problem in five minutes. We catch you with an illegal on your worksite, we confiscate your business.

I'm all for fining, not confiscation, that sound a little castroesque for me. My point is the unions bitch about latinos too, but you dont hear that in the news....hmmmmmmmm
and then they blame others for low wages...well
scapegoats for what? Unions do that too, I dont hear democrats bashing them? Do you believe in borders?

I think somewhere in your confusion, you are almost hitting the point, but not quite.

Here's the ugly little secret.

The same assholes who are hiring illegal aliens are the same assholes who run the GOP these days. The same assholes who think you should work harder for less money so they can get greater profits.

So they'll play on your racism (and, yes, sorry, it is racism) while the are the ones inviting them in so they don't have to pay an American a fair wage.

You could end the illegal problem in five minutes. We catch you with an illegal on your worksite, we confiscate your business.

I'm all for fining, not confiscation, that sound a little castroesque for me. My point is the unions bitch about latinos too, but you dont hear that in the news....hmmmmmmmm
and then they blame others for low wages...well

And fining them doesn't do shit. They pay the fine then hire more illegals. Why? because it's cheaper to pay the fine AND the illegal than it is to pay an American worker a living wage.
I'm all for fining, not confiscation, that sound a little castroesque for me. My point is the unions bitch about latinos too, but you dont hear that in the news....hmmmmmmmm
and then they blame others for low wages...well

I think unless you have the threat of confiscation behind it, fining is kind of pointless.

I'd actually have a three-teir system.

First offence $10,000 fine, you go on a watch list for one year.

Second offense, $100,000 fine, and you have to display a sign in your lobby saying what you did. Something like, "I hired illegal aliens, cheating an American out of work. Please consider my lack of ethics when dealing with me."

Third offense- That's when you just take all his toys.

I think very few would ever get to a third offense.

I'd also throw in rewards for ratting out your company. Kind of how OSHA works.
I'd have to agree with Listening.

Maybe Obama loses within the margin of error instead of by 8 or 10 points like last time, but I just don't see Democrats taking that state just yet.

It's more likely that Obama will keep CO and NM and NV out that way, while I contend that VA is the bell-weather state this year. If it takes longer to count this time and doesn't go Obama's way, we've got a real race on our hands, but if he takes VA like he did last time, than fugeddabawdit.

I think Romney will take Florida AND Arizona.
(CNN) – Is Arizona truly a battleground state?

The jury's still out, but a second straight survey this week does indicate that it's all knotted up between President Barack Obama and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in Arizona.

According to a Rocky Mountain Poll released Wednesday, 42% of registered voters in Arizona say they support Obama, with 40% backing Romney and a high 18% undecided. The president's two percent margin is well within the survey's sampling error, meaning it's basically a dead heat in Arizona.

A poll released Monday from Arizona State University's Merrill/Morrison Institute also indicated 42%-40% margin for Obama among registered voters in Arizona.

Poll: Dead heat in Arizona – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Once things get rolling, Obama does not stand a chance in Arizona.

He is a one-termer.

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