CDZ Are Some Cultures Better Than Others?

Pretty much every indigenous society on every continent. Lets start with the Americas. The NA's culture was great example of that. Each member excelled to the best of their ability with the belief that their individual greatness benefited the society.
My favorites parts of the NA indigenous cultures was stealing the little girls from other tribes, eating your killed, and cutting out the hearts of people so the gods will be pleased.
You couldnt come up with something to make your point so you pretended murder, genocide, animal sexual molestation, rape, wife beating, terrorism, war, etc etc is not part of western culture.
Yes, I am so thankful we can do these things openly and not fear retribution.
Youre reaching for a life line but you make a great point. If we are to assign superior status to a culture and going along with your sarcastic post, which culture is really inferior? The one that pretends to not condone actions but hypocritically encourages and teaches them or the culture that embraces its values?
Pretty much every indigenous society on every continent. Lets start with the Americas. The NA's culture was great example of that. Each member excelled to the best of their ability with the belief that their individual greatness benefited the society.
My favorites parts of the NA indigenous cultures was stealing the little girls from other tribes, eating your killed, and cutting out the hearts of people so the gods will be pleased.
Sounds like europe to me. Also sounds like the cannibalism that occurred in Jamestown.
Simply an indicator of which culture is more open to new ideas and differing opinions.

again, if you're discounting those other cultures and ideas then you are not indicative of being open to new ideas and differing opinions... which is where we started this exercise....

and you are still missing the irony
The real irony is that some people evidently believe they have objective opinions.

actually, the point is that your judgment is subjective so your judgment that one culture (your own in your opinion...meaning white christian culture) is superior than others.

which is laughable bigotry
I'll bet you're a Clinton supporter. They've been real busy lately trying to imply that Bernie Sanders is somehow tacitly racist. Sounds familiar to you.....doesn't it.

I don't think I've ever said Bernie is a racist. You are.

Try again.
Doesn't matter if you said it or not. If you are a Hilary supporter that's apparently what you believe. are going to cite a resolution passed by a bunch of politicians as a favor to the only indian American in congress in 1988........... as proof that the Founders used the stone age primitives as their guiding light....vs......the long history of governments and philosophical study of the west that they did.....

Yeah....not impressed........

Try actually reading the Federalist Papers.......
If the founding fathers hadnt wrote about it I wouldnt have given it a second thought. The fact that they did and congress passed the resolution makes your refusal to accept their words as mere spitefulness. You still didnt answer my question. How did you get tricked into looking up some blurb about a meme when the proof regarding the congressional resolution you claimed didnt exist was so easy to look up?

The resolution was passed in 1988 ...not 1776.......and they did it in an act of Politically Correct theater on the urging of the only Indian in congress......they wanted his support on something and he wanted this it was done....
The resolution was based on what the founding fathers wrote. Like I said before had they not written the admissions themselves you would have a point. However, since they did admit this way back in the 1700's your post fails as a valid rebuttal to the facts.
If the founding fathers had really been thinking they would have sent all the slaves to Africa, avoiding that nasty Civil War and subsequent unending racial strife. That would address all your socio/cultural concerns.
That would have been best for Blacks but for the US it would have been bad news. The US would just be a penal outpost to this day. Without Blacks there would have been no way the US would have developed into an economic power. However, it seems your emotions have led you to deflect on your own thread again. Can you stay on point even though you are having a hard time convincing me.?
No way? Are you kidding? As if there's ever been a shortage of cheap imported labor.
again, if you're discounting those other cultures and ideas then you are not indicative of being open to new ideas and differing opinions... which is where we started this exercise....

and you are still missing the irony
The real irony is that some people evidently believe they have objective opinions.

actually, the point is that your judgment is subjective so your judgment that one culture (your own in your opinion...meaning white christian culture) is superior than others.

which is laughable bigotry
I'll bet you're a Clinton supporter. They've been real busy lately trying to imply that Bernie Sanders is somehow tacitly racist. Sounds familiar to you.....doesn't it.

I don't think I've ever said Bernie is a racist. You are.

Try again.
Doesn't matter if you said it or not. If you are a Hilary supporter that's apparently what you believe.

you have no idea what I believe.
If the founding fathers hadnt wrote about it I wouldnt have given it a second thought. The fact that they did and congress passed the resolution makes your refusal to accept their words as mere spitefulness. You still didnt answer my question. How did you get tricked into looking up some blurb about a meme when the proof regarding the congressional resolution you claimed didnt exist was so easy to look up?

The resolution was passed in 1988 ...not 1776.......and they did it in an act of Politically Correct theater on the urging of the only Indian in congress......they wanted his support on something and he wanted this it was done....
The resolution was based on what the founding fathers wrote. Like I said before had they not written the admissions themselves you would have a point. However, since they did admit this way back in the 1700's your post fails as a valid rebuttal to the facts.
If the founding fathers had really been thinking they would have sent all the slaves to Africa, avoiding that nasty Civil War and subsequent unending racial strife. That would address all your socio/cultural concerns.
That would have been best for Blacks but for the US it would have been bad news. The US would just be a penal outpost to this day. Without Blacks there would have been no way the US would have developed into an economic power. However, it seems your emotions have led you to deflect on your own thread again. Can you stay on point even though you are having a hard time convincing me.?
No way? Are you kidding? As if there's ever been a shortage of cheap imported labor.
We know from documentation that they tried NA's and even other whites as slaves. They couldnt get it done even with their superior western culture.
Pretty much every indigenous society on every continent. Lets start with the Americas. The NA's culture was great example of that. Each member excelled to the best of their ability with the belief that their individual greatness benefited the society.
My favorites parts of the NA indigenous cultures was stealing the little girls from other tribes, eating your killed, and cutting out the hearts of people so the gods will be pleased.
Sounds like europe to me. Also sounds like the cannibalism that occurred in Jamestown.
Yes, in Europe people like cutting out the hearts of people so the Gods will be pleased, and stealing little girls for wives. And what people did 300 years ago has everything to do with what people do today. Again, your knowledge is vastly superior.
The real irony is that some people evidently believe they have objective opinions.

actually, the point is that your judgment is subjective so your judgment that one culture (your own in your opinion...meaning white christian culture) is superior than others.

which is laughable bigotry
I'll bet you're a Clinton supporter. They've been real busy lately trying to imply that Bernie Sanders is somehow tacitly racist. Sounds familiar to you.....doesn't it.

I don't think I've ever said Bernie is a racist. You are.

Try again.
Doesn't matter if you said it or not. If you are a Hilary supporter that's apparently what you believe.

you have no idea what I believe.
If you are voting for Hilary you obviously don't believe in anything.
The resolution was passed in 1988 ...not 1776.......and they did it in an act of Politically Correct theater on the urging of the only Indian in congress......they wanted his support on something and he wanted this it was done....
The resolution was based on what the founding fathers wrote. Like I said before had they not written the admissions themselves you would have a point. However, since they did admit this way back in the 1700's your post fails as a valid rebuttal to the facts.
If the founding fathers had really been thinking they would have sent all the slaves to Africa, avoiding that nasty Civil War and subsequent unending racial strife. That would address all your socio/cultural concerns.
That would have been best for Blacks but for the US it would have been bad news. The US would just be a penal outpost to this day. Without Blacks there would have been no way the US would have developed into an economic power. However, it seems your emotions have led you to deflect on your own thread again. Can you stay on point even though you are having a hard time convincing me.?
No way? Are you kidding? As if there's ever been a shortage of cheap imported labor.
We know from documentation that they tried NA's and even other whites as slaves. They couldnt get it done even with their superior western culture.
I had no idea that was a measure of achievement.
Pretty much every indigenous society on every continent. Lets start with the Americas. The NA's culture was great example of that. Each member excelled to the best of their ability with the belief that their individual greatness benefited the society.
My favorites parts of the NA indigenous cultures was stealing the little girls from other tribes, eating your killed, and cutting out the hearts of people so the gods will be pleased.
Sounds like europe to me. Also sounds like the cannibalism that occurred in Jamestown.
Yes, in Europe people like cutting out the hearts of people so the Gods will be pleased, and stealing little girls for wives. And what people did 300 years ago has everything to do with what people do today. Again, your knowledge is vastly superior.
How about eating each other in the colonies because with their superior western culture they didnt have the knowledge or foresight to equip themselves for the winter? Yes what people did 300 years ago has a great impact on what people do today. You dont have to fawn to let me know you appreciate my knowledge but I thank you anyway.
The resolution was based on what the founding fathers wrote. Like I said before had they not written the admissions themselves you would have a point. However, since they did admit this way back in the 1700's your post fails as a valid rebuttal to the facts.
If the founding fathers had really been thinking they would have sent all the slaves to Africa, avoiding that nasty Civil War and subsequent unending racial strife. That would address all your socio/cultural concerns.
That would have been best for Blacks but for the US it would have been bad news. The US would just be a penal outpost to this day. Without Blacks there would have been no way the US would have developed into an economic power. However, it seems your emotions have led you to deflect on your own thread again. Can you stay on point even though you are having a hard time convincing me.?
No way? Are you kidding? As if there's ever been a shortage of cheap imported labor.
We know from documentation that they tried NA's and even other whites as slaves. They couldnt get it done even with their superior western culture.
I had no idea that was a measure of achievement.
I would think it was a failure that europeans didnt have the ability to provide their own labor. That western culture must not have believed in hard work and the pride that comes from building something themselves. It seems that western culture taught them to be lazy and force others by rationalizing class and race to achieve their ends. I guess they thought that was the hallmark of achievement according to western culture.
Pretty much every indigenous society on every continent. Lets start with the Americas. The NA's culture was great example of that. Each member excelled to the best of their ability with the belief that their individual greatness benefited the society.
My favorites parts of the NA indigenous cultures was stealing the little girls from other tribes, eating your killed, and cutting out the hearts of people so the gods will be pleased.
Sounds like europe to me. Also sounds like the cannibalism that occurred in Jamestown.
Yes, in Europe people like cutting out the hearts of people so the Gods will be pleased, and stealing little girls for wives. And what people did 300 years ago has everything to do with what people do today. Again, your knowledge is vastly superior.
How about eating each other in the colonies because with their superior western culture they didnt have the knowledge or foresight to equip themselves for the winter? Yes what people did 300 years ago has a great impact on what people do today. You dont have to fawn to let me know you appreciate my knowledge but I thank you anyway.
Yes, a human BBQ resturant just opened up near me. The flavor is to die for. Again, your vast insight into Western Culture is truely outstanding.
If the founding fathers had really been thinking they would have sent all the slaves to Africa, avoiding that nasty Civil War and subsequent unending racial strife. That would address all your socio/cultural concerns.
That would have been best for Blacks but for the US it would have been bad news. The US would just be a penal outpost to this day. Without Blacks there would have been no way the US would have developed into an economic power. However, it seems your emotions have led you to deflect on your own thread again. Can you stay on point even though you are having a hard time convincing me.?
No way? Are you kidding? As if there's ever been a shortage of cheap imported labor.
We know from documentation that they tried NA's and even other whites as slaves. They couldnt get it done even with their superior western culture.
I had no idea that was a measure of achievement.
I would think it was a failure that europeans didnt have the ability to provide their own labor. That western culture must not have believed in hard work and the pride that comes from building something themselves. It seems that western culture taught them to be lazy and force others by rationalizing class and race to achieve their ends. I guess they thought that was the hallmark of achievement according to western culture.
Can you name the culture that didn't use slave labor?
Pretty much every indigenous society on every continent. Lets start with the Americas. The NA's culture was great example of that. Each member excelled to the best of their ability with the belief that their individual greatness benefited the society.
My favorites parts of the NA indigenous cultures was stealing the little girls from other tribes, eating your killed, and cutting out the hearts of people so the gods will be pleased.
Sounds like europe to me. Also sounds like the cannibalism that occurred in Jamestown.
Yes, in Europe people like cutting out the hearts of people so the Gods will be pleased, and stealing little girls for wives. And what people did 300 years ago has everything to do with what people do today. Again, your knowledge is vastly superior.
How about eating each other in the colonies because with their superior western culture they didnt have the knowledge or foresight to equip themselves for the winter? Yes what people did 300 years ago has a great impact on what people do today. You dont have to fawn to let me know you appreciate my knowledge but I thank you anyway.
Yes, a human BBQ resturant just opened up near me. The flavor is to die for. Again, your vast insight into Western Culture is truely outstanding.
Did a relative of Dahmer open it or is this a new cannibal?
That would have been best for Blacks but for the US it would have been bad news. The US would just be a penal outpost to this day. Without Blacks there would have been no way the US would have developed into an economic power. However, it seems your emotions have led you to deflect on your own thread again. Can you stay on point even though you are having a hard time convincing me.?
No way? Are you kidding? As if there's ever been a shortage of cheap imported labor.
We know from documentation that they tried NA's and even other whites as slaves. They couldnt get it done even with their superior western culture.
I had no idea that was a measure of achievement.
I would think it was a failure that europeans didnt have the ability to provide their own labor. That western culture must not have believed in hard work and the pride that comes from building something themselves. It seems that western culture taught them to be lazy and force others by rationalizing class and race to achieve their ends. I guess they thought that was the hallmark of achievement according to western culture.
Can you name the culture that didn't use slave labor?
I can name plenty of cultures that didnt use chattel slavery in direct contradiction to their western cultural values. Why do you ask?
No way? Are you kidding? As if there's ever been a shortage of cheap imported labor.
We know from documentation that they tried NA's and even other whites as slaves. They couldnt get it done even with their superior western culture.
I had no idea that was a measure of achievement.
I would think it was a failure that europeans didnt have the ability to provide their own labor. That western culture must not have believed in hard work and the pride that comes from building something themselves. It seems that western culture taught them to be lazy and force others by rationalizing class and race to achieve their ends. I guess they thought that was the hallmark of achievement according to western culture.
Can you name the culture that didn't use slave labor?
I can name plenty of cultures that didnt use chattel slavery. Why do you ask?
Please feel free to do so.
My favorites parts of the NA indigenous cultures was stealing the little girls from other tribes, eating your killed, and cutting out the hearts of people so the gods will be pleased.
Sounds like europe to me. Also sounds like the cannibalism that occurred in Jamestown.
Yes, in Europe people like cutting out the hearts of people so the Gods will be pleased, and stealing little girls for wives. And what people did 300 years ago has everything to do with what people do today. Again, your knowledge is vastly superior.
How about eating each other in the colonies because with their superior western culture they didnt have the knowledge or foresight to equip themselves for the winter? Yes what people did 300 years ago has a great impact on what people do today. You dont have to fawn to let me know you appreciate my knowledge but I thank you anyway.
Yes, a human BBQ resturant just opened up near me. The flavor is to die for. Again, your vast insight into Western Culture is truely outstanding.
Did a relative of Dahmer open it or is this a new cannibal?
Ah yes. We all know of the Donner party 170 years ago because what happened is so common and widely accepted in Western Culture.
We know from documentation that they tried NA's and even other whites as slaves. They couldnt get it done even with their superior western culture.
I had no idea that was a measure of achievement.
I would think it was a failure that europeans didnt have the ability to provide their own labor. That western culture must not have believed in hard work and the pride that comes from building something themselves. It seems that western culture taught them to be lazy and force others by rationalizing class and race to achieve their ends. I guess they thought that was the hallmark of achievement according to western culture.
Can you name the culture that didn't use slave labor?
I can name plenty of cultures that didnt use chattel slavery. Why do you ask?
Please feel free to do so.
Pretty much every culture except those that practiced western culture. Why do you ask?
Sounds like europe to me. Also sounds like the cannibalism that occurred in Jamestown.
Yes, in Europe people like cutting out the hearts of people so the Gods will be pleased, and stealing little girls for wives. And what people did 300 years ago has everything to do with what people do today. Again, your knowledge is vastly superior.
How about eating each other in the colonies because with their superior western culture they didnt have the knowledge or foresight to equip themselves for the winter? Yes what people did 300 years ago has a great impact on what people do today. You dont have to fawn to let me know you appreciate my knowledge but I thank you anyway.
Yes, a human BBQ resturant just opened up near me. The flavor is to die for. Again, your vast insight into Western Culture is truely outstanding.
Did a relative of Dahmer open it or is this a new cannibal?
Ah yes. We all know of the Donner party 170 years ago because what happened is so common and widely accepted in Western Culture.
You made a reading error. I said Dahmer not Donner but thanks for the reminder. Many people that practice western culture say they would have done the same thing.