Are you supporting Kim Davis for defending her faith?

Do you support Kim Davis for standing up for her Christian faith?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 24 66.7%

  • Total voters

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Are you supporting Kim Davis for her faith and for defending the laws of Kentucky? For any who are not aware of who Kim Davis is, she is the clerk who was put in jail for refusing to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple. In the State of Kentucky marriage is between a man and a woman. Are you supporting Kim Davis for standing up for her faith in Jesus Christ? Yes or no?
I support Kim Davis 100% for standing up for her faith in Christ and for standing up for the Word of God.
Funny thing that breaking the law is considered "defending your faith". I heard Huckmadinajad say that the left supports laws they like...then proceeded to defend this lady breaking the law. Ironic as hell
American Sharia.

It looks like Homosexual Sharia. Not American Sharia.

Kim Davis is guilty of persecuting homosexuals. She deserves what she's getting.
I disagree with you, Don't Taz Me Bro. It is Kim Davis who is being persecuted for her Christian faith and refusal to be forced into participating in issuing a marriage license to a same sex couple.
Funny thing that breaking the law is considered "defending your faith". I heard Huckmadinajad say that the left supports laws they like...then proceeded to defend this lady breaking the law. Ironic as hell

When she was chosen for her job the Supreme Court had not ruled that same sex marriage was legal. When she was arrested the laws on the books for Kentucky were marriage is between a man and a woman. Therein she broke no law - but even if Kentucky had changed their laws on marriage, Kim Davis, had a right to refuse on the grounds of her Christian faith.
She's just looking to make some coin just like most of these people who are "defending their faith". Start a gofundme and cry "help me defend my faith". Pat Robertson would approve
I support Kim Davis. Government is FORCING her to leave her faith to serve them. There have been MANY court rulings up holding islams right to NOT do something.

She is being persecuted by PRO homo savages and their supporters for "allah" or whatever demonic little group of perverts they belong to.
Funny thing that breaking the law is considered "defending your faith". I heard Huckmadinajad say that the left supports laws they like...then proceeded to defend this lady breaking the law. Ironic as hell

What's next? Arresting Pastors who refuse to marry same sex couples? Arresting Doctors who refuse to perform abortions on demand?
Kim Davis is guilty of persecuting homosexuals. She deserves what she's getting.

Right! What part of her faith says she has 5o work there?

How much support would she get if she was elected and denied gun licenses because it went against her faith? Lmao
Davis is not defending her religion. She is trying to force her religion on other people and using her status as a government agent to do it. She is violating the first amendment that forbids the government from establishing a state religion. As an agent of the government she is establishing, promoting and endorsing specified religious beliefs. She has taken an offensive position of attacking the constitution and everyone's right to religious freedom.
Funny thing that breaking the law is considered "defending your faith". I heard Huckmadinajad say that the left supports laws they like...then proceeded to defend this lady breaking the law. Ironic as hell

When she was chosen for her job the Supreme Court had not ruled that same sex marriage was legal. When she was arrested the laws on the books for Kentucky were marriage is between a man and a woman. Therein she broke no law - but even if Kentucky had changed their laws on marriage, Kim Davis, had a right to refuse on the grounds of her Christian faith.

No one has the right to break the law.
She's just looking to make some coin just like most of these people who are "defending their faith". Start a gofundme and cry "help me defend my faith". Pat Robertson would approve

No, she is standing up for her faith and saying no to sin. That is what Kim Davis is doing. Even at the cost of being in jail.
Funny thing that breaking the law is considered "defending your faith". I heard Huckmadinajad say that the left supports laws they like...then proceeded to defend this lady breaking the law. Ironic as hell

What's next? Arresting Pastors who refuse to marry same sex couples? Arresting Doctors who refuse to perform abortions on demand?
Those people are not representing the government.
I support Kim Davis. Government is FORCING her to leave her faith to serve them. There have been MANY court rulings up holding islams right to NOT do something.

She is being persecuted by PRO homo savages and their supporters for "allah" or whatever demonic little group of perverts they belong to.

She can always choose her oh so important faith and quit the job. Who's making her work there? Jesus?
Davis is not defending her religion. She is trying to force her religion on other people and using her status as a government agent to do it. She is violating the first amendment that forbids the government from establishing a state religion. As an agent of the government she is establishing, promoting and endorsing specified religious beliefs. She has taken an offensive position of attacking the constitution and everyone's right to religious freedom.

Wrong. It is an agenda to force Christians to comply with perverse laws passed by perverse men enforcing what God would never condone. It is an abomination unto God Almighty. That is what it is.
Funny thing that breaking the law is considered "defending your faith". I heard Huckmadinajad say that the left supports laws they like...then proceeded to defend this lady breaking the law. Ironic as hell

What's next? Arresting Pastors who refuse to marry same sex couples? Arresting Doctors who refuse to perform abortions on demand?
Those people are not representing the government.

Listen - they are even now working on taking away your free speech to speak out against the sin of sodomy. Look at what is being done to Kim Davis. Wake up!
I support Kim Davis 100% for standing up for her faith in Christ and for standing up for the Word of God.
I do to Jeri, people pay the tithes in various ways. She is paying hers and standing on her new found faith.

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