Are YOU upset that your government, media & intelligence agencies knowingly lied to you?

Does it bother you that everyone lied to you about Trump & Russia?

  • Yes

  • Durham is the liar

  • Lalalalalal

  • I knew it was all lies from the beginning

  • I believe the dossier is a real document containing real facts

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And it is all happening out in the open. The left is so far gone they don’t even recognize the threat to our Democracy. They have been infused with the idea that it is Republicans that are trying to overthrow the government(Jan 6th) with a few hundred protestors and ignore the much larger threat that our intelligence agencies and the IRS are compromised. It is something out of a movie. It is an exact recipe for failure.

It is Republicans who are attacking free speech rights, voting rights and the rights of women for starters. Our intelligence agencies are not compromised. Just because you don't like what they are saying does not make you compromised.
  • Funny
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It is Republicans who are attacking free speech rights, voting rights and the rights of women for starters. Our intelligence agencies are not compromised. Just because you don't like what they are saying does not make you compromised.
You're drinking a Bud Light, huh.
So what's the concensus from the left/media now?
Is Durham now considered a Russian asset or do you all finally realize you were DUPED?
The consensus is that Durham second guessed decisions made many years ago with 20/20 hindsight and an inherent bias to ignore the possibility of crimes committed by politicians to avoid upsetting their followers.

Durham said they should have opened a preliminary investigation when they opened a full investigation. This is both esoteric and very much a matter of opinion where reasonable people can have honest disagreements. It's not exactly a bombshell.
I don’t believe all the stuff about Obama, however, I do believe that he was the impetus for what we are seeing now. No, I don’t believe that Michelle is a man nor that he is the anti-Christ, however, I do believe he is/was as corrupt and caniving as they come. He was a slick used car salesman that sold us a lemon that ran well for just long enough for the warranty to run out. Trump threw a small wrench in their plan, but the infiltrated Obama intelligence agencies took over and got Biden elected and now we continue down the path of corruption and destruction. I don’t even think those on the left will realize exactly why we failed once it happens. They will be told it was all Republican’s fault and they will actually believe it.

Sorry, but there is a lesser of two evils, and comparing Republicans to Democrats at this point is like comparing a guy that fudged on his charitable contributions to Charles Manson.

You suffer from right wing dementia.

The intelligence agencies were not infiltrated. Trump lost because people turned out in record numbers. You right wingers cannot accept the facts. Trump lost because voters voted against him. You are the ones who are gullible fools.
Agree. Indoctrinated with patriotism and love of country. Two things commies hate.

You have no clue what patriotism and love of country is about. The country you love and want to turn this country into is Nazi Germany. You are the commie Putin lovers.
  • Disagree
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You suffer from right wing dementia.

The intelligence agencies were not infiltrated. Trump lost because people turned out in record numbers. You right wingers cannot accept the facts. Trump lost because voters voted against him. You are the ones who are gullible fools.
Is Joe Biden in cognitive decline?
So the fact the FBI lied & cheated to try a back door coup on a sitting president in collusion with the Democrat party is nothing...
You lefty rubes are just a bunch of quasi retarded fascism enablers with double standards on everything

It was the 2016 election what was being investigated.
Crossfire Hurricane and all.
Lied and cheated. Uh-huh. And let's see. If said "sitting President" wasn't a corrupt pile of worthlessness (with you willing lemmings supporting him), do you think any of this would have been necessary? I've read the report highlights. I'm stunned this "investigation" was even greenlighted. There is literally nothing of value here.

Barack Husein was at the head of the corruption, you little cock sucking bastards would burn the country down, again, if anyone even tried to hold that boy accountable for anything.
If there’s no punishment for DOJ and FBI operatives who concoct a scheme - based on lies - to oust a duly elected president, what’s to stop them again if and when, please Gd, Trump wins in 2024?

We are literally a 3rd world country.
The only thing that separates us from the other 3rd world countries is that we have nukes.

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