Are Old People Killing the GOP?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Are old people killing the GOP? - The Week

Looks like the former Grand Old Party has become just the Old Party

Support from older voters could be crucial in this year's mid-term elections. But will the aging of the party make it harder for Republicans to win down the road?

Republicans have sold out at their peril: "Elderly voters...have come running back to the GOP in the last year," says Daniel Larison in American Conservative, because the Republicans have painted health reform as a threat to Medicare. Unfortunately, becoming the "defenders" of a gigantic entitlement program for the elderly -- "at the expense of our future" -- is not the way to endear the GOP to tomorrow's voters.
"Losing the future"

If you're going to have a solid voting block, this is the one to have: "You can win an awful lot of elections just by mobilizing the over-65 constituency," says Ross Douthat in The New York Times. They vote, "and there are more of them every day." But the GOP can't just abandon its commitment to limited government. The trick will be figuring out how to keep the elderly happy and rein in Medicare spending -- an economic necessity -- at the same time.
"The party of AARP"

The elderly alone aren't enough to sustain the GOP: "In the long run," says Kevin Drum in Mother Jones, "this is a disaster not just for small-government conservatives but for the GOP as well." Republicans have driven away younger voters, "blacks, Hispanics, and virtually the entire Northeast." They'll find out soon enough that the "white South and the elderly" aren't enough to sustain a national political party.
"An old party getting even older"
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Its a shrinking party and will continue to shrink until it comes up with NEW ideas that have not already failed and caused massive debt, wars for profit and twice crashed the world economy.

New Ideas guys.

That is the ONLY way your party will survive.

Old failed ideas will not carry you into the future.
I don't think old people are killing the GOP, but I do think its death will be one of attrition; when they die, the GOP will go with them.
I wonder if this just inane musings or greasing the skids for Death Panels.

More like the mindless musings of people who are incapable of independent thought so they just post the opinions of others.

The dwindling demographics of the GOP is a legitimate concern of anyone who wants the party to remain viable in the next 20 years.
AARP is the largest and most influential street gang in America.
Today, poverty wears a diaper.
I wonder if this just inane musings or greasing the skids for Death Panels.

More like the mindless musings of people who are incapable of independent thought so they just post the opinions of others.

The dwindling demographics of the GOP is a legitimate concern of anyone who wants the party to remain viable in the next 20 years.

The latest generic poll showed they're winning against Democrats 47% to 44%.

April 1, 2010
Republicans Move Ahead in 2010 Vote for Congress
Hold 47% to 44% advantage in registered voters' preferences
by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- Registered voters now say they prefer the Republican to the Democratic candidate in their district by 47% to 44% in the midterm congressional elections, the first time the GOP has led in 2010 election preferences since Gallup began weekly tracking of these in March.
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AARP is the largest and most influential street gang in America.
Today, poverty wears a diaper.

True and this demographic is changing.

In a few short years who is in this category will be completely different and have different political motives than the people who are in this category at present.

The GOP is the party of the past generation.
Oh the GOP never has trouble finding young blood to take over the franchise.

They just hire their sons and inlaws as consultants to get them up to speed.

The Dems?

Same deal.
wow, this thread is amazing. I guess this is what it is to be a Progressive, talking about your old people in Society as if they are just a bag of skin.

This is PROGRESS folks.
Its a shrinking party and will continue to shrink until it comes up with NEW ideas that have not already failed and caused massive debt, wars for profit and twice crashed the world economy.

New Ideas guys.

That is the ONLY way your party will survive.

Old failed ideas will not carry you into the future.

The Shrinking GOP... you know.. the party that has shrunk so much it can only win elections in Massachusetts, New Jersey ... two big time Democratic states.
AARP is the largest and most influential street gang in America.
Today, poverty wears a diaper.

True and this demographic is changing.

In a few short years who is in this category will be completely different and have different political motives than the people who are in this category at present.

The GOP is the party of the past generation.

The current GOP is. 8 years of Bush, a man that was a second away from appointing Ken Lay as Secretary of Energy, tells the entire story.
Obama is Exhibit A of why the Democratic party has to change also.
Throwing 60% of the entire budget in 6 years to seniors will bankrupt the country.
WAKE UP Americans.
Its a shrinking party and will continue to shrink until it comes up with NEW ideas that have not already failed and caused massive debt, wars for profit and twice crashed the world economy.

New Ideas guys.

That is the ONLY way your party will survive.

Old failed ideas will not carry you into the future.

The Shrinking GOP... you know.. the party that has shrunk so much it can only win elections in Massachusetts, New Jersey ... two big time Democratic states.

Hush....they may be off their meds today....or they may be on them.

Fact is they haven't a clue.
wow, this thread is amazing. I guess this is what it is to be a Progressive, talking about your old people in Society as if they are just a bag of skin.

This is PROGRESS folks.

Emote much? People die, and when they, as a demographic, have harmful ideas, or solutions based on the past that don't apply to the present, their ideas should naturally die with them. When they INSIST on making themselves a hindrance to the future because of their obsession with arguments well past, it is only natural that the ones who will live with the policy set forward in the present would wish they would go shopping...or fishing...or to bingo, and leave governing to those who will live with the consequences. There is no reason outdated and harmful ideas should live on past their owners. It is hubris of the first water that make (some of, and the most powerful some of) the elderly want to live forever through policy imposed on the young.

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