Are you racist?

Are you racist?

  • Yes. Very

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes. Kinda

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes. Just plain ole yes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
Yes. Very
Yes. Kinda
Yes. A little bit
Yes. Just plain ole yes
Only an idiot would care about my private thoughts.
I voted that only an idiot would care about my private thoughts.

In real life you are punished for your actions not your beliefs. Beliefs are irrelevant. It's only actions that matter.
Your belief system will dictate your actions.

Eventually if you are given enough time but your belief system can't get you arrested. It might take you 150 years for your belief system to take fruition. Nobody lives that long.

Have you ever wanted to punch someone in the face as hard as you could but didn't do it?
Your belief system will dictate your actions.

Eventually if you are given enough time but your belief system can't get you arrested. It might take you 150 years for your belief system to take fruition. Nobody lives that long.

Have you ever wanted to punch someone in the face as hard as you could but didn't do it?

In the case you cite, your belief in nonviolence or belief in negative consequences won out.
In the case you cite, your belief in nonviolence or belief in negative consequences won out.

Can a belief in nonviolence or belief in negative consequences win out over someone's racist ideology? If so, wouldn't that make the racist ideology of the individual harmless and irrelevant?
Yes, I have. It's called restraint.

If we use a childish standard then it makes you a violent person just because you felt that way.

Don't worry I don't use a childish standard. I think the thoughts and feelings of people are irrelevant. I don't think racist thoughts and racists feelings should be punishable crimes. I think acts of violence should be punished. Thoughts or feelings. Well..... Not so much.

Unless you would like to go to jail for that time that you showed restraint.
If you are defining "racism" as random acts of violence against someone of another race, yes, I'm against racism.

Problem is, "racism" is a bullshit term. It's used as a weapon against whites for normal, healthy feelings, attitudes and actions. I won't move to a black neighborhood. Because, if I did, life would suck, assuming I didn't get shot. Do you think that's "racist"?
We already have resident morons on all the sub forums. You might want to try and keep it real, bro.

You can't take what anybody says at face value. That isn't just applicable in forums. This goes for real life too. People lie. People are hypocrites. People contradict themselves. It's just what human beings do. You have to analyze all information. You can't just take it for what it says. You have to assume it's coming from humans and 100 times out of 100 it is. It's all we have. You can't avoid thinking no matter how bad you want to do that.

Don't take anything at face value. People lie and they do it frequently.

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