Are The Crazy Whackos Taking Over The GOP?

No, this is where he stands on the abortion issue, from this link. Joe Miller on the Issues - KTVA

I just don't jump to conclusions as quickly as you do.

so basically he's a clueless idiot at bets or a conservative hypocrite?

these two statements are at odds with each other by any standard:

"life must be protected from the moment of conception to the time of natural death. / “only when the mother's life is in danger.”'

can't have it both ways.

and my quote is from his values page. on his own website.

your quote is from where? and in what context? :cuckoo:

jump to conclusions? go take a hike, I take people at their own words and actions, not what some edited out of context link says

interesting you say that....cant have it both ways.

So are you saying that if the mother is going to die, she should still carry the baby and let the baby also die when she does anyway?

Just because you believe in something, you are not allowed to make decisions when difficult decisions arise?

I am is not black and white. I do not believe in abortion (although I will always vote in favor of abortions being legal as my belief is irrelevant to someone elses life)....but if my wife may die if she carries, I gotta do what I gotta do.

But I guess that is me.
So are you saying that if the mother is going to die, she should still carry the baby and let the baby also die when she does anyway? life must be protected from the moment of conception to the time of natural death.

Just because you believe in something, you are not allowed to make decisions when difficult decisions arise?

I am is not black and white. I do not believe in abortion (although I will always vote in favor of abortions being legal as my belief is irrelevant to someone elses life)....but if my wife may die if she carries, I gotta do what I gotta do.
life must be protected from the moment of conception to the time of natural death.
so basically he's a clueless idiot at bets or a conservative hypocrite?

these two statements are at odds with each other by any standard:

"life must be protected from the moment of conception to the time of natural death. / “only when the mother's life is in danger.”'

can't have it both ways.

and my quote is from his values page. on his own website.

your quote is from where? and in what context? :cuckoo:

jump to conclusions? go take a hike, I take people at their own words and actions, not what some edited out of context link says

interesting you say that....cant have it both ways.

So are you saying that if the mother is going to die, she should still carry the baby and let the baby also die when she does anyway?

Just because you believe in something, you are not allowed to make decisions when difficult decisions arise?

I am is not black and white. I do not believe in abortion (although I will always vote in favor of abortions being legal as my belief is irrelevant to someone elses life)....but if my wife may die if she carries, I gotta do what I gotta do.

But I guess that is me.
So are you saying that if the mother is going to die, she should still carry the baby and let the baby also die when she does anyway? life must be protected from the moment of conception to the time of natural death.

Just because you believe in something, you are not allowed to make decisions when difficult decisions arise?

I am is not black and white. I do not believe in abortion (although I will always vote in favor of abortions being legal as my belief is irrelevant to someone elses life)....but if my wife may die if she carries, I gotta do what I gotta do.
life must be protected from the moment of conception to the time of natural death.

I understand. I get it.
But then what about the protection of life as it pertains to the mother?
There is a contradiction there.
To protect one life you must neglect protecting another.
So one must compromise and maje a tough decision.
It is not black and white.
Wow Dante. You negative repped me based on a post that shows a contradiction.
You are desperate Dante.
LMOA...negatiove hurt.
The only whackos I know of that are in the Republican party are the ones that voted for Rick Scott for Governor of Florida.

I mean--GOP is suppose to be the party of law and order, so how do you nominate a potential "fraud master" over an Attorney general for governor??

I just do not get it? Was it emotions? Or "his rock ribbed conservative convictions" which were solely based on his word--which I don't trust!
Simple answer...YUP

Sarah and her deranged Moose women are hijacking the GOP. As a result, they will allow the Dems to keep a majority in both Houses, when they really should not.
I am pro-life except when the mother life is in danger. Outside of that there is no reason to murder the child. The child did not rape anyone. That child should not be murdered.
interesting you say that....cant have it both ways.

So are you saying that if the mother is going to die, she should still carry the baby and let the baby also die when she does anyway?

Just because you believe in something, you are not allowed to make decisions when difficult decisions arise?

I am is not black and white. I do not believe in abortion (although I will always vote in favor of abortions being legal as my belief is irrelevant to someone elses life)....but if my wife may die if she carries, I gotta do what I gotta do.

But I guess that is me.
So are you saying that if the mother is going to die, she should still carry the baby and let the baby also die when she does anyway? life must be protected from the moment of conception to the time of natural death.

Just because you believe in something, you are not allowed to make decisions when difficult decisions arise?

I am is not black and white. I do not believe in abortion (although I will always vote in favor of abortions being legal as my belief is irrelevant to someone elses life)....but if my wife may die if she carries, I gotta do what I gotta do.
life must be protected from the moment of conception to the time of natural death.

I understand. I get it.
But then what about the protection of life as it pertains to the mother?
There is a contradiction there.
To protect one life you must neglect protecting another.
So one must compromise and maje a tough decision.
It is not black and white.

stop trying to broaden the context as the statement is specific to teh abortion question
the link and the quote I used says he is against all abortions.

you challenged what I said. now you are ignoring things.

No, this is where he stands on the abortion issue, from this link. Joe Miller on the Issues - KTVA


Miller has the endorsement of Alaska Right to Life and describes himself as “unequivocally pro-life,” including cases of rape or incest.

He said he believes in abortion “only when the mother's life is in danger.”
I just don't jump to conclusions as quickly as you do.

so basically he's a clueless idiot at bets or a conservative hypocrite?

these two statements are at odds with each other by any standard:

"life must be protected from the moment of conception to the time of natural death. / “only when the mother's life is in danger.”'

can't have it both ways.

and my quote is from his values page. on his own website.

your quote is from where? and in what context? :cuckoo:

jump to conclusions? go take a hike, I take people at their own words and actions, not what some edited out of context link says

The source I provided was from a news station; again you are jumping to conclusions about the source I provided and the context. Obviously, it provides a clearer explanation of Miller’s position on abortion.

The two statements are not at odds with each other. Protecting life includes protecting the mother’s life, right? Forcing a mother to sacrifice her life for her unborn child is not the way to protect life. Maybe you just do not understand that.
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No, this is where he stands on the abortion issue, from this link. Joe Miller on the Issues - KTVA

I just don't jump to conclusions as quickly as you do.

so basically he's a clueless idiot at bets or a conservative hypocrite?

these two statements are at odds with each other by any standard:

"life must be protected from the moment of conception to the time of natural death. / “only when the mother's life is in danger.”'

can't have it both ways.

and my quote is from his values page. on his own website.

your quote is from where? and in what context? :cuckoo:

jump to conclusions? go take a hike, I take people at their own words and actions, not what some edited out of context link says

The source I provided was from a news station; again you are jumping to conclusions about the source I provided and the context. Obviously, it provides a clearer explanation of Miller’s position on abortion.

The two statements are not at odds with each other. Protecting life includes protecting the mother’s life, right? Forcing a mother to sacrifice her life for her unborn child is not the way to protect life. Maybe you just do not understand that.
Protecting life includes protecting the mother’s life, right? Wrong. Not when talking about abortion and the rights of the 'unborn'

you and that idiot candidate cannot have it both ways.

what do you not understand about:
"life must be protected from the moment of conception to the time of natural death.

protect the fetus until it dies. as long as the fetus is 'alive', fuck the mother. that is an absolutist anti-abortion stand, and that is what was listed on the candidate's own website under "value"

the only bullet point on the 'values' page, and that was done for a reason
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so basically he's a clueless idiot at bets or a conservative hypocrite?

these two statements are at odds with each other by any standard:

"life must be protected from the moment of conception to the time of natural death. / “only when the mother's life is in danger.”'

can't have it both ways.

and my quote is from his values page. on his own website.

your quote is from where? and in what context? :cuckoo:

jump to conclusions? go take a hike, I take people at their own words and actions, not what some edited out of context link says

The source I provided was from a news station; again you are jumping to conclusions about the source I provided and the context. Obviously, it provides a clearer explanation of Miller’s position on abortion.

The two statements are not at odds with each other. Protecting life includes protecting the mother’s life, right? Forcing a mother to sacrifice her life for her unborn child is not the way to protect life. Maybe you just do not understand that.
Protecting life includes protecting the mother’s life, right? Wrong. Not when talking about abortion and the rights of the 'unborn'

you and that idiot candidate cannot have it both ways.

what do you not understand about:
"life must be protected from the moment of conception to the time of natural death.

protect the fetus until it dies. as long as the fetus is 'alive', fuck the mother. that is an absolutist anti-abortion stand, and that is what was listed on the candidate's own website under "value"

the only bullet point on the 'values' page, and that was done for a reason

You said it yourself, Miller’s webpage lists this one bullet point under “values”, not under abortion. Meaning, the statement applies to more than just abortion.

I understand it perfectly, it is you who seems to lack the understanding. The mother is further along the development stage of life. The statement of protecting a life from the moment of conception to the time of natural birth includes the mother in that statement. When there is a choice between a mother or an unborn child dying, choosing the mother’s life is doing the best we can to protect life from the moment of conception to the time of natural death.

You want to think it is an absolutist anti-abortion stand. Go right ahead. The source I provided still gives Miller’s stance on abortion, yours gives his stance on “values”.
Simple answer...YUP

Sarah and her deranged Moose women are hijacking the GOP. As a result, they will allow the Dems to keep a majority in both Houses, when they really should not.

:lol::lol: Nice try--but all polling data right now is showing a 300' Tsunami that is expected to hit Washington D.C 68 days from now with democrats names all over it. In fact, it won't leave a democrat in the house standing when it washes up on shore--:lol:

IN FACT--this wipe-out will be HISTORIC:--:clap2:

Republicans Jump Out To Historic Lead In Gallup GenericBallot - Real Clear Politics –

And it has a lot to do with Sarah Palin--who is a very outspoken voice of Americans in the middle class. Granted she's not the polished forked-tongue politician that we're all used to hearing from-- as she resinates with normal average working Americans--which btw--is the overwhelming majority in this country. In other words--Sarah Palin is the "kitchen table"--and that scares the beegee's out of liberals. That's why they hate her so much.
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So are you saying that if the mother is going to die, she should still carry the baby and let the baby also die when she does anyway? life must be protected from the moment of conception to the time of natural death.

Just because you believe in something, you are not allowed to make decisions when difficult decisions arise?

I am is not black and white. I do not believe in abortion (although I will always vote in favor of abortions being legal as my belief is irrelevant to someone elses life)....but if my wife may die if she carries, I gotta do what I gotta do.
life must be protected from the moment of conception to the time of natural death.

I understand. I get it.
But then what about the protection of life as it pertains to the mother?
There is a contradiction there.
To protect one life you must neglect protecting another.
So one must compromise and maje a tough decision.
It is not black and white.

stop trying to broaden the context as the statement is specific to teh abortion question

Thats your problem Dante. You refuse to look at "exceptions to the rule".

Protect life from conception to death is the main premise.
It applies to ALL human lives.
And when there is a situation where you must refrain from protecting one life in an effort to protect another, a difficult decision must be made.

Learn from this Dante. No value is absolute. If it were, we would be robots.
What I find fascinating about the whole abortion debate is how the left are so keen on abortion that they actually criticized Palin for giving birth to a Downs Syndrome child. Not only do they think it's ok to choose - it's actually ok to tell others to terminate a child's life.

I am pro life. But, because I believe in the fundamental freedom of the individual - I will never tell another woman she should not have an abortion. That decision is not mine to make - it is for her. And, if she can live with murdering an innocent child, so be it. There is an Irish expression "Is é Dia amháin a thabharfaidh breithiúnas orm" - Only God shall judge me.
-- hey rape victims and dying moms -- "Give up the kid and drop dead!"

Do you have a link which shows he is against abortions even in cases of dying moms and rape victims?
It's in the OP.

your type has very big issues with basic reading and comprehension skills

Do you work for the State of NJ? :lol:

I suggest hooked on phonics for people like dante.
Seems to me that crazy whackos have taken over politics. Both sides are as bad as the other. Which is why I don't vote for either bunch of whackos.

98% of Americans are decent, hardworking, honest people. We elect the other 2%.
What I find fascinating about the whole abortion debate is how the left are so keen on abortion that they actually criticized Palin for giving birth to a Downs Syndrome child. Not only do they think it's ok to choose - it's actually ok to tell others to terminate a child's life.
Those people are not pro-choice -- they are pro-abortion.

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