Are Their Bona Fides Justifying Racial Discrimination?

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I ask this in relation to alleged financial. discrimination against colored people. I was watching CNNā€™s show, ā€œOutfrontā€, tonight so I could ogle Erin Burnettā€™s tits. As always, they did not disappoint. They had a story about blacks being turned down for home loans. I started thinking about this. Are there legit, non-racist reasons to discriminate against blacks when considering whether to make a loan to them?

Lenders want to lend you money so they can charge you internet and make money in return, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. If lenders could not realize a profit from lending money, then they would stop lending money and do something else. Then how are you going to buy a house? Cash?

Using someone elseā€™s money has value, both to you and the lender. Whether a lender will allow you to use their money today with the promise of you paying it back with a premium over time depends on RISK. A risky loan will be made at a higher interest rate to compensate for the risk of default. A person with great credit, good income, and a stable past will get the same loan at a relatively lower rate. A high risk individual may be denied a loan with a particular lender. Loan defaults are the bane of the existence for lenders, for several reasons I will not explore here.

The question is this: Are there factors inherent with colored people that make them more risky to deal with than white people? Letā€™s assume a white man and a black man both have credit scores of over 800, and have similar incomes and backgrounds. Should they both get loans with similar terms?

Letā€™s look at this objectively. Here are some bona fide distinctions between blacks and non-blacks. First is health. Blacks seem to be more subject to particular debilitating diseases, like diabetes, sickle-cell, black cancer, and a couple other serious maladies.

Second, blacks seem to be more likely to get whacked. Everybody wants to get out of black hoods because of the violence. The black community is far more susceptible to being subject to gun violence.

Third, Black culture is much more permissive about drug use, especially pot. Pot is horrible for your health. I have heard suggestions that smoking that shit is worse than smoking tobacco.

Fourth, blacks are always angry. They probably suffer from higher blood pressure and anxiety because of all the bullshit they have been told by the media and the race hustlers. Anger usually leads to health problems.

Fifth, there is actual racial discrimination taking place against blacks. That cannot be good for them and their longevity. To hear them tell it there are white cop death squads roaming city street looking for blacks to torture and murder! This sounds like some pretty risk stuff.

Sixth, and related to health, they eat shit as a regular part of their dietā€¦ fried, fatty foods and sugary drinks. Not all, but a lot. Again, it is a cultural thing.

Seventh, they are known to be bad swimmers. Thus, they are far more likely to drown than others. Imagine if one wanted to borrow money to buy a house on a lake. Would YOU make that loan??

These factors are all unique to color people. Do they make the risk of default higher among black loan applicants vs. white loan applicants? You can answer this question yourselves. Things are not always as they seem, and it is not always involving racism.

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