Are Warmers a Doomsday Cult?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The Warmers, the people who believe in ManMade Global Warming, keep predicting the end of the World

There's no laboratory that ever shows how a 60PPM increase does any of the things they claim it does; it's an article of Faith. The "Science" must be "believed"

Instead of proof, they have "Consensus" from other people who get paid to Believe.

Warmers are a Doomsday Cult
Funny you should mention this....There have been an interesting string of op-eds along these lines over the last week or so.

KNIGHT: Doomsday prophets who never say they're sorry - Washington Times

Beware the False Prophets

Profits of doom
Pseudo-scientists are just as wrong as Rapture folk about end of the world

Ha ha. Harold Camping — what an idiot! He predicted the end of the world on May 21. Last week, the Christian radio station owner said he was kind of right, though no one else noticed, and anyway the judgin’ will continue until (new date!) Oct. 21 of this year, when the world really and truly will be destroyed, probably.

What you didn’t know is that after his loony prediction, Camping was promoted to full professor at Stanford and rewarded with adoring mainstream press coverage, more than a dozen appearances on “The Tonight Show,” prestigious awards and praise from the Obama administration’s chief science advisor.

Sorry, I got one detail wrong. It wasn’t Camping who reaped those earthly rewards for his cosmic wackiness. It was Paul Ehrlich.

In his psychedelically doomy 1968 catastrophe tract, “The Population Bomb,” Ehrlich argued that birthrates were out of control and would cause worldwide crisis.

He came by this not through Divine Revelation but through Divine Equation, a k a the liberal scripture of pseudo-science. Ehrlich “calculated” using the equation I = P x A x T. This means that Human Impact (I) on environment equals the product of Population, Affluence and Technology.

No room for imprecision there!


All Harold Camping has to do to be treated as a genuine visionary is to change the words at the beginning of his doom sermons from “the Bible says” to “science says.
Funny you should mention this....There have been an interesting string of op-eds along these lines over the last week or so.

KNIGHT: Doomsday prophets who never say they're sorry - Washington Times

Beware the False Prophets

Profits of doom
Pseudo-scientists are just as wrong as Rapture folk about end of the world

Ha ha. Harold Camping — what an idiot! He predicted the end of the world on May 21. Last week, the Christian radio station owner said he was kind of right, though no one else noticed, and anyway the judgin’ will continue until (new date!) Oct. 21 of this year, when the world really and truly will be destroyed, probably.

What you didn’t know is that after his loony prediction, Camping was promoted to full professor at Stanford and rewarded with adoring mainstream press coverage, more than a dozen appearances on “The Tonight Show,” prestigious awards and praise from the Obama administration’s chief science advisor.

Sorry, I got one detail wrong. It wasn’t Camping who reaped those earthly rewards for his cosmic wackiness. It was Paul Ehrlich.

In his psychedelically doomy 1968 catastrophe tract, “The Population Bomb,” Ehrlich argued that birthrates were out of control and would cause worldwide crisis.

He came by this not through Divine Revelation but through Divine Equation, a k a the liberal scripture of pseudo-science. Ehrlich “calculated” using the equation I = P x A x T. This means that Human Impact (I) on environment equals the product of Population, Affluence and Technology.

No room for imprecision there!


All Harold Camping has to do to be treated as a genuine visionary is to change the words at the beginning of his doom sermons from “the Bible says” to “science says.

I have peer reviewed this post and find it 100% accurate.

Settled Science Pos Rep headed your way
The Warmers, the people who believe in ManMade Global Warming, keep predicting the end of the World

There's no laboratory that ever shows how a 60PPM increase does any of the things they claim it does; it's an article of Faith. The "Science" must be "believed"

Instead of proof, they have "Consensus" from other people who get paid to Believe.

Warmers are a Doomsday Cult


I never though of them as a cult but now that you mention it the group does fit the description of cults and cultists.
The Warmers, the people who believe in ManMade Global Warming, keep predicting the end of the World

There's no laboratory that ever shows how a 60PPM increase does any of the things they claim it does; it's an article of Faith. The "Science" must be "believed"

Instead of proof, they have "Consensus" from other people who get paid to Believe.

Warmers are a Doomsday Cult


The far right has just spent more than the far left on their propaganda machine, and the brain washing is working.

The truth is somewhere in the middle, and only time will tell...

btw- the controlled co2 experiment is such a fucking joke it's laughable. Our planet is not a controlled environment, cant be reproduced in a lab, strawman...
The Warmers, the people who believe in ManMade Global Warming, keep predicting the end of the World

There's no laboratory that ever shows how a 60PPM increase does any of the things they claim it does; it's an article of Faith. The "Science" must be "believed"

Instead of proof, they have "Consensus" from other people who get paid to Believe.

Warmers are a Doomsday Cult


The far right has just spent more than the far left on their propaganda machine, and the brain washing is working.

The truth is somewhere in the middle, and only time will tell...

btw- the controlled co2 experiment is such a fucking joke it's laughable. Our planet is not a controlled environment, cant be reproduced in a lab, strawman...
So, it cannot be reproduced in a controlled laboratory environment, yet the warmists proclaim, with absolute pseudo-scientific certitude, that it's happening in the entirely uncontrolled and uncontrollable planetary environment!

You sure you didn't chime in here to give Frank more evidence of how much he's right? :lol:
Whee, a gathering of wingnuts. Of course, the fact that the whole of the scientific community states that the idiocy that you retards are pushing is total fabrication will never have any effect on your opinions.
The Warmers, the people who believe in ManMade Global Warming, keep predicting the end of the World

There's no laboratory that ever shows how a 60PPM increase does any of the things they claim it does; it's an article of Faith. The "Science" must be "believed"

Instead of proof, they have "Consensus" from other people who get paid to Believe.

Warmers are a Doomsday Cult

Warmers are afraid of a "doomsday gap".
The Warmers, the people who believe in ManMade Global Warming, keep predicting the end of the World

There's no laboratory that ever shows how a 60PPM increase does any of the things they claim it does; it's an article of Faith. The "Science" must be "believed"

Instead of proof, they have "Consensus" from other people who get paid to Believe.

Warmers are a Doomsday Cult

Who's predicting the end of the world? Got some cites? Who's going to believe any of the goofy stuff you post without confirmation? Until you do, what but the science do we have to believe? The skeptics certainly haven't provided proof from their end, just lots of BS intended to confuse rather than elucidate. What can be simpler than A results in B, A is increasing, therefore, B must be increasing? What's not to BELIEVE?!?!
The Warmers, the people who believe in ManMade Global Warming, keep predicting the end of the World

There's no laboratory that ever shows how a 60PPM increase does any of the things they claim it does; it's an article of Faith. The "Science" must be "believed"

Instead of proof, they have "Consensus" from other people who get paid to Believe.

Warmers are a Doomsday Cult

By warmers are you talking about folks who generally wish vehicles in the USA averaged 10mpg more than they do or are you talking the nuts, er more extreme folks, who want to ban use of fossil fuel?

Most of us I believe are just being conservative and careful here suggesting we curb our greenhouse emissions. Not saying Americans should go trade in their cars for bikes and loose weight or anything like that.

Just being careful. I hear we only have one planet to use right now and probably for my son's life span as well.
The Warmers, the people who believe in ManMade Global Warming, keep predicting the end of the World

There's no laboratory that ever shows how a 60PPM increase does any of the things they claim it does; it's an article of Faith. The "Science" must be "believed"

Instead of proof, they have "Consensus" from other people who get paid to Believe.

Warmers are a Doomsday Cult


They are a Death cult.

Remeber how this scum was using the victims of the tornadoes with glee that they finally, after a decade of being wrong, had some killer storms?

Only a Death Cult would gleefully use people that were killed in such awful fashion.
The Warmers, the people who believe in ManMade Global Warming, keep predicting the end of the World

There's no laboratory that ever shows how a 60PPM increase does any of the things they claim it does; it's an article of Faith. The "Science" must be "believed"

Instead of proof, they have "Consensus" from other people who get paid to Believe.

Warmers are a Doomsday Cult

By warmers are you talking about folks who generally wish vehicles in the USA averaged 10mpg more than they do or are you talking the nuts, er more extreme folks, who want to ban use of fossil fuel?

Most of us I believe are just being conservative and careful here suggesting we curb our greenhouse emissions. Not saying Americans should go trade in their cars for bikes and loose weight or anything like that.

Just being careful. I hear we only have one planet to use right now and probably for my son's life span as well.

Frank's an all-or-nothing type of guy. The only thing your analysis proves to him is that you're a weinie. Like, if you say anything that's to the left of him, you're automatically a commie. He's fun to play with, but a real nothing when it comes to substantive posting.
The Warmers, the people who believe in ManMade Global Warming, keep predicting the end of the World

There's no laboratory that ever shows how a 60PPM increase does any of the things they claim it does; it's an article of Faith. The "Science" must be "believed"

Instead of proof, they have "Consensus" from other people who get paid to Believe.

Warmers are a Doomsday Cult

Who's predicting the end of the world? Got some cites? Who's going to believe any of the goofy stuff you post without confirmation? Until you do, what but the science do we have to believe? The skeptics certainly haven't provided proof from their end, just lots of BS intended to confuse rather than elucidate. What can be simpler than A results in B, A is increasing, therefore, B must be increasing? What's not to BELIEVE?!?!

Pointing at a hurricane and going, "Oh Looky!! Global Warming!!" is not science
The Warmers, the people who believe in ManMade Global Warming, keep predicting the end of the World

There's no laboratory that ever shows how a 60PPM increase does any of the things they claim it does; it's an article of Faith. The "Science" must be "believed"

Instead of proof, they have "Consensus" from other people who get paid to Believe.

Warmers are a Doomsday Cult


The far right has just spent more than the far left on their propaganda machine, and the brain washing is working.

The truth is somewhere in the middle, and only time will tell...

btw- the controlled co2 experiment is such a fucking joke it's laughable. Our planet is not a controlled environment, cant be reproduced in a lab, strawman...

Why can't it be replicated in a lab?

We replicate all sorts of complex things in labs, what's so difficult about filling one jar with air and another with air plus 60PPM of CO2?
The Warmers, the people who believe in ManMade Global Warming, keep predicting the end of the World

There's no laboratory that ever shows how a 60PPM increase does any of the things they claim it does; it's an article of Faith. The "Science" must be "believed"

Instead of proof, they have "Consensus" from other people who get paid to Believe.

Warmers are a Doomsday Cult


The far right has just spent more than the far left on their propaganda machine, and the brain washing is working.

The truth is somewhere in the middle, and only time will tell...

btw- the controlled co2 experiment is such a fucking joke it's laughable. Our planet is not a controlled environment, cant be reproduced in a lab, strawman...
So, it cannot be reproduced in a controlled laboratory environment, yet the warmists proclaim, with absolute pseudo-scientific certitude, that it's happening in the entirely uncontrolled and uncontrollable planetary environment!

You sure you didn't chime in here to give Frank more evidence of how much he's right? :lol:

You may not be able to create the entire environment in a lab, but we know the properties of CO2 and that the levels are rising. What sort of "oddball" logic tells you that can have a cause, but not the effect?!?! Pseudo-science of THAT kind is part and parcel of the skeptic/denier milieu, but wouldn't get them the time of day in a real academic environment. Their sort of "scientific" analysis only works on the internet where many readers aren't scientifically sophisticated enough to know they're being BSed.

The far right has just spent more than the far left on their propaganda machine, and the brain washing is working.

The truth is somewhere in the middle, and only time will tell...

btw- the controlled co2 experiment is such a fucking joke it's laughable. Our planet is not a controlled environment, cant be reproduced in a lab, strawman...
So, it cannot be reproduced in a controlled laboratory environment, yet the warmists proclaim, with absolute pseudo-scientific certitude, that it's happening in the entirely uncontrolled and uncontrollable planetary environment!

You sure you didn't chime in here to give Frank more evidence of how much he's right? :lol:

You may not be able to create the entire environment in a lab, but we know the properties of CO2 and that the levels are rising. What sort of "oddball" logic tells you that can have a cause, but not the effect?!?! Pseudo-science of THAT kind is part and parcel of the skeptic/denier milieu, but wouldn't get them the time of day in a real academic environment. Their sort of "scientific" analysis only works on the internet where many readers aren't scientifically sophisticated enough to know they're being BSed.

Q. So how do you demonstrate that you've eliminated all other variables except for an increase in the deminimus trace element CO2?

A. Wamers don't! LOL! They just say its CO2!

The far right has just spent more than the far left on their propaganda machine, and the brain washing is working.

The truth is somewhere in the middle, and only time will tell...

btw- the controlled co2 experiment is such a fucking joke it's laughable. Our planet is not a controlled environment, cant be reproduced in a lab, strawman...
So, it cannot be reproduced in a controlled laboratory environment, yet the warmists proclaim, with absolute pseudo-scientific certitude, that it's happening in the entirely uncontrolled and uncontrollable planetary environment!

You sure you didn't chime in here to give Frank more evidence of how much he's right? :lol:

You may not be able to create the entire environment in a lab, but we know the properties of CO2 and that the levels are rising. What sort of "oddball" logic tells you that can have a cause, but not the effect?!?! Pseudo-science of THAT kind is part and parcel of the skeptic/denier milieu, but wouldn't get them the time of day in a real academic environment. Their sort of "scientific" analysis only works on the internet where many readers aren't scientifically sophisticated enough to know they're being BSed.
Wait a minute...How do you know all this for certain if you cannot reproduce your results?

BTW, correlation still doesn't equal causation, no matter how many IPCC junk scientists and political hacks you throw out there.

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