Are you a hypocrit when.....

No, Mal, your personal criticism of Bush doesn't mean "the right" criticized Bush, equally as you say you did comared to just means you did. The broad brush thing is asinine, I wish adults could just drop that shit. *shrug*
Yes so anyways, what's the name of that place in down-town Denver that's been there since like the 1800's that has all the animal heads on the walls and serves like every animal imaginable?
:meow: over the same foreign policy....gotta love it.:lol:

I attack Obama the Equal amount over this Foreign Policy of Booooooshes as I did Booooooooosh...

The Hypocrisy Currently Resides on the Left.



I have "known you" for over 3 years Mal , I've yet to see you once knock Bush's foreign policy or anything else "Republican" for that matter.:lol: Those two have basically the same foreign policy, just admit it and move along.:eusa_angel:
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No, Mal, your personal criticism of Bush doesn't mean "the right" criticized Bush, equally as you say you did comared to just means you did. The broad brush thing is asinine, I wish adults could just drop that shit. *shrug*

Where is the Collective Criticism by the Right of Obama in Afghanistan?... Or Iraq for the last (2) Years?... Gitmo?...

It was Obsessive when (43) was CiC...

It went Silent when Obama came in and Continued Boooooooshes Policies.

They Right isn't Obsessing on "Obama's Wars"... "Obama hasn't Closed Gitmo"...

If anything is said, it's to Illustrate the Left's Silence, not as any Criticism of Bammy.


Well, except where Barry hasn't Honored his Promises...

But the Right isn't Attacking the Troops via "the Mission"...

The Left did from the Time Tom Dasshole Questioned our Ability for Victory in Afghanistan in March of 2002 and through the last Decade under (43).

But you KNOW this, GT.


No, Mal, your personal criticism of Bush doesn't mean "the right" criticized Bush, equally as you say you did comared to just means you did. The broad brush thing is asinine, I wish adults could just drop that shit. *shrug*

Where is the Collective Criticism by the Right of Obama in Afghanistan?... Or Iraq for the last (2) Years?... Gitmo?...

It was Obsessive when (43) was CiC...

It went Silent when Obama came in and Continued Boooooooshes Policies.

They Right isn't Obsessing on "Obama's Wars"... "Obama hasn't Closed Gitmo"...

If anything is said, it's to Illustrate the Left's Silence, not as any Criticism of Bammy.



In my opinion, because I heard him word for word and I'm not dilusional, Obama is doing exactly what he said he'd do over there, within his debates and campaigning for POTUS.
FTR, Obama can kiss my white,hairy ass, he is a sad example of how bad the GOP was for voters to ever consider an incompetent dumbass that was a STATE Senator a mere couple of years prior to becoming President of the USA, if that is not an indictment of how bad the neo/social cons fucked up the GOP, I don't know what is.
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No, Mal, your personal criticism of Bush doesn't mean "the right" criticized Bush, equally as you say you did comared to just means you did. The broad brush thing is asinine, I wish adults could just drop that shit. *shrug*

Where is the Collective Criticism by the Right of Obama in Afghanistan?... Or Iraq for the last (2) Years?... Gitmo?...

It was Obsessive when (43) was CiC...

It went Silent when Obama came in and Continued Boooooooshes Policies.

They Right isn't Obsessing on "Obama's Wars"... "Obama hasn't Closed Gitmo"...

If anything is said, it's to Illustrate the Left's Silence, not as any Criticism of Bammy.



In my opinion, because I heard him word for word and I'm not dilusional, Obama is doing exactly what he said he'd do over there, within his debates and campaigning for POTUS.

In many Cases, yes... But the only one's on the Left who are going after him for Continuing (43)'s Policies, and Expanding some, like Obama preserves renditions as counter-terrorism tool - Los Angeles Times, is CODEPINK(O) and even their Tone is Polite.

You Know what I'm Talking about, GT...


You're too emotional to have an adult discussion with.

A discussion is not berating the nation.

Also, all you do is cry about people whining about Republicans while simultaneously whining yourself, about lefties, and subsequently acting like that makes you better. You're not. You're just a mean spirited person who gets hyper-emotional (post-wise, anyways, I don't fucking know you), whenever someone seemingly ticks off your sensitive sensibilities. RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlax. That's my advice.

You're not rational. You think that an American looking to have an adult discussion about American foreign policy(you know, the Country the he/she lives in and can have an effect on)........ is somehow hating/leftist/blah blah, and also has to subsequently knock all OTHER country's ills, and CANT, at the same time, be grateful for America's achievements. You're narrow minded, is all I can say.

If I have a fault - it is being too unemotional.... Pissed, yea, but emotional - nope. That's you reading into a post something that is not there.

You start a 'discussion' about hypocrisy.... Hypocrisy is constantly blaming one side or one country for everything. Look at Britain - during its glory days... when the sun never set on the British Empire... they treated other countries abysmally. Do they constantly whine about that? No. They accept that their nation is not perfect and move on. So we are supposed to beat ourselves up for our policies of old? Nope. We did what we did - hindsight is always 20/20 and, while we're whining about the ills of our own policies, we completely ignore what created those policies.... In a similar way to this nonsense argument about America being the only nation ever to have used a nuke. Yea, we are. But.... in order to understand the use of nukes... we have to look at how the world was at that time, the reasons why we did what we did. When you factor in the facts, it was the right thing to do. We are not a perfect nation but.... having traveled a lot more than many of my fellow Americans... I can happily put hand on heart and say that America is a great nation. You might want to blame us for everything.... study some history first, then decide whether we are right or wrong. More often than not, we have been right.

:lol: Anger is an emotion. It's also the one I was pinning you for, "pissed."

But anyways, yea you basically just did everything irrational that I said you'd do.

You think a discussion is whining. Incorrect. You think looking at the "past," is somehow not "moving on," or something, when most rational people agree that to study mistakes and learn from them is the best way not to repeat them (rational). So, basically all your posts are are emotional stigma's that carry no weight in examining a relevant issue.

Your other problem is that you think that because you can "put your hand on your heart and blah blah blah........"......means that anyone who DOES wish to discuss and learn from our mistakes, DOESN'T think we're great. But, of course, that's an irrational and emotionalistic response also.
"That one" is probably one of the most if not the most emotional poster on this board.

I wouldn't even bother to waste time engaging her.

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