Are Republicans "Pressure Testing" our Democratic Institutions?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Are Republicans "Pressure Testing" our Democratic Institutions?

Gerrymandering and attacking voting rights

Anti Civil Rights

Tax Cuts for billionaires who bought politicians

Protecting a president who is engaging in:

Using the government to make money
Putting family members into the White House

Creating massive debt

Undermining US Intelligence agencies

Trashing US Treaties

Making enemies of our former friends

Cozying up to dangerous dictators and authoritarians
Are Republicans "Pressure Testing" our Democratic Institutions?

Gerrymandering and attacking voting rights

Anti Civil Rights

Tax Cuts for billionaires who bought politicians

Protecting a president who is engaging in:

Using the government to make money
Putting family members into the White House

Creating massive debt

Undermining US Intelligence agencies

Trashing US Treaties

Making enemies of our former friends

Cozying up to dangerous dictators and authoritarians

This is a moment isn't it, where a true batshit Republican in the white house is held to no accountability by the Republicans in Congress and I think they and the money behind them are getting a feel for how authoritarianism here could take hold with the least opposition. They know for sure that demographics will render Republicans nearly unelectable in the near future with their extremely narrow vision that came right out of the 1890s. They also are watching the attacks on unions across the board with great glee, something the lecherous far right wealthy have wanted to do away with for a hundred years.
The country will survive, and after the fool is gone, we can pick ourselves up and return to a sane government. Hopefully we will have learned to never allow such a crook to become president again. That looks like the only good thing Trump-0 is capable of doing for our country.
Are you ever going to explain why you lied about Trump’s deferments? Or are you going to just pretend you never lied? Is it cool for a five time draft dodger to talk to military families about their sacrifice?
Lied? When you claim to have bone spurs but then engage in all kinds of athletics?
Someone lied all right. But it wasn't me.

You said in the title he was a five time draft dodger. An obvious lie. Four deferments were student deferments. The exact same deferments that every male in college got. Are you saying every student in every university was a draft dodger jackass? You lied.
Are you ever going to explain why you lied about Trump’s deferments? Or are you going to just pretend you never lied? Is it cool for a five time draft dodger to talk to military families about their sacrifice?
Lied? When you claim to have bone spurs but then engage in all kinds of athletics?
Someone lied all right. But it wasn't me.

You said in the title he was a five time draft dodger. An obvious lie. Four deferments were student deferments. The exact same deferments that every male in college got. Are you saying every student in every university was a draft dodger jackass? You lied.

There is a difference between an educational deferment and a medical deferment. Bone spurs were used as an excuse after his others were played out.
Are you ever going to explain why you lied about Trump’s deferments? Or are you going to just pretend you never lied? Is it cool for a five time draft dodger to talk to military families about their sacrifice?
Lied? When you claim to have bone spurs but then engage in all kinds of athletics?
Someone lied all right. But it wasn't me.
Many young athletes get bone spurs, especially multi-sport athletes like Trump.

That's not draft dodging, that's being rejected because the coaches overworked their athletes.
Are Republicans "Pressure Testing" our Democratic Institutions?

Gerrymandering and attacking voting rights

Anti Civil Rights

Tax Cuts for billionaires who bought politicians

Protecting a president who is engaging in:

Using the government to make money
Putting family members into the White House

Creating massive debt

Undermining US Intelligence agencies

Trashing US Treaties

Making enemies of our former friends

Cozying up to dangerous dictators and authoritarians
A floating turd. That piece of shit that does not disappear the first flush. That is the the OP. No links. Just random bullshit.
‘Are Republicans "Pressure Testing" our Democratic Institutions?’

No, most are just exhibiting their contempt for our democratic institutions.

‘Pressure test’ would imply ensuring our democrat institutions are strong enough to withstand abuse – but most on the right seek to undermine those institutions.
What democratic institutions would those be ?

What is it that feeling the pressure ?

Let's get clear here.

The left loves institutions like the EPA.

Are they worried.
Are Republicans "Pressure Testing" our Democratic Institutions?

Gerrymandering and attacking voting rights

Anti Civil Rights

Tax Cuts for billionaires who bought politicians

Protecting a president who is engaging in:

Using the government to make money
Putting family members into the White House

Creating massive debt

Undermining US Intelligence agencies

Trashing US Treaties

Making enemies of our former friends

Cozying up to dangerous dictators and authoritarians

Yeah, those really are not institutions....far be it from me to expect you to know the difference.

Most of what describe above is Obama to a fault.

Good job.

Only problem....obama is a left winger......
Are Republicans "Pressure Testing" our Democratic Institutions?

Gerrymandering and attacking voting rights

Anti Civil Rights

Tax Cuts for billionaires who bought politicians

Protecting a president who is engaging in:

Using the government to make money
Putting family members into the White House

Creating massive debt

Undermining US Intelligence agencies

Trashing US Treaties

Making enemies of our former friends

Cozying up to dangerous dictators and authoritarians

Both political entities are guilty of this behavior.

Someone was saying something about love of power and proneness to abuse it. Washington, I believe.

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