Are parents too overprotective nowadays?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
I live in a middle class neighborhood full of police, paramedics, and ex military. Most of them seemed real protective. I knew a parent who wouldn't let their teen daughter watch anything above a g rating.

I live in a semi rural suburban area.

Back in the 2000s I have heard of all American jocks who loved violent video games, partying, and lesbian porn as well as popular girls who loved trashy romance novels and teen shows. They also had loads of Barbies.

I hope somewhere out there is a perfect upper middle class family who have a jock who loves video games like these

and sometimes plays the Sims just for this

yet still has a high GPA, a decent social life, involved in sports, and is on track to being accepted by a good college with the goal of being a scientist, businessman, or military officer.

and a beautiful daughter who likes steamy romance novels

teen shows

and has a collection of high end Barbies

and is on the road to attending a good college with the goal of working in the corporate world or becoming a lawyer.

Make the 2000s great again!
Are parents too overprotective nowadays?

In some ways yes and in others, no.

The ARE too overprotective when it comes to letting their kids go play or walk to school.

They are NOT too overprotective when it comes to shielding them from the perversity in the media and on the web.

I believe that if it is at all possible that parents should Home School. The schools are too corrupt with their liberal messages.
Kids are the ones we need protection from. Freaking little entitled prescription drug addicts....
In my opinion, they may not be protective enough. First, enough with the abortion picture and then second, enough with hearing about kids being left for dead due to their being unsupervised. If they aren't being left to drowned in swimming pools or being dragged away by wild animals, they are being left to suffocate inside hot vehicles.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Let us not forget about them being left in the hands of irresponsible baby sitters, which just may be the worst thing. When parents are in need of someone to watch their kids while they work or do other things, is there anyone out there who they can really trust?
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