Are Democrats Planning To Steal The Impeachment?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Are Democrats Planning To Steal The Impeachment?
Are Democrats planning to steal the impeachment? (
12 Feb 2021 ~~ By Chris Hernandez

The tumultuous wake of the crime of the millennium, aka the irrefutable theft of the 2020 Presidential election, has left millions of Americans outraged and incredulous. In a land where justice for all has been a daily pledge of its citizenry and politicians for decades on end, patriots find themselves supine and bewildered by a thickly woven mat of corruption, deftly yanked from beneath their feet. Could it be that those very same perpetrators are preparing to kick Americans while they’re down and spit on them for good measure, thus adding insult to injury in the form of impeachment fraud?
All the hallmarks of their original heinousness are there. Note, for example, Fox News’ preemptive propagandizing, eerily evocative of an election night back stab that cost them a paltry 40% of their viewership. Meanwhile, the usual mob of mainstream media outlets are up to their old tricks, bum rushing any and everyone with their fake facts and false narratives, rearing back to hit people over the head, just as they did prior to the election with their over-weighted polls.
Video evidence be damned, anti-Trump political partisans easily duck and weave the frail counter punches to their attacks, impervious to such volleys. The legal groundwork for a second assault has even been laid in the same manner as with the election, allowing the attackers to sidestep, or simply trample over existing law with ad hoc distortions and misinterpretations.
On election night Trump supporters were standing tall, confident that their cause was righteous and truth would inevitably render them victorious. Still, they were unprepared for the impending sucker punch that would leave them doubled over in agony and gasping for air. At just the right moment, RINOs cunningly charged forth from the marshy undergrowth and bowled over hapless Trumpists sending them reeling, and there’s no reason to believe there do not exist more members of their herd lurking in wait to repeat the vicious tactic. Once again, gluttons for punishment in anti-impeachment camp are sanguinely remounting their high horse, utterly unprepared for yet another low blow.
Practically speaking, Trump poses no threat to a party that increasingly rules the country with an iron fist of absolute power. The 2024 election is an eternity away in such circumstances, and any Vegas odds maker worth a penny would not be wasting time contemplating the odds of whether Trump might win the epic rematch that would be the next election. Astute gamblers would certainly find it more profitable to spend their time calculating the likelihood that there will even be one.

Unless Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats can come up with a giant Gotcha moment they will not be able to vote to convict, failing be rid of Trump.
The corrupt quisling media will announce Trump’s been convicted before the Senate's vote. Then Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats will announce he’s been convicted because the media has said so.
Is it too late for Schumer and Leahy to move the goal posts before the Senate votes?
This is a heads up that what happened on election night and WILL happen again. The author points out that people who can see their way clear to stealing votes in plain sight and get perfectly completely absolutely away with it, KNOW going forward that they can get away with ANYTHING.
When you steal the clown show, you’re left with nothing but laughs. Congress = Barnum & Bailey
Yes, the Marxists are going to steal the Impeachment just like the election. They did 9/11 too.

They're putting Flouride in your children's drinking water for mind control. Alex Jones uncovered this years ago. blah blah blah, Democrats bad, blah blah projection.
Yes, the Marxists are going to steal the Impeachment just like the election. They did 9/11 too.

They're putting Flouride in your children's drinking water for mind control. Alex Jones uncovered this years ago. blah blah blah, Democrats bad, blah blah projection.
I bet the stimulus money has covid on it!?
well the Stimulus money that was signed by Trump last April actually had honey on it. But the new Stimulus checks mailed out by Uncle Joe will have anthrax
The author points out that people who can see their way clear to stealing votes in plain sight and get perfectly completely absolutely away with it, KNOW going forward that they can get away with ANYTHING.

If they can get you to believe that, they can get you to believe anything.

Are Democrats Planning To Steal The Impeachment?
Are Democrats planning to steal the impeachment? (
12 Feb 2021 ~~ By Chris Hernandez

The tumultuous wake of the crime of the millennium, aka the irrefutable theft of the 2020 Presidential election, has left millions of Americans outraged and incredulous. In a land where justice for all has been a daily pledge of its citizenry and politicians for decades on end, patriots find themselves supine and bewildered by a thickly woven mat of corruption, deftly yanked from beneath their feet. Could it be that those very same perpetrators are preparing to kick Americans while they’re down and spit on them for good measure, thus adding insult to injury in the form of impeachment fraud?
All the hallmarks of their original heinousness are there. Note, for example, Fox News’ preemptive propagandizing, eerily evocative of an election night back stab that cost them a paltry 40% of their viewership. Meanwhile, the usual mob of mainstream media outlets are up to their old tricks, bum rushing any and everyone with their fake facts and false narratives, rearing back to hit people over the head, just as they did prior to the election with their over-weighted polls.
Video evidence be damned, anti-Trump political partisans easily duck and weave the frail counter punches to their attacks, impervious to such volleys. The legal groundwork for a second assault has even been laid in the same manner as with the election, allowing the attackers to sidestep, or simply trample over existing law with ad hoc distortions and misinterpretations.
On election night Trump supporters were standing tall, confident that their cause was righteous and truth would inevitably render them victorious. Still, they were unprepared for the impending sucker punch that would leave them doubled over in agony and gasping for air. At just the right moment, RINOs cunningly charged forth from the marshy undergrowth and bowled over hapless Trumpists sending them reeling, and there’s no reason to believe there do not exist more members of their herd lurking in wait to repeat the vicious tactic. Once again, gluttons for punishment in anti-impeachment camp are sanguinely remounting their high horse, utterly unprepared for yet another low blow.
Practically speaking, Trump poses no threat to a party that increasingly rules the country with an iron fist of absolute power. The 2024 election is an eternity away in such circumstances, and any Vegas odds maker worth a penny would not be wasting time contemplating the odds of whether Trump might win the epic rematch that would be the next election. Astute gamblers would certainly find it more profitable to spend their time calculating the likelihood that there will even be one.

Unless Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats can come up with a giant Gotcha moment they will not be able to vote to convict, failing be rid of Trump.
The corrupt quisling media will announce Trump’s been convicted before the Senate's vote. Then Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats will announce he’s been convicted because the media has said so.
Is it too late for Schumer and Leahy to move the goal posts before the Senate votes?
This is a heads up that what happened on election night and WILL happen again. The author points out that people who can see their way clear to stealing votes in plain sight and get perfectly completely absolutely away with it, KNOW going forward that they can get away with ANYTHING.
When you steal the clown show, you’re left with nothing but laughs. Congress = Barnum & Bailey
There are no more elections and no more rules and no more protocol. Demmunists have overthrown this country. Elections are now contrived formalities and Pravda will propagate.
30 years after winning the Cold War, the ensuing generation of brainwashed dupes and their brainwashers have forfeited.
Are Democrats Planning To Steal The Impeachment?
Are Democrats planning to steal the impeachment? (
12 Feb 2021 ~~ By Chris Hernandez

The tumultuous wake of the crime of the millennium, aka the irrefutable theft of the 2020 Presidential election, has left millions of Americans outraged and incredulous. In a land where justice for all has been a daily pledge of its citizenry and politicians for decades on end, patriots find themselves supine and bewildered by a thickly woven mat of corruption, deftly yanked from beneath their feet. Could it be that those very same perpetrators are preparing to kick Americans while they’re down and spit on them for good measure, thus adding insult to injury in the form of impeachment fraud?
All the hallmarks of their original heinousness are there. Note, for example, Fox News’ preemptive propagandizing, eerily evocative of an election night back stab that cost them a paltry 40% of their viewership. Meanwhile, the usual mob of mainstream media outlets are up to their old tricks, bum rushing any and everyone with their fake facts and false narratives, rearing back to hit people over the head, just as they did prior to the election with their over-weighted polls.
Video evidence be damned, anti-Trump political partisans easily duck and weave the frail counter punches to their attacks, impervious to such volleys. The legal groundwork for a second assault has even been laid in the same manner as with the election, allowing the attackers to sidestep, or simply trample over existing law with ad hoc distortions and misinterpretations.
On election night Trump supporters were standing tall, confident that their cause was righteous and truth would inevitably render them victorious. Still, they were unprepared for the impending sucker punch that would leave them doubled over in agony and gasping for air. At just the right moment, RINOs cunningly charged forth from the marshy undergrowth and bowled over hapless Trumpists sending them reeling, and there’s no reason to believe there do not exist more members of their herd lurking in wait to repeat the vicious tactic. Once again, gluttons for punishment in anti-impeachment camp are sanguinely remounting their high horse, utterly unprepared for yet another low blow.
Practically speaking, Trump poses no threat to a party that increasingly rules the country with an iron fist of absolute power. The 2024 election is an eternity away in such circumstances, and any Vegas odds maker worth a penny would not be wasting time contemplating the odds of whether Trump might win the epic rematch that would be the next election. Astute gamblers would certainly find it more profitable to spend their time calculating the likelihood that there will even be one.

Unless Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats can come up with a giant Gotcha moment they will not be able to vote to convict, failing be rid of Trump.
The corrupt quisling media will announce Trump’s been convicted before the Senate's vote. Then Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats will announce he’s been convicted because the media has said so.
Is it too late for Schumer and Leahy to move the goal posts before the Senate votes?
This is a heads up that what happened on election night and WILL happen again. The author points out that people who can see their way clear to stealing votes in plain sight and get perfectly completely absolutely away with it, KNOW going forward that they can get away with ANYTHING.
When you steal the clown show, you’re left with nothing but laughs. Congress = Barnum & Bailey
I am pretty sure we are rid of trump as a candidate now, pass or fail. Too bad, your party had to go down with it. Republicans, the party of enablers will not see a presidency for 16 years and that is if they survive as a party. What a shame. They were a good balancing force in the country until they determined party was more important than country.

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