Arf, Arf!: Hillary Barks Like 'Attack Dog' at Nevada Rally

They weren't?

Why was it wrong of him to answer a question, and go back to his game?

Who said it was "wrong"?

On the contrary, it was revealingly candid.

The long version, or the 10 second one you provided?

If you have the long version that shows shrub was taken out of context, please link to it. Otherwise STFU

How does adding him riding off in a golf cart change the context?


He rides up in a golf cart with his dad, someone asks him a question, he answers it, and goes back to his game.

He was NOT holding a press conference.

What is wrong with you people?

Did Moore hypnotize you with Fahrenheit 911?

When we entered Iraq, he stopped playing golf til he retired.

Never mind.

Blindly quote the 10 second blurb you get in your daily talking points.

The fools the on the Right will keep going on about Hillary barking.

It's just what partisan idiots do, I guess
Once again, demoagogue talking heads remove the context in order to make a bullshit point.

Here's the full context:

Kinda has the opposite effect the editors intended....

Fox Noise did the same thing with the bogus "fake Southern accent" speech, removing the part that reveals she was quoting the lyrics of a gospel song, not "faking an accent".

Commercial media doing what it does. Selling snake oil to the gullible.

Doesn't matter. She sounds like an idiot and is being mocked unmercifully.

She brought it on herself. Bark bark. Lololol

Actually, yes it does matter. Because removing context is dishonest.

It's what the Right does. Very juvenile.

It's what the Right does

As does the Left

See Fahrenheit 911 for a multitude of examples

Very juvenile.

I agree

Typical Rightwing response ... alter the post.

alter it?

Doesn't matter. She sounds like an idiot and is being mocked unmercifully.

She brought it on herself. Bark bark. Lololol

Actually, yes it does matter. Because removing context is dishonest.
It's what the Right does. Very juvenile.

It's what the Right does

As does the Left

See Fahrenheit 911 for a multitude of examples

Very juvenile.

I agree
Typical Rightwing response ... alter the post.

alter it?

Sorry, I didn't realize you were truly troubled.
Obama said today they Hillary was an outstanding Secretary of State.

Wait....what's that I hear?

Actually, yes it does matter. Because removing context is dishonest.
It's what the Right does. Very juvenile.

It's what the Right does

As does the Left

See Fahrenheit 911 for a multitude of examples

Very juvenile.

I agree
Typical Rightwing response ... alter the post.

alter it?

Sorry, I didn't realize you were truly troubled.

Only troubled trying to decipher what ever foreign language you are using.

Perhaps if you could find an English translator?
This almost makes me tempted to vote for hiLIARy. I'd love to see Putin's reaction when she BARKS at him.
One thing really puzzles me. Who blew the Dog Whistle that caused hiLIARy to BARARK?
Who said it was "wrong"?

On the contrary, it was revealingly candid.

The long version, or the 10 second one you provided?

If you have the long version that shows shrub was taken out of context, please link to it. Otherwise STFU

How does adding him riding off in a golf cart change the context?


He rides up in a golf cart with his dad, someone asks him a question, he answers it, and goes back to his game.

He was NOT holding a press conference.

What is wrong with you people?

Did Moore hypnotize you with Fahrenheit 911?

When we entered Iraq, he stopped playing golf til he retired.

Never mind.

Blindly quote the 10 second blurb you get in your daily talking points.

The fools the on the Right will keep going on about Hillary barking.

It's just what partisan idiots do, I guess

Yeah ummmm...... who chose to immediately follow what was purportedly a serious statement about terrorism with "now watch this drive"? Hm? Who chose to put those two statements back to back with cameras roling? Did the eeeebil media make him do that?

The rule of Ds.... Defending Dubya ---- can't be Done.
The long version, or the 10 second one you provided?

If you have the long version that shows shrub was taken out of context, please link to it. Otherwise STFU

How does adding him riding off in a golf cart change the context?


He rides up in a golf cart with his dad, someone asks him a question, he answers it, and goes back to his game.

He was NOT holding a press conference.

What is wrong with you people?

Did Moore hypnotize you with Fahrenheit 911?

When we entered Iraq, he stopped playing golf til he retired.

Never mind.

Blindly quote the 10 second blurb you get in your daily talking points.

The fools the on the Right will keep going on about Hillary barking.

It's just what partisan idiots do, I guess

Yeah ummmm...... who chose to immediately follow what was purportedly a serious statement about terrorism with "now watch this drive"? Hm? Who chose to put those two statements back to back with cameras roling? Did the eeeebil media make him do that?

You mean, he went back to his rudely interrupted golf game?

He should have been shot at the 18th hole.

Keep whining about people making fun of Hillary barking like a dog.

You have so much in common
If you have the long version that shows shrub was taken out of context, please link to it. Otherwise STFU

How does adding him riding off in a golf cart change the context?


He rides up in a golf cart with his dad, someone asks him a question, he answers it, and goes back to his game.

He was NOT holding a press conference.

What is wrong with you people?

Did Moore hypnotize you with Fahrenheit 911?

When we entered Iraq, he stopped playing golf til he retired.

Never mind.

Blindly quote the 10 second blurb you get in your daily talking points.

The fools the on the Right will keep going on about Hillary barking.

It's just what partisan idiots do, I guess

Yeah ummmm...... who chose to immediately follow what was purportedly a serious statement about terrorism with "now watch this drive"? Hm? Who chose to put those two statements back to back with cameras roling? Did the eeeebil media make him do that?

You mean, he went back to his rudely interrupted golf game?

He should have been shot at the 18th hole.

Keep whining about people making fun of Hillary barking like a dog.

You have so much in common

"Rudely interrupted"? You mean the eeeebil media calls the shots and tells the POTUS what to do huh?

Hey, it's still his choice. He can play golf or he can make statements about terrorism. I'm not blaming him, as I said it was a candid revelation of what really matters to him and where his priorities are. In that sense this was one incident where he wasn't being deceptive. The second part reveals that the first part was just an act -- which we kinda knew but he confirms it.

There is no comparison with the HIllarybark. That's a joke. Terrorism is not a joke, although golf certainly is.
I don't think it will hurt her that much, but that is a video clip that can be played over and over.
You just don't give the opposition something like that. Time will tell if it fades away, like BenGassy, or becomes a general meme. It will certainly become a whacko right-wing meme. The only question is if it will have any traction in general, which I doubt.

Especially if trump or the GOP starts with women/dog jokes. These things are also fraught with danger for the mockers.

Also speaks volumes about demagogues, that this is the level they dig up and think is "significant". :lmao:

It's sad really.
And not one of them could tell you her plan for combating ISIS, or her tax plan, or her health care plan, or her education plan, or...
Well we know she would fail keeping us safe, Benghazi. She has been in politics most of her life and america is worse off now than ever. So yes go on her record of failure. Hell she couldn't control her own husband. She isn't qualified to be dog catcher. Oh wait!:2up:

How does adding him riding off in a golf cart change the context?


He rides up in a golf cart with his dad, someone asks him a question, he answers it, and goes back to his game.

He was NOT holding a press conference.

What is wrong with you people?

Did Moore hypnotize you with Fahrenheit 911?

When we entered Iraq, he stopped playing golf til he retired.

Never mind.

Blindly quote the 10 second blurb you get in your daily talking points.

The fools the on the Right will keep going on about Hillary barking.

It's just what partisan idiots do, I guess

Yeah ummmm...... who chose to immediately follow what was purportedly a serious statement about terrorism with "now watch this drive"? Hm? Who chose to put those two statements back to back with cameras roling? Did the eeeebil media make him do that?

You mean, he went back to his rudely interrupted golf game?

He should have been shot at the 18th hole.

Keep whining about people making fun of Hillary barking like a dog.

You have so much in common

"Rudely interrupted"? You mean the eeeebil media calls the shots and tells the POTUS what to do huh?

Hey, it's still his choice. He can play golf or he can make statements about terrorism. I'm not blaming him, as I said it was a candid revelation of what really matters to him and where his priorities are.

There is no comparison with the HIllarybark. That's a joke. Terrorism is not a joke, although golf certainly is.

Good parrot.

want some seed?
The ugly fucking bitch has finally snapped.

It is plainly apparent.

So --- you have no explanation. Just read thread title and salivate. No path to conclusion at all.

Good boy. Here's biscuit.


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