Are The Democrats Today's Party of Terrorism and Hatred for Americans?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I am honestly asking this, and just hear me out. Just look at the facts over the last 6 months.

1. The Democrats have the US flag burners, not the GOP and the demonstrators made that perfectly clear over the entirety of this election. You see a video of some people burning the US flag and the odds are they are either hired by George Soros, who owns the Democratic Party, or they are actually Democrats themselves demonstrating their hatred for America.

2. The Democrats forgot to use physical American flags on their stage, the kind that dont disappear when you show the feed of a speaker, during their first night of their nominating convention. But some people criticized them for it and they got the flags up ASAP. It got so bad that they had to get Snopes to lie about it for them. But they forgot our flag because they really could not care less about it. What else can you say about a party that regularly defends its own members out burning the US flag in the streets and parks of our cities?

3. Obama sent weapons from Libya to Syria and to ISIS, and though it is now claimed that ISIS fooled our government, I am not convinced. This administration has been play fighting ISIS from the start, for example knowing that Turkey was giving logistical and medical support to ISIS and doing nothing to stop it as well and failing to stop the Saudis from sending ISIS financial and material aid as well. Hillary was even taking donations from these pro-ISIS nations while talking crap about the war on ISIS (another phoney war by the Federalis, no shock there).

4. Obama is bringing in tens of thousands of Syrian refugees that include other nationalities as well, and everyone knows that the Feds did a black list background check, giving them a pass if they could not get bad data on the refugees. But the American public deserves a white list background check that only brings these refugees in if they can prove that they are good people. Only God knows how many of these refugees that have come in from war torn nations across north Africa and the Middle East are trained terrorists. Obama certainly does not. One thing is apparent, the Obama regime has imported an unknown number of terrorists, we do know that much.

5. But all this makes total sense when you look at the left's hatred for America and white civilization in the West. Here is just one article, and I can find dozens of others, by liberals talking trash about how evil whites are and Western Civilization as well.

White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it
The future of life on the planet depends on bringing the 500-year rampage of the white man to a halt. For five centuries his ever more destructive weaponry has become far too common. His widespread and better systems of exploiting other humans and nature dominate the globe...
As idigenous scholar Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz points out in her book, An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States, “The most prominent struggle has been the Lakota Sioux’s attempt to restore the Paha Sapa, or Black Hills, where the odious Mount Rushmore carvings have scarred the sacred site. Called the ‘Shrine of Democracy’ by the federal government, it is anything but that; rather it is a shrine of in-your-face illegal occupation and colonization.”
White racism distorts how we think about virtually everything, including history itself. No one will dismiss Bill O’Reilly’s goofy books about Jesus or Lincoln or Patton or Reagan as irrelevant because, “oh, that was a long time ago, it’s got nothing to do with me now.” As a general proposition people appreciate that we can discover in the present important things we didn’t previously know about the past....
This takes an especially pernicious twist when white racism deniers argue that there has always been slavery as though that itself somehow makes it justified. It’s not true that every society over all time has enslaved people. But even if it were true, the kind of slavery on which the U.S. was built is unlike any other that preceded it....
The mother of all grand bargains is the U.S. Constitution which accommodated slavery in several ways, including the notorious three-fifths clause. While the Constitution was by no means the first grand bargain, it solidified a pattern that continues to this day. ..That is valuable because it strengthens the idea that whites can come to terms with reality, past and present, as opposed to the myths we are encouraged to believe. As we do so, another world does become possible.

And he means a world without the US of America or white people and white civilization all together. In that perspective and context, terrorism and a war of attrition against white civilization is totally justified. White people in that view are a disease on the planet and the only cure is our eradication.

6. The Democrats have been fully engaged in the last few weeks in subverting our democratic process as defined in the Constitution, where the winner is the one who can get the largest majorities represented by a number of delegates from the largest number of state delegates in total. Democrats are actively trying to subvert that process that is usually just a formality, and get these delegates to violate their oaths and vote for anyone but the guy that won. Some Democrats have even resorted to terrorist threats of death and slaughter to these delegates to get them to change their votes. Why not? It is only a bunch of evil white people carrying out an evil white people political process, isnt it in their view? And of course Democrats will deny that they have anything at all to do with any of this, just like they supposedly dont let illegals vote or stuff ballot boxes, right?

I know that most Democrats dont approve of such things that their bought and owned leaders do under the commands of a former Nazi collaborator like George Soros, who funded the violence in this election and the undermining of our democratic process as a Nazi would, but they have to wake up and take their party back from the Marxists and fascists that now run their party and who constitute a grave a present danger to our people and our nation.

Till they do, I fail to see any other perspective on this topic; the Democrats are the party of Terrorism and harm to the US and its people.
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Brainwashed by Soros&Co, liberals became a very dangerous organization, dangerous for their own country and the whole world. Soros has had a great experience in breeding terrorists in ME and Nazis in Ukraine. Both places have been already destroyed. Let's hope Trump will stop that sh*t and won't be killed by him.


On Dec 20, 1998, on 60 Minutes did Steve Kroft interview George
Soros where Soros, a Hungarian Jew, admitted collaborating with the Nazi's
as a teenager and stated: "...I had no sense of guilt."
George Soros, Nazi collaborator -

I give you George Soros. A SS in the National Socialist German workers party. Nazi party. He served under Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler. He said it was the best time of his life. The destruction and agony around him was euphoric to him. This man was making policy with Hillary Clinton. And some of you think Trump is dangerous. Wow!
Tom Dogionne - I give you George Soros. A SS in the... | Facebook
Brainwashed by Soros&Co, liberals became a very dangerous organization, dangerous for their own country and the whole world. Soros has had a great experience in breeding terrorists in ME and Nazis in Ukraine. Both places have been already destroyed. Let's hope Trump will stop that sh*t and won't be killed by him.
It is simply amazing to see the party of Andrew Jackson, FDR and Jack Kennedy trying to subvert the democratic process as they have been doing these past few weeks.

IT is disgusting and I doubt many Americans will forget it either.
Democrats are the Party of Islam, which makes them the party of terrorism since they go hand in hand. You'll notice whenever we talk about halting Muslim immigration and deporting Muslims from Western countries, they immediately label us "fascists". They never label Islamists "fascist" though, even though throughout the world Muslims persecute Jews, Christians, and anyone else that isn't Muslim. They treat their women like dogs, they openly brag about loving death, and all areas that are Muslim majorities are swamped with violence and/or oppression. But we're the "racists" and "fascists" for rejecting Islamic fascism.
Brainwashed by Soros&Co, liberals became a very dangerous organization, dangerous for their own country and the whole world. Soros has had a great experience in breeding terrorists in ME and Nazis in Ukraine. Both places have been already destroyed. Let's hope Trump will stop that sh*t and won't be killed by him.

View attachment 102909

On Dec 20, 1998, on 60 Minutes did Steve Kroft interview George
Soros where Soros, a Hungarian Jew, admitted collaborating with the Nazi's
as a teenager and stated: "...I had no sense of guilt."
George Soros, Nazi collaborator -

I give you George Soros. A SS in the National Socialist German workers party. Nazi party. He served under Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler. He said it was the best time of his life. The destruction and agony around him was euphoric to him. This man was making policy with Hillary Clinton. And some of you think Trump is dangerous. Wow!
Tom Dogionne - I give you George Soros. A SS in the... | Facebook

The pic is of an SS member named Oskar Groning, it is not George Soros. Oskar Gröning - Wikipedia

We dont need to lie about this bastard. The age of 14 is old enough to be tried as an adult for crimes, and Soros was old enough to understand that what he did was wrong, as any eight year old would understand the circumstances of what Soros did was wrong.

The transcript:

KROFT: No feeling of guilt?

Mr. SOROS: No.

KROFT: For example that, 'I'm Jewish and here I am, watching these people go. I could just as easily be there. I should be there.' None of that?

Mr. SOROS: Well, of course I c -- I could be on the other side or I could be the one from whom the thing is being taken away. But there was no sense that I shouldn't be there, because that was -- well, actually, in a funny way, it's just like in markets -- that if I weren't there -- of course, I wasn't doing it, but somebody else would -- would -- would be taking it away anyhow. And it was the -- whether I was there or not, I was only a spectator, the property was being taken away. So the -- I had no role in taking away that property. So I had no sense of guilt.

Did any other Nazis get away with that excuse during the Nuremberg Trials? Was Albert Speer allowed to excuse his use of slave labor from prisoners by saying that it would have been done anyway, whether he was there or not and besides that he was not there when the slave labor was coerced? No, and rightly so as what he did and participated in was evil. Soros' excuse is nothing more than what any crack dealer would say defending his sales to little children, "If I wasnt here selling these drugs someone else would be." That is the top donor and controlling interest that leads the Democratic Party today - shameful.

George Soros is Nazi scum and the passage of time and the young age he did his evil in do not exonerate him or make him any less responsible for the horrors he helped to commit.
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I am honestly asking this, and just hear me out. Just look at the facts over the last 6 months.

1. The Democrats have the US flag burners, not the GOP and the demonstrators made that perfectly clear over the entirety of this election. You see a video of some people burning the US flag and the odds are they are either hired by George Soros, who owns the Democratic Party, or they are actually Democrats themselves demonstrating their hatred for America.

2. The Democrats forgot to use physical American flags on their stage, the kind that dont disappear when you show the feed of a speaker, during their first night of their nominating convention. But some people criticized them for it and they got the flags up ASAP. It got so bad that they had to get Snopes to lie about it for them. But they forgot our flag because they really could not care less about it. What else can you say about a party that regularly defends its own members out burning the US flag in the streets and parks of our cities?

3. Obama sent weapons from Libya to Syria and to ISIS, and though it is now claimed that ISIS fooled our government, I am not convinced. This administration has been play fighting ISIS from the start, for example knowing that Turkey was giving logistical and medical support to ISIS and doing nothing to stop it as well and failing to stop the Saudis from sending ISIS financial and material aid as well. Hillary was even taking donations from these pro-ISIS nations while talking crap about the war on ISIS (another phoney war by the Federalis, no shock there).

4. Obama is bringing in tens of thousands of Syrian refugees that include other nationalities as well, and everyone knows that the Feds did a black list background check, giving them a pass if they could not get bad data on the refugees. But the American public deserves a white list background check that only brings these refugees in if they can prove that they are good people. Only God knows how many of these refugees that have come in from war torn nations across north Africa and the Middle East are trained terrorists. Obama certainly does not. One thing is apparent, the Obama regime has imported an unknown number of terrorists, we do know that much.

5. But all this makes total sense when you look at the left's hatred for America and white civilization in the West. Here is just one article, and I can find dozens of others, by liberals talking trash about how evil whites are and Western Civilization as well.

White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it
The future of life on the planet depends on bringing the 500-year rampage of the white man to a halt. For five centuries his ever more destructive weaponry has become far too common. His widespread and better systems of exploiting other humans and nature dominate the globe...
As idigenous scholar Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz points out in her book, An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States, “The most prominent struggle has been the Lakota Sioux’s attempt to restore the Paha Sapa, or Black Hills, where the odious Mount Rushmore carvings have scarred the sacred site. Called the ‘Shrine of Democracy’ by the federal government, it is anything but that; rather it is a shrine of in-your-face illegal occupation and colonization.”
White racism distorts how we think about virtually everything, including history itself. No one will dismiss Bill O’Reilly’s goofy books about Jesus or Lincoln or Patton or Reagan as irrelevant because, “oh, that was a long time ago, it’s got nothing to do with me now.” As a general proposition people appreciate that we can discover in the present important things we didn’t previously know about the past....
This takes an especially pernicious twist when white racism deniers argue that there has always been slavery as though that itself somehow makes it justified. It’s not true that every society over all time has enslaved people. But even if it were true, the kind of slavery on which the U.S. was built is unlike any other that preceded it....
The mother of all grand bargains is the U.S. Constitution which accommodated slavery in several ways, including the notorious three-fifths clause. While the Constitution was by no means the first grand bargain, it solidified a pattern that continues to this day. ..That is valuable because it strengthens the idea that whites can come to terms with reality, past and present, as opposed to the myths we are encouraged to believe. As we do so, another world does become possible.

And he means a world without the US of America or white people and white civilization all together. In that perspective and context, terrorism and a war of attrition against white civilization is totally justified. White people in that view are a disease on the planet and the only cure is our eradication.

6. The Democrats have been fully engaged in the last few weeks in subverting our democratic process as defined in the Constitution, where the winner is the one who can get the largest majorities represented by a number of delegates from the largest number of state delegates in total. Democrats are actively trying to subvert that process that is usually just a formality, and get these delegates to violate their oaths and vote for anyone but the guy that won. Some Democrats have even resorted to terrorist threats of death and slaughter to these delegates to get them to change their votes. Why not? It is only a bunch of evil white people carrying out an evil white people political process, isnt it in their view? And of course Democrats will deny that they have anything at all to do with any of this, just like they supposedly dont let illegals vote or stuff ballot boxes, right?

I know that most Democrats dont approve of such things that their bought and owned leaders do under the commands of a former Nazi collaborator like George Soros, who funded the violence in this election and the undermining of our democratic process as a Nazi would, but they have to wake up and take their party back from the Marxists and fascists that now run their party and who constitute a grave a present danger to our people and our nation.

Till they do, I fail to see any other perspective on this topic; the Democrats are the party of Terrorism and harm to the US and its people.

They are, but I also think they are to dumb to realize this is what they have been indoctrinated into. As I am sure you noticed you can't tell most of these idiots anything. Everything put before them which is honest information( true) their brainwashed teaching tell them instantly it's a conspiracy.

Stockholm syndrome works wonderfully on weak minds who have lost critical thinking skills.

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