Are the Clintons CIA assets, and that's why the House Democrats won't stop going after Trump ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
It's the only thing that makes sense to me. I think the deep state is pulling all their strings from Pelosi and Schiff on down to the staffers. ( and late staffers like Seth Rich )

The body count, the endless cover-ups and extremely damaging policies over 4 decades
and neither Bill or Hillary have ever been held accountable ?

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It's the only thing that makes sense to me.

The body count, the endless cover-ups and extremely damaging policies over 4 decades
and neither Bill or Hillary have ever been held accountable ?

View attachment 332375

Yes, and yes, to answer both your questions in your thread title. THIS is totally obvious to anyone who has at least HALF a functioning brain. (sorry libtards)
Yes, and yes, to answer both your questions in your thread title. THIS is totally obvious to anyone who has at least HALF a functioning brain. (sorry libtards)
Brennan and Comey should be millions in debt from legal fees right now
instead of out selling books and being paid talking heads on CNN and MSNBC.
Yes, and yes, to answer both your questions in your thread title. THIS is totally obvious to anyone who has at least HALF a functioning brain. (sorry libtards)
Brennan and Comey should be millions in debt from legal fees right now
instead of out selling books and being paid talking heads on CNN and MSNBC.
Yep, sad, but true.
It's the only thing that makes sense to me. I think the deep state is pulling all their strings from Pelosi and Schiff on down to the staffers. ( and late staffers like Seth Rich )

The body count, the endless cover-ups and extremely damaging policies over 4 decades
and neither Bill or Hillary have ever been held accountable ?

DOES IT OCCUR TO ANYONE that if you wanted to butter China's bread and send them stuff with impunity, especially if you were getting a kickback for doing so, that an ideal way might be to just use an unsecured server and computer system? That way, it could get "hacked" and you could just say "Whoops?" Especially if you could get your FBI director to say that you had been "very reckless" with your security but probably didn't understand the technology, there was no bad intent and that no prosecutor would prosecute the case?
It's the only thing that makes sense to me.

The body count, the endless cover-ups and extremely damaging policies over 4 decades
and neither Bill or Hillary have ever been held accountable ?

View attachment 332375

Yes, and yes, to answer both your questions in your thread title. THIS is totally obvious to anyone who has at least HALF a functioning brain. (sorry libtards)

Half a functioning brain? Yes, that's about average for republicans now days.
They are going after Trump because he is an unethical, incompetent tyrant who us unqualified for the job.

Not according to American voters. Sorry if you dont like it but that is how our system of Government works.

Yes, he did get elected in 2016. This is no longer 2016. There is a long list of his fuck ups. I really doubt the perfect storm of luck that he enjoyed back then will be repeated, and if you do, you are an idiot.
They are going after Trump because he is an unethical, incompetent tyrant who us unqualified for the job.

Not according to American voters. Sorry if you dont like it but that is how our system of Government works.
American voters voted for Hillary not Drumpf. Never forget that or I will remind you every time.
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It's the only thing that makes sense to me. I think the deep state is pulling all their strings from Pelosi and Schiff on down to the staffers. ( and late staffers like Seth Rich )

The body count, the endless cover-ups and extremely damaging policies over 4 decades
and neither Bill or Hillary have ever been held accountable ?

View attachment 332375

There are lots of conspiracy theories out there. Can't you come up with something new and exciting for once? You even suck as a conspiracy theory nut.
There are lots of conspiracy theories out there. Can't you come up with something new and exciting for once? You even suck as a conspiracy theory nut.
Being that I chose to post it on the 'conspiracy theory' board means I don't suck.
I'm just putting information out there for anyone to see (or ignore like you).

Yes. You did get the right board. That's not what I was talking about. The same old same-old just gets boring. Ask Alex to come up with something new. Be creative. Frankly, everybody is just laughing at your pathetic retelling of an OLD story.
Yes. You did get the right board. That's not what I was talking about. The same old same-old just gets boring. Ask Alex to come up with something new. Be creative. Frankly, everybody is just laughing at your pathetic retelling of an OLD story.
IF everyone knew the truth about Bill and Hillary Clinton, they'd both be in prison.
And I think you're covering for them, because you're not as stupid as most Democrats.
Which makes you worse.
Yes. You did get the right board. That's not what I was talking about. The same old same-old just gets boring. Ask Alex to come up with something new. Be creative. Frankly, everybody is just laughing at your pathetic retelling of an OLD story.
IF everyone knew the truth about Bill and Hillary Clinton, they'd both be in prison.
And I think you're covering for them, because you're not as stupid as most Democrats.
Which makes you worse.

I get it. I know that republicans are too stupid to understand the ignorance of campaigning against last election's opponent, but eventually, the crazies might start noticing the similarity between that, and Al Bundy reliving his touchdowns at Polk High. That was my complaint to start with. Find something new and relatable to sane people.

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